Registration is one of the key activity in issuing National ID. Most often its taken up as a large scale program with a target date to enroll everyone. Such large scale activity needs a way for ensuring quality of the data. Bad quality of the data can jeopardize the registration program. The following is the list of quality issues that we have seen on the field.
- Verify that the document submitted are valid. (Expiry, non tampered, matches the template)
- Verify if the registrant has temporary or permanent biometric exception.
- In case of a temporary exception appropriate documents are provided.
- In case of a permanent exception doctor certificates are shared.
- Investigate the exception photo and ensure the user has a real exception.
- Verify the quality of the scan.
- Verify if the details like name/dob etc match the documents.
Most often today a supervisor inspects the data at the time of entry and approves the same.
In certain countries the registration is performed by the operators/contractors while the approvers are government employees or trusted third-parties.
A supervisor may be or may not available at the point of registration as in large scale registrations its not easy to have one supervisor in every location.
Its difficult to get back the registrant as in developing countries most of them are of to work or in constant migration due to work.
Fraudulent data is a reputational risk.
Sometime the registrations are conducted as a campaign and operators/officers visit a location for a short duration and would complete the registration before they leave the location.