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Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ)

This repository contains the official implementation of Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ) presented in our articles:

What is HQQ?

HQQ is a fast and accurate model quantizer that skips the need for calibration data. Quantize the largest models, without calibration data, in just a few minutes at most πŸš€.

FAQ Why should I use HQQ instead of other quantization methods?
  • HQQ is very fast to quantize models.
  • It supports 8,4,3,2,1 bits.
  • You can use it on any model (LLMs, Vision, etc.).
  • The dequantization step is a linear operation, this means that HQQ is compatbile with various optimized CUDA/Triton kernels.
  • HQQ is compatible with peft training.
  • We try to make HQQ fully compatible `torch.compile` for faster inference and training.

What is the quality of the quantized models?
We have detailed benchmarks on both language and vision models. Please refer to our blog posts: HQQ, HQQ+.

What is the speed of the quantized models?
4-bit models with axis=1 can use optimized inference fused kernels like torchao's int4_gemm. This is the same kernel used in gpt-fast and based on our benchmarks, it's the fastest kernel available right now. We also support the Marlin kernel. Moreover, we focus on making hqq fully compatible with torch.compile which speeds-up both training and inference. For more details, please refer to the backend section below.

What quantization settings should I use?
You should start with nbits=4, group_size=64, axis=1. These settings offer a good balance between quality, vram usage and speed. If you want better results with the same vram usage, switch to axis=0 and use the ATEN backend. If you want to use lower like nbits=2, you should use axis=0with a low group-size via HQQ+, meaning adding low-rank adapters and fine-tune with a small dataset.

What does the axis parameter mean?
The axis parameter is the axis along which grouping is performed. In general axis=0 gives better results than axis=1, especially at lower bits. However, the optimized inference runtime only supports axis=1 for the moment.

What is the difference between HQQ and HQQ+?
HQQ+ is HQQ with trainable low-rank adapters to improve the quantization quality at lower bits.


First, make sure you have a Pytorch 2 version that matches your CUDA version:

You can install hqq via pip install hqq.

To get the latest version, you can install the core library directly via pip install git+

Alternatively, clone the repo and run pip install . from this current folder.

Basic Usage

To perform quantization with HQQ, you simply need to replace the linear layers ( torch.nn.Linear) as follows:

from hqq.core.quantize import *
#Quantization settings
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64)

#Replace your linear layer 
hqq_layer = HQQLinear(your_linear_layer, #torch.nn.Linear or None 
                      quant_config=quant_config, #quantization configuration
                      compute_dtype=torch.float16, #compute dtype
                      device='cuda', #cuda device
                      initialize=True, #Use False to quantize later
                      del_orig=True #if True, delete the original layer

The quantization parameters are set as follows:

  • nbits (int): supports 8, 4, 3, 2, 1 bits.
  • group_size (int): no restrictions as long as weight.numel() is divisible by the group_size.
  • view_as_float (bool): if True, the quantized parameter is viewed as float instead of a int type.

Setting offload_meta=True drastically decreases the GPU memory requirements but makes processing slower for smaller group-sizes. When turned on, you can run Llama2-70B and Mixtral with HQQ 2-bit using only 18.8GB and 13GB VRAM respectively.


Native Backends

The following native backends can be used by the HQQLinear module:

HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH)          #Pytorch backend - Default
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.PYTORCH_COMPILE)  #Compiled Pytorch
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.ATEN)             #Aten/CUDA backend - only axis=0 supported

The HQQBackend.ATEN backend is automatically installed and used by default when available. Note that HQQBackend.ATEN only supports axis=0. For axis=1 you need to use HQQBackend.PYTORCH or HQQBackend.PYTORCH_COMPILE.

Below you can find the speed-up benchmark with various backends, HQQBackend.PYTORCH being the baseline:

Titan RTX A100

Faster Inference

We support external backends for faster inference with fused kernels. You can enable one of the backends after the model was quantized as follows:

from hqq.utils.patching import prepare_for_inference

#Pytorch backend that makes the model compatible with fullgrah torch.compile: works with any settings

#Torchao's tiny_gemm backned (fastest): nbits=4, compute_dtype=bfloat16, axis=1
prepare_for_inference(model, backend="torchao_int4") 

#Marlin backend: nbits=4, axis=1, compute_dtype=float16, group_size=None
#prepare_for_inference(model, backend="marlin", allow_merge=True) 

#Bitblas backend: nbits=4/2/1, axis=1, compute_dtype=float16, group_size=None
#prepare_for_inference(model, backend="bitblas") 

These backends only work with 4-bit quantization and axis=1. Additionally, for Marlin, we only support group_size=None. Below you can find a comparison between the different backends. The torchao kernel reaches 195 tokens/sec (generation speed) on a 4090.

backend 4090

Usage with Models

Transformers πŸ€—

For usage with HF's transformers, see the example below from the documentation:

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, HqqConfig

# All linear layers will use the same quantization config
quant_config = HqqConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64)

# Load and quantize
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

Note: You can't save/load quantized models directly via save_pretrained with this approach. Use the save/load calls from the hqq lib instead.


