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20 lines (16 loc) · 1.72 KB

File metadata and controls

20 lines (16 loc) · 1.72 KB



Name Type Description Notes
changedSigner String When set to true, the sender receives an email notification if the signer changes. [optional]
commentsOnlyPrivateAndMention String When set to true, the user receives only comments that mention their own user name. [optional]
commentsReceiveAll String When set to true, the user receives all comments. [optional]
deliveryFailed String When set to true, the sender receives an email notification if envelope delivery fails. [optional]
envelopeComplete String When set to true, the user receives an email notification when the envelope has been completed. [optional]
offlineSigningFailed String When set to true, the user receives an email notification if offline signing failed. [optional]
powerformResponsesLimitNotificationEmail String [optional]
purgeDocuments String When set to true, the user receives an email notification when a document purge occurs. [optional]
recipientViewed String When set to true, the sender receives notification that a recipient viewed the envelope. [optional]
senderEnvelopeDeclined String When set to true, the sender receives notification that the envelope was declined. [optional]
withdrawnConsent String When set to true, the user receives an email notification if consent is withdrawn. [optional]

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