Name | Type | Description | Notes |
billingAddress | AccountAddress | [optional] | |
billingAddressIsCreditCardAddress | String | When set to true, the credit card address information is the same as that returned as the billing address. If false, then the billing address is considered a billing contact address, and the credit card address can be different. | [optional] |
billingPlan | AccountBillingPlan | [optional] | |
creditCardInformation | CreditCardInformation | [optional] | |
directDebitProcessorInformation | DirectDebitProcessorInformation | [optional] | |
downgradePlanInformation | DowngradePlanUpdateResponse | [optional] | |
paymentMethod | String | The payment method used for the billing plan. Valid values are: - `NotSupported` - `CreditCard` - `PurchaseOrder` - `Premium` - `Freemium` - `FreeTrial` - `AppStore` - `DigitalExternal` - `DirectDebit` | [optional] |
paymentProcessorInformation | PaymentProcessorInformation | [optional] | |
referralInformation | ReferralInformation | [optional] | |
successorPlans | [BillingPlan] | A list of billing plans that the current billing plan can be rolled into. | [optional] |