This iOS PDF viewer app is based on the open source iOS PDF reader code from the repository on GitHub.
- Universal: runs on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
- Uses Core Data to keep track of PDF documents.
- PDF documents can be organized into folders.
- Supports iTunes File Sharing for file transfers.
- Handles "Open In..." from other apps (Mail, etc).
- Multithreaded giving it a responsive UI.
- In-App HTML-based help.
- Localization ready.
- iBooks-like document navigation.
- Device rotation and all orientations.
- Encrypted (password protected) PDFs.
- PDF links (URI and go to page).
- PDFs with rotated pages.
Current development and testing of the PDF Viewer App is under Xcode 4.6.2, LLVM 4.2, iOS 5 and iOS 6. The code uses ARC memory management and should work under iOS 4 as well.
Please see for notes on the core code that the PDF Viewer App uses.
Email: joklamcak(at)gmail(dot)com
If you find this code useful, or wish to fund further development, you can use PayPal to donate to the vfr-Viewer project:
This code has been made available under the MIT License.