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Lab 1

Submit the solution of this task according to the Submitting instructions before Tuesday Oct 10 23:59:59.

To correctly submit this task:

  1. Fill out the registration form so that we can create your private repository.
  2. Go over the first task (programs and dynamic libraries).
  3. Solve the second task by creating a Makefile as specified (and copy / save it).
  4. When your private repository gets created, submit it according to the submitting instructions


  1. Programs and dynamic libraries
  2. Makefile

Programs and dynamic libraries

Go over the following "tutorial" (and try it for yourself!):

Simple program

Lets start with a very simple C program (simple.c):

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	return 0;

We can compile it by running gcc:

$ gcc -o simple simple.c

Simple! We are using the -o simple option to specify an output file (otherwise gcc would use the default name of a.out, you can google the historic reasons for that ;).

Lets check that it actually works:

$ ./simple
$ echo $?

The command echo $? prints out the return code of the last executed command, so we can see that simple really return 0.

The gcc command performed several steps for us, which is handy when compiling a simple program, but might not be correct for bigger applications:

  • first it compiled the source .c file (which is also called a compilation unit) into and object file (which would normally be called simple.o),
  • then it linked the object file with any required

If we wanted to do this manually, we would have first to actually compile the source (thus creating the object file):

$ gcc -c -o simple.o simple.c

and then "link" it with any standard libraries to produce the actual executable:

$ gcc -o simple simple.o

Multiple units

For larger applications, source code is often split into multiple files. A (very simplistic) example can be seen in the files number.h, number.c and program.c.

Gcc can again do all the necessary steps for us when compiling the program:

$ gcc -o program program.c number.c
$ ./program
$ echo $?

This has however various disadvantages:

  • if we change even only one of the input files, all compilation units (c source files) would be recompiled;

  • sometimes one unit (source file) can be used to generate multiple binaries, thus being compiled over and over, although it might not make sense to break it out to an actual library.

Because of this C code is usually compiled in the way we've seen before: first compiling the individual source units into object files and then linking them together as needed.

By the way: static libraries are really nothing else then just a collection of object files.

To compile our example program we would really do:

# compile program.c into program.o
$ gcc -c -o program.o program.c

# compile number.c into number.o
$ gcc -c -o number.o number.c

# link them together
$ gcc -o program program.o number.o
$ ./program
$ echo $?

Note that we actually compiled program.c before number.c: it does not really matter, as long as the header files correctly specify the "interface".

Dynamic libraries

Even if we "reuse" object files (either manually or as static libraries) to create multiple executables, the final executables would have a lot of code duplicated. This would lead for example to the standard library to be included in every C application.

To avoid this, operating systems can used dynamic libraries: code will not be present directly in the executable, but when the operating system runs it, it will find all the (dynamic) libraries (DLLs on Windows and .so-s on linux) and "include" them in the process.

Lets have a closer look at our executable program:

$ file program
program: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped

$ ls -l program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 yoyo users 7968 Sep 26 04:11 program

$ ldd program (0x00007ffcb95ec000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f8af47f6000)
        /lib64/ (0x00007f8af4b8f000)

The important bits are: it is a dynamically linked executable; it is just under 8kB and it references 3 other libraries (although two of them are sort of "fake": the first one is provided by kernel, and the last one is the actual dynamic loader).

The is actually the "dynamic" version of the standard C library,

We could also try to build a static version of our program, with all the libraries and code included:

$ gcc -static -o  program program.c number.c

$ file program
program: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped

$ ls -l program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 yoyo users 948352 Sep 26 04:24 program

$ ldd program
        not a dynamic executable

Now it's almost 1MB because it contains all the required code from standard library.

Note: the "not stripped" part actually tells us, that our executable contains a bit more that is really needed to run it, usually helpful for debugging or further processing of the executable (note: we did not actually include any real debugging information, try compiling the program with -g). To actually remove all the extra information, you can use the strip command:

$ strip program
$ ls -l program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 yoyo users 730312 Sep 26 04:25 program
Compiling dynamically linked programs and libraries

To actually compile a dynamically linked application or binary, one addition problem needs to be taken care of: we need to tell the compiler to create code that works even when it is loaded in different parts of memory.

Questions to google: why? How does static compilation work? How are symbol (function) addresses resolved when dynamically linking?

To achieve that, we need to pass the -fPIC (Position Independent Code) to the compiler when compiling code that will be dynamically loaded:

$ gcc -c -o number.o -fPIC number.c

We can then "link" it into a shared library:

$ gcc -o -shared number.o

Note: shared libraries on linux are always named, this is a convention used by the linker and loader to find the library files. Libraries are also usually versioned (i.e. to allow multiple ABI to coexist on a single computer.

After that we can compile and link the actual executable:

$ gcc -c -o program.o -fPIC program.c
$ gcc -o program program.o -lnumber -L.

This time, when linking the program we specified the library(ies) to link against and, because it is not present in a standard directory, also the path where to find it (.). Note that the lib prefix and .so suffix is added by the linker.

Question: is the -fPIC option needed also for the executable itself?

Running dynamically linked programs

Lets try to run our freshly new dynamically linked executable:

$ ./program 
./program: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Oops, that didn't go that well. The problem is similar to why we needed to add the -I. option: the compiler looks for the libraries only in predefined system locations.

On linux this is similar also when actually looking up programs (i.e. why we need to include ./ when running our program).

Note: Windows do actually look for executables and DLLs in current directory, which could be considered a security risk. Question: why?

