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Commands & Permissions Bukkit

montlikadani edited this page Sep 23, 2023 · 24 revisions


Basic commands

Command Permission Description
/tablist (or /tl) - Information about plugin
/tl help Full commands list
/tl reload tablist.reload Reloads the entire plugin
/tl toggle tablist.toggle Switches the visibility of the tab for player
/tl toggle all tablist.toggle.all Switches the visibility of the tab for all online players

Meta formatting


Command Permision Description
/tl group name prefix prefix tablist.groupmeta Sets a prefix for the given group's
/tl group name suffix suffix tablist.groupmeta Sets a suffix for the given group's
/tl group name tabname tabName tablist.groupmeta Sets a tab name for the given group's
/tl group name priority priority tablist.groupmeta Sets a priority for the given group's
/tl group name remove tablist.groupmeta Removes the given group meta entirely if exists


Command Permision Description
/tl player name prefix prefix tablist.playermeta Sets a prefix for the given player's
/tl player name suffix suffix tablist.playermeta Sets a suffix for the given player's
/tl player name tabname tabName tablist.playermeta Sets a tab name for the given player's
/tl group name priority priority tablist.groupmeta Sets a priority for the given player's
/tl player name remove tablist.playermeta Removes the given player meta entirely if exists

If you want to put a space between prefix and tabname you can use the prefix command like this:
Use quotation mark "" in order to use space: "myPrefix "

/tl player playerName prefix "myPrefix "

Fake players

Command Permision Description
/tl fakeplayers tablist.fakeplayers Lists all available fake player commands.
/tl fakeplayers add name tablist.fakeplayers Adds a fake player to the tablist with a specific name.
/tl fakeplayers rename name newname tablist.fakeplayers Renames the given fake player to the new name.
/tl fakeplayers setdisplayname name " displayname even with spaces" tablist.fakeplayers Sets the display name of the given fake player.
/tl fakeplayers remove name tablist.fakeplayers Removes the given fake player from tablist.
/tl fakeplayers setping name pingAmount tablist.fakeplayers Sets the ping value for the given fake player.
/tl fakeplayers list tablist.fakeplayers Lists all available fake players
/tl fakeplayers setskin name uuid/playerName tablist.fakeplayers Sets a skin for the given fake player from a player's name or uuid. This will makes a safe (non blocking) web request asynchronously to retrieve player's skin properties, in case if the player wasn't played before on the server.
/tl fakeplayers setskin name playerName --force tablist.fakeplayers Sets a skin for the given fake player forcing a web request from mojang web servers (server can hang while retrieving data). Executing this command without --force argument will performs an asynchronous operation to request player skin properties safely without hanging the server or if the specified player already played on your server before, it will uses that.

Another Permissions

tablist.* - Gives access to all TabList command permissions

tablist.onlinestaff - This permission is for %staff-online% placeholder, if one of the player having this permission they will be counted and displayed.

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