These are the steps to create a flask applications as window services in windows 10 and python 3.8 uning cx_freeze
Based on []
It is required to install all the libraries in virtual enviroment to be able to work
It required to install also the vs_buildtools and after that installed you need to restart the machine []
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cx_Logging hasn't wheels/binary for py38+ and has to be compiled. It needs a C compiler, or you can get a compiled wheel at
Donwload the corresponding whell to your operating system and inside the virtual enviroments
py -m pip install cx_Logging-2.2-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
pip whell install cx_Logging-2.2-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
The following commannd will generate a .exe in 'build' directory
python build
Open a powershell with admin priviliges
cd build\\
.\Flask_Service.exe --install test
or to uninstall
.\Flask_Service.exe --uninstall test
Check in browser http://localhost:5000/ to find the "hellow world"
Now, open the “Services” msc snap in
mmc Services.msc
Look for the service names "FlaskServicetest" and run it manually
Check in browser http://localhost:5000/ to find the hellow world
For errors go to the 'build' directory
The following commannd will generate a .exe in build directory
python build
cd build\win32_service.exe
.\cx_Freeze_Flask_Service.exe debug
Check in browser http://localhost:8000/ to find the "hellow world"
Ctrl C to kill the application, close the terminal windows because it kept running