Let's check again with ldd:

$ ldd ./program (0x00007fff947fc000) => not found => /lib64/ (0x00007fccea578000)
        /lib64/ (0x00007fccea911000)

Fortunately we can tell the loader (program that actually loads our executable and then all its libraries into memory) to look in custom directories by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:

$ ldd ./program (0x00007ffe3b2d6000) => /home/yoyo/osprog/osprog/l01/ (0x00007f8cceb45000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f8cce7ac000)
        /lib64/ (0x00007f8cced47000)
$ ./program
$ echo $?

Question: why did we use $PWD instead of just .?

Why is the small program not so small?

Note: this section is a bit more technical and you can skip it directly to the Makefile task if you are not interested.

What's the actual size of our "smallest" C program?

$ ls -l simple
-rwxr-xr-x 1 yoyo users 7896 Sep 26 03:08 simple

Almost 8kb! Not very big, but more then we would expect for program that does nothing except returning zero... Why is it so big? The answer lies in two things: executable formats and libraries:

  • Each operating system needs more then just the machine code to run a program: "type" of the machine code (32bit? 64bit? arm? intel?...), address where the code starts, any dynamic libraries and symbols it might use, data section with pre-filled data etc. On windows the usual format for binaries is EXE (though that's a bit of a simplification) on linux ELF.

  • Our program really does more then just returning a number. The C standard says that the main function will be executed and its return value will be the exit value of our program, but the machine code might have to do more, variables might need to be initialized etc. Similarly, the standard says that a function like printf should format text and print it, but that's not an operating system "function", so the code must come from somewhere. All this is included in what is called the standard C library. Although we are not using functions like printf, gcc still included parts of it to handle program startup and exit.

Lets see what we actually got:

 $ objdump -h simple

simple:     file format elf64-x86-64

Idx Name          Size      VMA               LMA               File off  Algn
 11 .text         00000171  0000000000400410  0000000000400410  00000410  2**4

The objdump -h command lists "sections" inside an ELF binary. The section that contains actual code is called .text. We can see that it is actually 0x171 (i.e. 369) bytes long. You can try and google what the other sections are for.

Lets see what code we actually have. objdump -d will give us a disassembly of all sections that contain code:

$ objdump -d simple

simple:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .init:

00000000004003c0 <_init>:

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400410 <_start>:

0000000000400506 <main>:
  400506:       55                      push   %rbp
  400507:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
  40050a:       89 7d fc                mov    %edi,-0x4(%rbp)
  40050d:       48 89 75 f0             mov    %rsi,-0x10(%rbp)
  400511:       b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400516:       5d                      pop    %rbp
  400517:       c3                      retq
  400518:       0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00    nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  40051f:       00


We can see that there's actually some code in other sections and also more then our main function in the .text section. These are functions from the standard library that handle initialization and "finalization" of any standard library / C features as well as the actual startup and exit of our program.

Because we didn't compile the binary as a static executable, only parts that are really needed were included (though this is a big simplification ;) and a lot of other parts would be loaded dynamically:

$ ldd ./simple (0x00007ffeb81fc000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f0375be3000)
        /lib64/ (0x00007f0375f7c000)

If you first compile the source code into an object file, you can use objdump on the object file to actually see that it really contains only our code (plus information needed to actually link it).


Create a Makefile with the following targets:

  • default target (invoked by just running make): compile the program and library from the dynamic library example. This should create two files (binaries) named program and (plus any auxiliary files used during the compilation).
  • clean: remove any auxiliary files created during the compilation, but leave the program and library.
  • distclean: remove all generated files (targets and also aux files).
  • test: run the program and display the returned value.

The default target should correctly rebuild the targets if the sources change (hint: the program must be recompiled if the header from the library changes). There is a script that checks some of your Makefile functionality (but not everything).

Bonus: try to create as smallest Makefile as possible. (Note: whitespace doesn't count, try to keep it as readable as possible. Also: make variables and builtin rules are your friends).

About Makefiles

Makefiles are collections of recipes that specify how files (programs, libraries) should be created. You can either (try to) read the official make manual or google some tutorials. A very short introduction follows here.

A single recipe in a Makefile looks like this:

target: dep1 dep2...
<one tab>command1
<one tab>command2

target is the name of the final file that will be created, dep1... are the names of files that target is generated from (i.e. depends on them). Whenever dependencies change, make will re-run the commands to (re)generate the target.

If any of the commands fail (return non-zero status), make will fail.

The first target in a Makefile is called the default target and will be built when make is called without any arguments

There can be targets whose commands don't really generated the target file. These are called "phony" targets and make will run the associated commands every time they are requested. It is nice to list them as dependencies of a special .PHONY target (as can be seen in the following example).

The following example "renders" a php file into HTML or plain text (using the lynx command / commandline browser), assuming page.php includes another file header.php:

.PHONY: default
default: page.html

page.html: page.php header.php
	php page.php >page.html

page.txt: page.html
	lynx -dump page.html >page.txt

,PHONY: show
show: page.txt
	@echo "Generated plaintext:"
	@cat page.txt

Normally make prints all the commands being executed. This can be disabled for specific commands by prepending @ as seen with the echo and cat commands in the example. Note that the php and lynx commands get still printed if you call make show when the html and txt files are not yet generated.


Submit your solution by committing required files (Makefile) under the directory l01 and creating a pull request against the l01 branch.

A correctly created pull request should appear in the list of PRs for l01.