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What Is It?:

This webpage's primary feature is to function as an aggregator for upcoming academic talks at the University of Rochester available for students and faculty. Each entry in the table documents a seminar's date, time, speaker, department, lecture topic, food provided, and location. Lectures that have already occured are automatically removed from the table. The site also permits users to add new lectures to the main table. Additionally, the site allows users to choose lectures, add them to their respective google calanders, view the location of the lecture on an integrated map, view the occupancy of the venue, the rating of the speaker, the subject popularity, and the estimated attendance. This information gives users enough details to decide exactly which lectures will be worth their time, given their individual desires.


  1. Front-end list for seminar information;
  2. Back-end mySQL database for storing seminars;
  3. Easy export to Google Calendar;
  4. Embedded Google Map, easy to navigate;
  5. Estimating seminar information including: room capacity,speaker prominance rating, estimated attendance and etc.

How Do I Use It?

The module consists of three web pages. The main page, found here, contains the most important component, listing seminars by the designations described above. These features, crucially, are able to be sorted by date, time, department, speaker information, food availability, and location, as mentioned above.

A key feature of the homepage is that a simple click on an event will pop up a window with its geographical location on the University of Rochester campus. This window also contains the aforementioned details of the event. Furthermore, through this interface, if a user is interested, he can add the event to his directly to his Google calender with 1-click.

The last feature is a large map of the University of Rochester campus, located at the top right of the homepage, in order to give a larger-scale bearing for a user or new student who is not familiar with the geography of the University.

Seminar info is user-submitted, and this portal can be accessed through the intuitive "Add a seminar" button, located centrally in the page, as well as the "Add Seminar" button in the index at the top right-hand corner of the page. Seminars are automatically deleted the day after they have occured.

Version Updates/Log:

  • 10-11: Initial front-end and back-end established: List of seminar information;
  • 10-12: Graphical tweaks, code maintenance.
  • 10-13: Add map page, graphical tweaks, sorting for seminar list;
  • 10-14: Made seminars in list clickable. Modal popup with calendar export button and additional seminar info.


Authors: Mitchell Gordon, Lukas Slipski, Michael Shteyn, Jianbo Yuan

If you find a bug that requires attention, or have any other inquiries about the functionality of the site, please feel free to contact Mitchell Gordon

Wizard of oz features:

  • The "Add to calendar" button and map displayed when clicking on a seminar are currently a hard-coded and do not change to reflect the actual seminar clikced on.
  • Estimated attandence and related statsitcs are also currently hard-coded.

Copyright (C) 2013.