Releases: mpi2/HARP
Update to Python 3 windows installer
v2.4.1 Fixed bz2 header issue
New center added
Added the CCP to center options.
See release v2.3.0 for more information
Orientation standardization
Data orientations
Centre-specific transformations
This release adds center-specific transformations to the image data. This ensures that all images uploaded to the DCC are in the same format.
The appropriate centre should be selected in the options tab to enable this. Press the save options button to save your choice, which will be saved between sessions, but may be over written when installing a new version.
For non-IMPC users, if you have a SkyScan machine, choosing HAR should get you data into the RAS format.
RAS format
The previous versions of HARP would generate a 3D volume the with the final orientation determined by the orientation and order of 2D slices as they were reconstructed. The resulting Nrrd file did not contain orientation information in the header and so could be displayed in unspecified ways dependent on the image viewing software.
Now all the data is oriented into the RAS anatomical orientation and has the correct header in the NRRD file.
Note: The cropped images will remain non-transformed. Only volumes in the 'scaled_stacks' folder and the IMPC bz2 files will be altered.
Fixed installer
In this release, "UsePreviousAppDir=no" was added to the InnoSetup script used to create the VPV excecutable. This prevents HARP being installed in the VPV directory automatically
Bug fixes for MRC network problems
v2.2.1 Updated .gitignore
HARP - early version of "batch mode" and bug fixes
This release comprises several bug fixes and an early version of "batch mode".
- Batch mode - finishes processing partially HARPed recons from a CSV file
- Changes to accommodate RGB images e.g. OCT
- Better error handling when compression fails
- Updated documentation
HARP - with adaptive autocrop
This is minor release of HARP which now uses "adaptive autocrop", which accounts for wider range of image resolutions.
HARP - with full Windows installer
Release notes
This release of HARP includes a new Windows installer, plus some minor bug fixes. If there any issues with the installer, please e-mail the developers and let us know which version of Windows you are running.
Download the setup.exe file, and double-click to run the installer. HARP will be installed to Program Files unless otherwise directed. Previous versions of HARP can be safely deleted.
Download the source code below, unzip/untar and in a terminal, run: python
A number of Python dependencies must be installed first. A full guide can be found in the release (HARP_user_guide.pdf)
HARP v2.1.0
Release notes
This release of HARP includes various bug fixes and several new features:
- Multiple pixel sizes now allowed for rescaling
- Saving a recon as a single volume at original resolution (TIFF/NRRD)
Download the zip file below, unzip and double-click harp.exe to run
Download the source code below, unzip/untar and in a terminal, run: python
A number of Python dependencies must be installed first. A full guide can be found in the release (HARP_user_guide.pdf)
HARP v2.0.9
Some minor bug fixes. Now includes Windows DLLs