This is a simple (crude) landing page implementation for a Microsoft commercial marketplace SaaS offer landing page. Implemented as a static web app (SWA), it will authenticate with the Marketplace fulfillment APIs, acquire an access token and then call the resolve
API to decode and display the marketplace token. It also exposes a webhook, allowing you to trace webhook calls from marketplace.
- Clone or fork the repo so you have your own copy
- Create a static web app resource in Azure
- Link your SWA to your new repo
- Create a new AAD app registration
- Populate the SWA Configuration with the following App Settings (from your app registration)
- In Partner Center, update the offer technical configuration with landing page and app registration details
- Re-publish for the changes to take effect
Azure Static Web Apps allows you to easily build JavaScript apps in minutes. Use this repo with the quickstart to build and customize a new static site.