Tangela is a project colloboration tool that offers a simple visual interface for organizing projects and resources.
Tangela Projects are designed to organize ideas, resources, and tasks into a simple display. The goal of Tangela is to minimize the amount of time you spend organizing ideas and maximizing the amount of time you have to create.
You can see a preview of the application here: Tangela
Tangela uses RSpec, Capybara, Shoulda, and Factory Girls in its tests. By default javascript testing is done using Selenium and the ChromeDriver. If you want to use Firefox as your browser, then remove the following code from spec_helper.rb.
If you want to run tests with Chrome, then make sure you download and setup the driver. Link
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, :browser => :chrome)
Here's a general guide to the API implementation: API Wiki
- David Ratajczak
- mockra.com