A JavaScript client for Sumo Logic APIs.
This library requires NodeJS 10+ as it uses async iterators to stream chunks of data from Sumo Logic backend (see example below).
Only Search Job API is supported at the moment. Supported features:
- Streams search results as they are gathered by Sumo Logic backend.
- Notifies you of state changes on the backend ("Search started" → "Gathering results" → "Finished").
- Handles "too many requests", and other errors on the backend.
- Cleans up properly after search is done.
Not supported:
- Aggregations
- Metrics
$ npm install @moneytree/sumologic-client
You will need to obtain Sumo Logic access keys to use this library. Both user level and admin level access keys will work.
To create a user level access keys, go to your profile settings in Sumo Logic dashboard, and create a key in the My Access Keys section.
const { Search } = require('sumologic-client');
(async () => {
const client = new Search({
// client config (see below)
const searchParams = {
query: '<sumologic_query>',
// dates are ISO formatted
from: '2019-06-25T10:14:31+09:00',
to: '2019-06-25T17:14:31+09:00'
const it = await client.getMessageIterator(searchParams);
for await (let response of it) {
// check the latest backend state and total
// number of results gathered so far:
// new search results since the last iteration:
The config object passed to constructor can have the following options:
// [required] Your access ID
accessId: '*******',
// [required] Your access key
accessKey: '*******',
// [required] API endpoint as described here:
// https://help.sumologic.com/APIs/General-API-Information/Sumo-Logic-Endpoints-and-Firewall-Security
endpoint: 'https://api.**.sumologic.com/api/v*/',
// In case of request error, how much time to wait (in ms) before trying again
retryDelay: 1000, // default
// In case of request error, how many times to retry
retryCount: 3, // default
// the `timeZone` parameter of Create Search Job API, as described here:
// https://help.sumologic.com/APIs/Search-Job-API/About-the-Search-Job-API
timezone: 'Asia/Tokyo', // default
// the value `limit` parameter when paging through messages, as described here:
// https://help.sumologic.com/APIs/Search-Job-API/About-the-Search-Job-API
searchPageLimit: 50000, // default
// if we are waiting for the backend to gather more results, this is the delay between
// checking if new results are available
pollingDelay: 1000 // default
Aside from features that are simply not yet implemented:
- When using in the browser, there is no way to identify certain backend errors: such as 401 or 403. This is due to limitations of Sumo Logic backend: they will not return CORS headers for such responses, and browser will block these requests due to same-origin policy violation. This means that we can not check response status in the code, and API call will simply return to you as "Network Error".
- Implement aggregations and metrics
- Improve test coverage