import subprocess as sp import re from collections import defaultdict __all__ = ['ArmBinary', 'X86Binary'] class Binary: _objdump_opts = [] def __init__(self, binary, prefix=''): self.binary = binary self.OBJDUMP_BIN = prefix + 'objdump' self.READELF_BIN = prefix + 'readelf' self.CPPFILT_BIN = prefix + 'c++filt' def get_callgraph(self): """Return adjacency list of all functions. Leaves are included. Self-references are excluded. Only direct calls are accounted for, indirect calls and storing a pointer to a function are not accounted for. """ cmd = [self.OBJDUMP_BIN, '-d'] + self._objdump_opts + [self.binary] f =, stdout=sp.PIPE, check=True).stdout g = defaultdict(set) rc = re.compile(r'<(.*?)>:') rb = re.compile(r'<([^+>]+)') current = None for l in f.decode('ascii').split('\n'): m = if m: current = g[current] continue fields = l.split('\t', 2) if len(fields) < 2: continue ia = fields[-1].split() instr = ia[0] trg = ia[-1] if self._is_branch(instr) and '<' in trg: target = if current != target: g[current].add(target) return g def get_symbol_sizes(self): f =[self.READELF_BIN, '-s', '-W', self.binary], stdout=sp.PIPE, check=True).stdout.decode('ascii').split('\n') res = dict() for l in f: l = l.split() if len(l) < 8: continue try: size = int(l[2]) name = l[7] res[name] = size except ValueError: continue return res def demangle(self, mangled): """For a list of mangled names, return a list of demangled names""" input = '\n'.join(mangled).encode('ascii') res =[self.CPPFILT_BIN], input=input, stdout=sp.PIPE, check=True) out = res.stdout.decode('ascii').split('\n') return out def demangle_map(self, mangled): """Return dict mapping mangled names to their unmangled names.""" return dict(zip(mangled, self.demangle(mangled))) class ArmBinary(Binary): _is = 'blx,bx,bl,b'.split(',') _cs = 'eq,ne,cs,hs,cc,lo,mi,pl,vs,vc,hi,ls,ge,lt,gt,le,'.split(',') _ws = '.n,.w,'.split(',') def __init__(self, binary, prefix='arm-none-eabi-'): super().__init__(binary, prefix=prefix) @staticmethod def _stripprefix(s, prefs): """If some element of `prefs` is a prefix of `s`, strip it and return the rest, otherwise return None. If `s` is None, return None (allows for monadic use). """ if s is None: return None if s == '': return s for p in prefs: if s.startswith(p): return s[len(p):] return None def _is_branch(self, i): """Return true if `i` is a branch instruction.""" i2 = self._stripprefix(i, self._is) i3 = self._stripprefix(i2, self._cs) i4 = self._stripprefix(i3, self._ws) return i4 == '' class X86Binary(Binary): _objdump_opts = ['-Mintel-mnemonics'] _is = 'jmp,je,jne,jg,jge,ja,jae,jl,jle,jb,jbe,jo,jno,jz,jnz,js,jns,call'.split(',') def _is_branch(self, i): return i in self._is