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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
allowEnvelopePublish String When set to true, data is sent to the urlToPublishTo web address. This option can be set to false to stop sending data while maintaining the Connect configuration information. [optional]
allowSalesforcePublish String When set to true (default), DocuSign sends data to the designated Salesforce account through Connect. [optional]
allUsers String When set to true, the tracked envelope and recipient events for all users, including users that are added a later time, are sent through Connect. [optional]
configurationType String If you are using merge fields, this property specifies the type of the merge field. The only supported value is `salesforce`. [optional]
connectId String The DocuSign-generated ID for the Connect configuration. This property is read only. [optional]
enableLog String When set to true, Connect logging is turned on. We recommend that you enable this functionality, which helps you troubleshoot any issues. You can have a maximum of 100 active logs in your account. You can view the entries in active logs in the Logs tab in the console. [optional]
envelopeEvents [String] An array of strings that lists envelope-related events to track through Connect. The possible event values are: - `sent`: An envelope has the status `sent` in the following scenarios: - When the envelope has been sent to recipients. - When using remote signing, this event is triggered when the email notification with a link to the documents is sent to at least one recipient. - When using embedded signing, this event is triggered when the link is ready for the recipient to sign the envelope. An envelope remains in this state until all recipients have viewed or taken action on the envelope. - `delivered`: This status is triggered when all recipients have opened the envelope, selected the Continue button in the interface, and viewed the documents. - `completed`: This status is triggered when all recipients have completed their assigned actions on an envelope. - `declined`: This status is triggered when a recipient has declined to sign the envelope. - `voided`: The voided status indicates that the sender has voided the envelope. Note: In previous versions of the API, this value was a single comma-separated string. [optional]
eventData ConnectEventData [optional]
externalFolderId String The id of an external folder. [optional]
externalFolderLabel String The label for an external folder. [optional]
includeCertificateOfCompletion String When set to true, the Connect Service includes the Certificate of Completion with completed envelopes. [optional]
includeCertSoapHeader String When set to true, a certificate for a SOAP header is included in messages sent through Connect. [optional]
includeDocumentFields String When set to true, the Document Fields associated with the envelope's documents are included in the notification messages. Document Fields are optional custom name-value pairs added to documents using the API. [optional]
includeDocuments String When set to true, Connect attaches the envelope documents to the XML payloads of your event notification messages. Note: Consider resources and scaling when adding documents to your event payloads. Documents attached to these messages are sent in base64 XML element nodes, which are larger than binary document data. This can significantly increase your payload size, opening up windows for failure. If you include documents, you must build your application to scale in these situations. [optional]
includeEnvelopeVoidReason String When set to true, Connect will include the voidedReason for voided envelopes. [optional]
includeHMAC String When set to true, a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) signature is included in messages sent through Connect. For more information, see Using HMAC Security with DocuSign Connect. [optional]
includeSenderAccountasCustomField String When set to true, Connect will include the sender account as Custom Field in the data. [optional]
includeTimeZoneInformation String When set to true, Connect will include the envelope time zone information. [optional]
name String The name of the Connect configuration. The name helps identify the configuration in the list. [optional]
password String The user's encrypted password hash. [optional]
recipientEvents [String] An array of strings that lists of recipient-related events that trigger a notification to your webhook Connect listener. The possible event values are: - `sent`: If a recipient type is set to receive an email notification to take action on an envelope, the recipient status is set to `sent` upon delivery of the email. - `delivered`: The recipient has viewed the documents in the envelope. This recipient status does not indicate email delivery of the documents in the envelope. - `completed`: The recipient has completed their assigned actions on an envelope. - `declined`: The recipient has declined to sign a document in the envelope. - `authenticationfailed`: At least one signer has failed the authentication check on the document. If this occurs, you have two options: - Send a reminder to the recipients, which provides the signer with another chance to access and pass the authentication. - Correct the document and modify the authentication setting. - `autoresponded`: The recipient's email system sent back an automatic response. This status is only used when Send-on-behalf-of is turned off for the account. Note: In previous versions of the API, this value was a single comma-separated string. [optional]
requireMutualTls String When set to true, Mutual TLS authentication is enabled. [optional]
requiresAcknowledgement String When set to true, event delivery acknowledgements are enabled for your Connect configuration. DocuSign Connect awaits a valid 200 response from your application acknowledging that it received a message. If you do not acknowledge receiving an event notification message within 100 seconds, DocuSign treats the message as a failure and places it into a failure queue. It is imperative that you acknowledge successful receipt of Connect events as they occur by sending a 200 event back. #### When set to true and Send Individual Messages (SIM) mode is activated If the HTTP status response to a notification message is not in the range of 200-299, then the message delivery failed, and the configuration is marked as down. The message will be queued and retried once per day. While a Connect configuration is marked down, subsequent notifications will not be tried. Instead they will be immediately queued with the reason `Pending`. When a message succeeds, all queued messages for the configuration will be tried immediately, in order. There is a maximum of ten retries. Alternately, you can use Republish Connect Information to manually republish the notification. #### When set to true and SIM mode is not activated If the HTTP Status response to a notification message is not in the range of 200-299, then the message delivery failed, and the message is queued. The message will be retried after at least a day the next time a subsequent message is successfully sent to this configuration (subscription). Subsequent notifications will be tried when they occur. There is a maximum of ten retries. Alternately, you can use Republish Connect Information to manually republish the notification. #### When set to false When `requiresAcknowledgement` is set to false and you do not acknowledge receiving an event notification message within 100 seconds, DocuSign treats the message as a failure and determines that the server is unavailable. It does not retry to send the notification message, and you must handle the failure manually. [optional]
salesforceApiVersion String The version of the Salesforce API that you are using. [optional]
salesforceAuthcode String [optional]
salesforceCallBackUrl String [optional]
salesforceDocumentsAsContentFiles String When set to true, DocuSign can use documents in your Salesforce account for sending and signing. [optional]
senderOverride String [optional]
senderSelectableItems [String] This property sets the items that are available for selection when adding or editing Connect objects. [optional]
sfObjects [ConnectSalesforceObject] An array of Salesforce objects. [optional]
signMessageWithX509Certificate String When set to true, Mutual TLS will be enabled for notifications. Mutual TLS must be initiated by the listener (the customer's web server) during the TLS handshake protocol. [optional]
soapNamespace String The namespace of the SOAP interface. Note: If `useSoapInterface` is set to true, you must set this value. [optional]
urlToPublishTo String The endpoint to which Connect should send webhook notification messages via an HTTPS POST request. The URL must start with `https`. The customer's web server must use an SSL/TLS certificate whose CA is in the Microsoft list of trusted CAs. Self-signed certificates are not acceptable, but you can use free certificates from Let's Encrypt. [optional]
userIds [String] A comma-separated list of userIds. This sets the users associated with the tracked envelope and recipient events. When a tracked event occurs for a set user, the a notification message is sent to your Connect listener. Note: If allUsers is set to `false` then you must provide a list of user ids. [optional]
userName String The name of the user. [optional]
useSoapInterface String When set to true, indicates that the `urlToPublishTo` property contains a SOAP endpoint. [optional]

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