These are SCN4DN experiment scenarios and their corresponding scripts
This is a baseline scenario used as a reference for the rest of the experiments. This scenario includes
a Producer script (located in the folder Producer01) and a Consumer script (located in the folder Consumer).
The Producer script advertises ndn/gr/edu/mmlab1/%40GUEST/
name prefix. Initially, the Consumer
script sends an interest message for that prefix. The first that packet arrives that includes the content item's metadata.
These metadata indicate that the content item includes 10 chunks. Then, the Consumer script requests chunks one by one,
i.e., it requests the second chunk after the first chunk has arrived, and so forth.
This scenario experiments with the use of multiple sources (multisource), that are used simultaneously for receiving an item. For this experiment we extended our reference scenario to include another Producer (located in the folder Producer02). This producer advertises the same content item using a different name prefix, however the two content items are linked through their metadata. As in the reference scenario, the Consumer script sends an interest message for the prefix advertised by Producer01. The first packet that arrives includes the content item's metadata. These metadata indicate that the content item includes 10 chunks, as well as that the item has an alternative name. Then, the Consumer script requests half of the chunks using the original name, and at the same time it requests the rest of the chunks using the alternative name.
The requested item is received almost two times faster compared to the baseline scenario
This scenario experiments with the use of multisource to recover from network failures at the application layer. The setup of this experiment is the same as in scenario 1. However, in this experiment the Consumer script uses the alternative name as a backup solution. Producer01 is configured to stop responding to new interests after transmitting the 5th chunk. At this point, the corresponding interest 'times out' and the Consumer requests the rest of the chunks using the alternative name. The new interests are received by Producer02.
The Consumer starts receiving the requested item from Producer01. After receiving the fifth chuck a
exception occurs. Then the Consumer continues receiving the requested item from Producer02
This scenario experiments with the use of multiple paths (multipath) hat are used simultaneously for receiving an item. For this experiment the Producer advertises an item using two prefixes (prefix1 and prefix2). The consumer creates two faces (face1 and face2) with two different testbed nodes. Then, it registers a route towards prefix1 through face1 and a route towards prefix2 through face2. The consumer sends an interest message for prefix1. The first packet that arrives includes the content item's metadata. These metadata indicate that the content item includes 10 chunks, as well as that the item has an alternative name. Then, the Consumer script requests half of the chunks using the original name, and at the same time it requests the rest of the chunks using the alternative name.
Half of the chunks are requested through face1 and the rest through face2