You can also utilize the HQQ library to quantize transformers models:

#Load the model on CPU
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=compute_dtype)

from hqq.models.hf.base import AutoHQQHFModel
quant_config = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64) 
AutoHQQHFModel.quantize_model(model, quant_config=quant_config, compute_dtype=compute_dtype, device=device)


You can save/load quantized models as follows:

from hqq.models.hf.base import AutoHQQHFModel

#Save: Make sure to save the model BEFORE any patching
AutoHQQHFModel.save_quantized(model, save_dir)

model = AutoHQQHFModel.from_quantized(save_dir)

Setting a backend

You can set a native backend as follows:

HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.ATEN if axis==0 else HQQBackend.PYTORCH_COMPILE)

You can patch for faster inference as explained in the backend section:

from hqq.utils.patching import prepare_for_inference
prepare_for_inference(model, backend="torchao_int4")

Custom HF Models

AutoHQQHFModel is meant to be compatible with any transformers model. However, its adaptability comes with a drawback - it may encounter issues or experience sluggishness when processing layers. If you encounter such problems, you have the option to create a custom model with clearly defined patching logic to replace AutoHQQHFModel. Below are examples of popular models you can utilize or expand upon for this purpose:

from hqq.models.hf.llama import LlamaHQQ #Llama
from hqq.models.hf.mistral import MistralHQQ #Mistral
from hqq.models.hf.mixtral import MixtralHQQ #Mixtral

Custom Quantization Configurations βš™οΈ

You can set up various quantization configurations for different layers by specifying the settings for each layer name:

Transformers πŸ€—

# Each linear layer with the same tag will use a dedicated quantization config
q4_config = {'nbits':4, 'group_size':64}
q3_config = {'nbits':3, 'group_size':32}

quant_config  = HqqConfig(dynamic_config={

  'mlp.up_proj'  :q3_config,

HQQ lib

from hqq.core.quantize import *
q4_config    = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=4, group_size=64) 
q3_config    = BaseQuantizeConfig(nbits=3, group_size=32)

quant_config = {'self_attn.q_proj':q4_config,

  'mlp.up_proj'  :q3_config,

Peft Training

Peft training is directly supported in the HuggingFace's peft library. If you still want to use hqq-lib's peft utilities, here's how:

#First, quantize/load a quantized HQQ model the
from hqq.core.peft import PeftUtils

base_lora_params = {'lora_type':'default', 'r':32, 'lora_alpha':64, 'dropout':0.05, 'train_dtype':torch.float32}
lora_params      = {'self_attn.q_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.k_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.v_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'self_attn.o_proj': base_lora_params,
                    'mlp.gate_proj'   : None,
                    'mlp.up_proj'     : None,
                    'mlp.down_proj'   : None}

#Add LoRA to linear/HQQ modules
PeftUtils.add_lora(model, lora_params)

#Optional: set your backend
HQQLinear.set_backend(HQQBackend.ATEN if axis==0 else HQQBackend.PYTORCH_COMPILE)

#Train ....

#Convert LoRA weights to the same model dtype for faster inference
PeftUtils.cast_lora_weights(model, dtype=compute_dtype)

#Save LoRA weights
PeftUtils.save_lora_weights(model, filename)

#Load LoRA weights: automatically calls add_lora 
PeftUtils.load_lora_weights(model, filename)

We provide a complete example to train a model with HQQ/LoRA that you can find in examples/lora/

If you want to use muti-gpu training via FSDP, check out this awesome repo by Answer.AI:


We provide a variety of examples demonstrating model quantization across different backends within the examples directory.

Citation πŸ“œ

title  = {Half-Quadratic Quantization of Large Machine Learning Models},
url    = {},
author = {Hicham Badri and Appu Shaji},
month  = {November},
year   = {2023}