- Contributors: @colomet, @danzhik, @davideC00, @lukastonhajzer
- Donate link: https://opencollective.com/mylanguageskills
- Tags: multisite, ads, advertisment, advertisements, wordpress plugin
- Requires at least: 3.0.1
- Tested up to: 5.3
- Requires PHP: 5.6
- Stable tag: 1.0.3
- License: GPLv3 or later
- License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html
- Gutenberg: compatible
This plugin provides simple handy tool for spreading advertisment (as images) over all web-pages which display posts or pages or CPT's. Only works with multisite installation!
With use of this plugin you can set some announcements, ads etc. in all your web-site's posts content. The content of advertisements is a simple image with a link (if necessary and with the rel="nofollow" attribute). Management of the advertisement is done from a plugin settings subpage under Network Settings page.
- Upload plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/ folder in your web-site file-system.
- Activate it from 'Plugins page' in your website.
Please, clean the cache after you save configure the ads. Otherwise the image will not be load.
- rel="nofollow" attribute to image links.
- Plugin internationalisation
- Placeholder bugs fixes
- Only multisite installation is available
- Downgrade php required version to 5.6
- Plugin internationalisation