Releases: mozilla-lockwise/lockwise-ios
1.3 (Build 2362)
With iOS 12 you can automatically fill your usernames and passwords from Firefox Lockbox into apps and websites.
Be sure to enable AutoFill after updating to iOS 12 from within Settings under the "Passwords & Accounts" section.
1.3 (Build 2349)
With iOS 12 you can automatically fill your usernames and passwords from Firefox Lockbox into apps and websites.
Be sure to enable AutoFill after updating to iOS 12 from within Settings under the "Passwords & Accounts" section.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, lockbox)
1.3 (Build 2340)
With iOS 12 you can automatically fill your usernames and passwords from Firefox Lockbox into apps and websites.
Be sure to enable AutoFill after updating to iOS 12 from within Settings under the "Passwords & Accounts" section.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, lockbox)
1.3 (Build 2320)
With iOS 12 you can automatically fill your usernames and passwords from Firefox Lockbox into apps and websites.
Be sure to enable AutoFill after updating to iOS 12 from within Settings under the "Passwords & Accounts" section.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, uispecs)
1.3 (Build 2294)
With iOS 12 you can automatically fill your usernames and passwords from Firefox Lockbox into apps and websites.
Be sure to enable AutoFill after updating to iOS 12 from within Settings under the "Passwords & Accounts" section.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, lockbox)
1.2 (Build 2046)
It's been over a month since our public debut and we've been working hard to fix some bugs and replace the old way of logging in with Firefox Accounts. For new users, you'll encounter a smoother and clearer experience when signing in. For existing users with the app already installed, you'll just need to sign in once again.
Here's the full list of changes:
- Introduced the OAuth login flow to replace the "old" way of signing in
- Added a "migration path" so users with the app sign back in and store data properly
- The app clears your local storage and cache when you disconnect your account
- You can now "pull to refresh" to force a sync when looking at an empty list
- We fixed some alignment bugs for iPhone SEs running iOS 10
- The autolock feature has been hardened as to when and how it locks the app
- The app no longer dynamically adjusts the navigation bar sizes so it can be usable
- If you type a very long search term you can "Cancel" and clear it as expected now
- We improved the small arrows next to links
- You can now "Ask a Question" from the settings screen to contact us directly
- We show a "spinner" when visiting the support web pages so you know they're still loading
Thanks to all our open source contributors that helped make this release possible.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, lockbox)
1.2 (Build 2016)
PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY EXPERIENCE A CRASH! We're aware of an issue when you open the app it immediately crashes (and are working to gather more data and fix it). If this does happen, please re-open the app and continue testing everything else from there. Thank you!
It's been a month since our launch and we've been working hard to replace the old way of logging in with Firefox Accounts and fixing some bugs. For new users, they'll encounter a smoother and clearer experience. For existing users with the app already installed, you'll just need to sign in once again.
Here's the full list of changes:
- Introduced the OAuth login flow to replace the "old" way of signing in
- Added a "migration path" so users with the app sign back in and store data properly
- The app clears your local storage and cache when you disconnect your account
- You can now "pull to refresh" to force a sync when looking at an empty list
- We fixed some alignment bugs for iPhone SEs running iOS 10
- The autolock feature has been hardened as to when and how it locks the app
- The app no longer dynamically adjusts the navigation bar sizes so it can be usable
- If you type a very long search term you can "Cancel" and clear it as expected now
- We improved the small arrows next to links
- You can now "Ask a Question" from the settings screen to contact us directly
Thanks to all our open source contributors that helped make this release possible.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, lockbox)
1.2 (Build 1939)
It's been a month since our launch and we've been working hard to replace the old way of logging in with Firefox Accounts and fixing some bugs. For new users, they'll encounter a smoother and clearer experience. For existing users with the app already installed, you'll just need to sign in once again.
Here's the full list of changes:
- Introduced the OAuth login flow to replace the "old" way of signing in
- Added a "migration path" so users with the app sign back in and store data properly
- The app clears your local storage and cache when you disconnect your account
- You can now "pull to refresh" to force a sync when looking at an empty list
- We fixed some alignment bugs for iPhone SEs running iOS 10
- The autolock feature has been hardened as to when and how it locks the app
- The app no longer dynamically adjusts the navigation bar sizes so it can be usable
Thanks to all our open source contributors that helped make this release possible.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, Firefox Lockbox - Branch)
1.1.1 (Build 1717)
It's been two weeks since our initial public launch, and one week since we opened up to all countries. Thanks to everyone's feedback we have some minor changes and bug fixes for you in this update.
We made some changes to autolocking and want your help testing it! Please let us know if you find anything unexpected.
We also added Klar as a browser option instead of Focus, when available. Can all you German users with Klar installed please make sure it works OK?
Here's the full list of changes:
- The autolock timer pauses when on a webpage so it doesn't lock when submitting feedback or reading FAQs
- Updated the app icon to an improved version
- You can pick Klar as your preferred browser (instead of Focus) if its available on your device
- We added the app version to the settings screen and feedback survey so we can know what you're running
- Fixed a visual bug on the "Preferred Browser" table
- Added ability to "Lock Now" for users without a device passcode set
- Added more autolock timer options: 15 and 30 minutes
- Fixed a Firefox Account bug related to server configuration
- Fixed it so you return to the "Confirm Your Email" state and screen even if your app fully quits instead of starting everything over
Please note: we intentionally skipped from version 1.0 all the way to 1.1.1 for various reasons.
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, Firefox Lockbox - Release)
1.1 (Build 1663)
We made some changes to autolocking and want your help testing it! Please let us know if you find anything unexpected.
We also added Klar as a browser option instead of Focus, when available. Can all you German users with Klar installed please make sure it works OK?
We also show the app version number in the settings screen and add it the feedback survey so folks can easily tell us which version of the app they're using.
Here's the full list of changes:
- Added more autolock timer options: 15 and 30 minutes
- The autolock timer now also pauses when viewing a webpage so it doesn't lock when submitting feedback or reading FAQs
- You can pick Klar as your preferred browser (instead of Focus) if its available on your device
- Updated the app icon to an improved version
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Firefox Lockbox (iOS, Firefox Lockbox - Release)