anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharacters |
String |
[optional] |
anchorAllowWhiteSpaceInCharactersMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorCaseSensitive |
String |
This property controls how [anchor tabs][AnchorTabs] are placed. When true, the text string in a document must match the case of the `anchorString` property for an anchor tab to be created. The default value is false. For example, when set to true, if the anchor string is `DocuSign`, then `DocuSign` will match but `Docusign`, `docusign`, `DoCuSiGn`, etc. will not match. When set to false, `DocuSign`, `Docusign`, `docusign`, `DoCuSiGn`, etc. will all match. This functionality uses the following rules: - Unless punctuation is specified in the `anchorString`, this functionality ignores punctuation and the following characters: $~>< |
^+= For example, the `anchorString` `water` will match on the string `Fetch a pail of water.` - Strings embedded in other strings are ignored during the matching process. - In words that have dashes, the parts separated by dashes are treated as distinct words. Example: If the anchor string is `forget`, then an anchor tab is placed on the `forget` in `forget-me-not`, even when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true. - Letters with accent marks are treated as distinct characters from their unaccented counterparts. - For single-character anchor strings, if the two characters appear right next to each other in the document, a single anchor tab is placed for both of them. Example: If the anchor string is `i`, then only one anchor tab is placed in `skiing`. - Unlike punctuation, numbers are not ignored when finding anchor words. Example: If the anchor string is `cat`, then `-cat-` is matched but `1cat2` is not when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true (its default value). Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTabs]: |
anchorCaseSensitiveMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorHorizontalAlignment |
String |
This property controls how [anchor tabs][AnchorTabs] are aligned in relation to the anchor text. Possible values are : - `left`: Aligns the left side of the tab with the beginning of the first character of the matching anchor word. This is the default value. - `right`: Aligns the tab’s left side with the last character of the matching anchor word. Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTabs]: |
[optional] |
anchorHorizontalAlignmentMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent |
String |
When set to true, this tab is ignored if the `anchorString` is not found in the document. |
[optional] |
anchorIgnoreIfNotPresentMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorMatchWholeWord |
String |
When set to true, the text string in a document must match the value of the `anchorString` property in its entirety for an [anchor tab][AnchorTab] to be created. The default value is false. For example, when set to true, if the input is `man` then `man` will match but `manpower`, `fireman`, and `penmanship` will not. When set to false, if the input is `man` then `man`, `manpower`, `fireman`, and `penmanship` will all match. This functionality uses the following rules: - Unless punctuation is specified in the `anchorString`, this functionality ignores punctuation and the following characters: $~>< |
^+= For example, the `anchorString` `water` will match on the string `Fetch a pail of water.` - Strings embedded in other strings are ignored during the matching process. - In words that have dashes, the parts separated by dashes are treated as distinct words. Example: If the anchor string is `forget`, then an anchor tab is placed on the `forget` in `forget-me-not`, even when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true. - Letters with accent marks are treated as distinct characters from their unaccented counterparts. - For single-character anchor strings, if the two characters appear right next to each other in the document, a single anchor tab is placed for both of them. Example: If the anchor string is `i`, then only one anchor tab is placed in `skiing`. - Unlike punctuation, numbers are not ignored when finding anchor words. Example: If the anchor string is `cat`, then `-cat-` is matched but `1cat2` is not when `anchorMatchWholeWord` is set to true (its default value). Note: You can only specify the value of this property in POST requests. [AnchorTab]: |
anchorMatchWholeWordMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorString |
String |
Specifies the string to find in the document and use as the basis for tab placement. |
[optional] |
anchorStringMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorTabProcessorVersion |
String |
Reserved for DocuSign. |
[optional] |
anchorTabProcessorVersionMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorUnits |
String |
Specifies units of the `anchorXOffset` and `anchorYOffset`. Valid units are: - `pixels` - `inches` - `mms` - `cms` |
[optional] |
anchorUnitsMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorXOffset |
String |
Specifies the X axis location of the tab in `anchorUnits` relative to the `anchorString`. |
[optional] |
anchorXOffsetMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
anchorYOffset |
String |
Specifies the Y axis location of the tab in `anchorUnits` relative to the `anchorString`. |
[optional] |
anchorYOffsetMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
bold |
String |
When set to true, the information in the tab is bold. |
[optional] |
boldMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
errorDetails |
ErrorDetails |
[optional] |
font |
String |
The font to be used for the tab value. Supported fonts include: - Default - Arial - ArialNarrow - Calibri - CourierNew - Garamond - Georgia - Helvetica - LucidaConsole - MSGothic - MSMincho - OCR-A - Tahoma - TimesNewRoman - Trebuchet - Verdana |
[optional] |
fontColor |
String |
The font color to use for the information in the tab. Possible values are: - Black - BrightBlue - BrightRed - DarkGreen - DarkRed - Gold - Green - NavyBlue - Purple - White |
[optional] |
fontColorMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
fontMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
fontSize |
String |
The font size used for the information in the tab. Possible values are: - Size7 - Size8 - Size9 - Size10 - Size11 - Size12 - Size14 - Size16 - Size18 - Size20 - Size22 - Size24 - Size26 - Size28 - Size36 - Size48 - Size72 |
[optional] |
fontSizeMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
italic |
String |
When set to true, the information in the tab is italic. |
[optional] |
italicMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
locked |
String |
When set to true, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab. |
[optional] |
lockedMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
pageNumber |
String |
Specifies the page number on which the tab is located. Must be 1 for supplemental documents. |
[optional] |
pageNumberMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
required |
String |
When set to true, the signer is required to fill out this tab. |
[optional] |
requiredMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
selected |
String |
When set to true, the radio button is selected. |
[optional] |
selectedMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
status |
String |
The status of the item. |
[optional] |
statusMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
tabId |
String |
The unique identifier for the tab. |
[optional] |
tabIdMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
tabOrder |
String |
A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing. Tabs on a page are navigated to in ascending order, starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest. If two or more tabs have the same `tabOrder` value, the normal auto-navigation setting behavior for the envelope is used. |
[optional] |
tabOrderMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
underline |
String |
When set to true, the information in the tab is underlined. |
[optional] |
underlineMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
value |
String |
Specifies the value of the tab. |
[optional] |
valueMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
xPosition |
String |
This property indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. |
[optional] |
xPositionMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |
yPosition |
String |
This property indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. |
[optional] |
yPositionMetadata |
PropertyMetadata |
[optional] |