You won't be able to use prismock
with decimal.js with the default configuration.
Because prismock
makes use of structuredClone
which decimal.js
doesn't support, you will encounter a DataCloneError
, as pointed in #937.
@badeleux provide a workaround in his issue, which I recommend you setup in a setupFilesAfterEnv.
// Backup the original structuredClone function
const originalStructuredClone = structuredClone;
// Custom structuredClone that handles Decimal types
function customStructuredClone(input) {
const replacer = (key, value) => {
if (value instanceof Decimal) {
// Convert Decimal to a serializable form
return {type: 'Decimal', value: value.toString()};
return value;
const reviver = (key, value) => {
if (value && value.type === 'Decimal') {
// Convert back to Decimal
return new Decimal(value.value);
return value;
// Use JSON stringify and parse as an example of handling custom types
return originalStructuredClone(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(input, replacer), reviver));
// Override global structuredClone with the custom function
global.structuredClone = customStructuredClone;