# Useful shortcuts in MusE MusE has a number of keyboard shortcuts for various uses, let's go through the ones applicable to each editor. _Note that most shortcuts can be changed in the settings._ ## Arranger shortcuts ## Mixer shortcuts First of, it can happen that focus is stuck in a widget and the keyboard shortcuts seems not working, before giving up try hitting the ESC key. In the case of the mixer this should revert focus to the mixer-window. Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts: **CTRL+ALT LEFT**, **CTRL+ALT RIGHT** are used for switching which track is currently selected, a yellow outline will be displayed on the currently selected track. > _By CTRL+clicking on a track label it is also possible to select several tracks._ While a track is selected use the following shortcuts: **META+M** will toggle the mute state of selcted track(s) **META+N** will toggle the solo state of selected track(s) **ALT+LEFT**, **ALT+RIGHT** will change the panning of selected track(s) **ALT+UP**, **ALT+DOWN** will change the volume of selected track(s) ## MIDI editor shortcuts In the midi editors Pianoroll and Drumeditor there are a number of keyboard shortcuts that might be hard to understand their usefulness without some explanation. ### Edit toolbar So, without further ado let's first list the shortcuts commonly available in the midi and drum editors. Edit toolbar shortcuts: * A - **Pointer tool** Allows to select and move already existing notes with the mouse * D - **Draw tool** Draw new notes by clicking on the canvas or resize existing notes * E - **Eraser tool** Delete notes by clicking on them * F - **Line draw tool** Can be used to manipulate values in the controller view at the bottom by drawing lines over several notes to create ramps. * U - **Cursor tool** Only available in the drum editor, see the following chapter about drum editing using cursor. * P - **Pan tool** Scroll view vertically (not very useful in this day and age, scrollwheel or mouse pad scrolling is recommended) Snap shortcuts: * 1 - Snap grid 1 * 2 - Snap grid 2 * 3 - Snap grid 4 * 4 - Snap grid 8 * 5 - Snap grid 16 * 6 - Snap grid 32 * 7 - Snap grid 64 * , and . - Toggle dotted snap * T - Toggle triplets ### Drum editing using shortcuts The drum editor in MusE supports a keyboard based editing mode dubbed CURSOR Mode. CURSOR Mode is somewhat a relative to trackers but still applied to a common drum matrix editor. Basically it enables drum editing without using the mouse. To get into CURSOR Mode press U or click on the [] tool icon. In CURSOR Mode the following relevant shortcuts are available: * Arrow keys - move cursor * 9 - cursor step down The number of steps to jump between added notes * 0 - cursor step up - "" - * V - add note with LV1 velocity (usually lowest) * B - add note with LV2 velocity (next lowest) * N - add note with LV3 velocity (next higher) * M - add note with LV4 velocity (highest) * DELETE key - remove note #### Step by step example, making a four by four beat: 1. First create a drum part that is four bars long and open it. 2. U to enter cursor mode 3. 3 to set set snap grid to 4 snaps per bar 4. Press 0 until cursor step is 4 5. Navigate with the arrow keys to the first beat of the kick drum 6. Press N four times to place 4 kick drums each spaced four steps apart 7. Navigate to the third beat of the snare drum 8. Press N four times to place 4 snare drums each spaced four steps apart 9. Navigate to first beat of the hihat 10.Press on 9 until cursor step is 1 11.Press B 16 times to add hihat on all beats The result should look something like the following: ``` ----------1---2---3---4---5---6 Kickdrum: x---x---x---x--- Snare: --x---x---x---x- Hihat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ```