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180 lines (137 loc) · 6.18 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (137 loc) · 6.18 KB

html-explorer - HTML page explorer

html-explorer extracts main information from a HTML page.

Currently it extracts:

  • Page meta:
    • title
    • description
    • keywords
    • canonical
    • feeds
  • Main images - a ordered list of images;
  • Main videos - a ordered list of videos;
  • Page content - main page content/article;
  • Page encoding;


var explorer = require('html-explorer');
  // page object

Result structure

  • url (String) - input url param;

  • href (String) - server response url;

  • canonical (String) - page canonical;

  • title (String);

  • description (String);

  • keywords (String);

  • content (String);

  • encoding (String): utf8, windows-1251, iso-8859-2, etc.;

  • feeds ([Feed]) - list of feeds:

    • title (String);
    • href (String) - feed url;
  • images ([Image]) - a list of images:

    • src (String) - image src;
    • viewWidth (Number) - image view width if founded;
    • viewHeight (Number);
    • width (Number) - real image width;
    • height (Number);
    • alt (String);
    • title (String);
    • rating (Number) - count of words matching page title words;
    • type (String) - (only if identify option is true) - can be: bmp, gif, jpg, png, psd, svg, tiff or webp;
    • data (Buffer) - (only if identify option is true) - image data.
  • videos ([Video]) - a list of videos:

    • sourceType (String) - video source type: URL, YOUTUBE, VIMEO or IFRAME;
    • sourceId (String) - depends of sourceType: url or source id;
    • width (Number) - video width;
    • height (Number) - video height;


explorer.explore(url, [options])

Explores an url.


  • page - html page options:

    • timeout (Number) [5000] - request timeout;
    • headers (Object) [{}]- request headers;
    • canonical (Boolean) [true] - find or not;
    • feeds (Boolean|Function) - find or not, function for validating a feed;
    • validator (Function) [noop] - Validates page after exploring info, throw an error if invalid;
    • html (Boolean|String) [false] - Return HTML text or not. If is string it will be used as remote HTML body;
    • lang (String) - page language 2 chars code;
  • content (Boolean|Object) - content options:

    • filter (Boolean|Object):
      • minLine: (Number) [50] - accepted minimum line length;
      • minPhrase: (Number) [100] - accepted minimum phrase length;
      • phraseEndRegex: (Regex) default: /[.!?:;¡¿%]$/ - end phrase puctuation regex;
      • phraseEnd: (Boolean) [false] - require phrase to end with a puctuation;
      • maxInvalidLines: (Number) [3] - maximum consecutive invalid lines;
      • minScore: (Number) [0.3] - min in text search score: 0 to 1;
  • images (Boolean|Object) - images explorer options:

    • limit (Number) [5] - maximum number of images to return;
    • filter (Object):
      • minViewHeight (Number) [180] - accepted minimum image view height;
      • minViewWidth (Number) [220] - accepted minimum image view width;
      • minHeight (Number) [200] - accepted minimum image height;
      • minWidth (Number) [250] - accepted minimum image width;
      • minRating (Number) [0] - accepted minimum image rating(...);
      • minRatio (Number) [null] - accepted minimum image ratio (ratio=width/height);
      • maxRatio (Number) [null] - accepted maximum image ratio;
      • invalidRatio (Number | [Number]) [1] - example: value [1] will exclude all images with width=height;
      • invalidExtensions ([String]) [gif, png] - invalid image extensions;
      • src (RegExp) [see source code] - invalidate image by SRC;
      • extraSrc (RegExp) - invalidate image by SRC;
      • cssClass (RegExp) - filter image by its css class;
      • types (String|[String]) - accepted image types (bmp, gif, jpg, png, psd, svg, tiff, webp), default: ['jpg'];
      • invalidTypes (String|[String]) - invalid image types;
    • identify (Boolean) [false] - identify image width, height and type by downloading data;
    • data (Boolean) [false] - set image data property. Works only if identify is true.
    • timeout (Number) [1000] - image downloading timeout, in ms.
  • video (Boolean|Object) - video explorer options:

    • limit (Number) [1] - maximum number or videos to return;
    • filter (Object):
      • minHeight (Number) [200] - accepted minimum image height;
      • minWidth (Number) [250] - accepted minimum image width;
      • minRatio (Number) [null] - accepted minimum image ratio (ratio=width/height);
      • maxRatio (Number) [null] - accepted maximum image ratio;
      • invalidRatio (Number | [Number]) [1] - example: value [1] will exclude all images with width=height;
      • src (RegExp) [see source code] - invalidate image by SRC;
      • extraSrc (RegExp) - invalidate image by SRC;
    • priority ([String]) - video source type priority - default: ['YOUTUBE', 'VIMEO', 'URL', 'IFRAME'];
    • customFinders ([Finder]) - a list of custom video fiders.


v0.1.12 - July 16, 2016

  • filter page content by relevancy score option;
  • added lang option;
  • using ascripe module instead of readability-js;
  • using in-text-search module;

v0.1.11 - August 16, 2016

  • find videos from known iframes

v0.1.9 - August 15, 2015

  • explore content with readability-js
  • fix videos explore bug

v0.1.6 - August 3, 2015

  • explore videos from microdata

v0.1.5 - August 3, 2015

  • filter page content
  • better encoding detection & add to the response object

v0.1.4 - August 2, 2015

  • tests
  • extracting page content
  • editorconfig, eslint

v0.1.2 - June 17, 2015

  • custom video finders
  • sort videos by priority option
  • head(og:video) video finder

v0.1.1 - June 13, 2015

  • decode page urls
  • image downloading timeout

v0.1.0 - May 30, 2015

  • detect embedded videos
  • better images order

v0.0.8 - May 29, 2015

  • detect charset from content-type response header
  • image filter: invalidRatio

v0.0.7 - May 22, 2015

  • filter images by view size - width & heigth detected in image attributes
  • merge images with same src