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cq origins

  • Jonathan gave a talk about jq
  • Chouser used jq to do some Advent of Code puzzles
  • We found jq inspiring and frustrating
  • So we asked:

What if we had the power of jq in Clojure?


  • The easier-to-answer question was what would it be called.
  • The harder, how would it look and behave, took a little longer ...2 months later...

cq: & (exploding fns!)

    (cq (+ 1 2))             ;;=> (3)
    (cq (& 3 4))             ;;=> (3 4)
    (cq (+ 1 (& 3 4)))       ;;=> ???

    (cq (+ 1 2))             ;;=> (3)
    (cq (& 3 4))             ;;=> (3 4)
    (cq (+ 1 (& 3 4)))       ;;=> (4 5)
    (cq (+ (& 1 2) (& 3 4))) ;;=> ???

    (cq (+ 1 2))             ;;=> (3)
    (cq (& 3 4))             ;;=> (3 4)
    (cq (+ 1 (& 3 4)))       ;;=> (4 5)
    (cq (+ (& 1 2) (& 3 4))) ;;=> (4 5 5 6)


  • & returns multiple values, as you can see here. How does + behave?
  • What if you give multiple streams to +


  • clojure fns work
  • & 'explodes' the context it is within

cq: |, pick, modify

(def data {:coords [2 3]})
(cq (pick data :coords))           ;;=> ([2 3])

(cq (| data
       (pick . :coords)))          ;;=> ([2 3])

(cq (| data
       (pick . :coords)
       (pick . 0)))                ;;=> (2)

(cq (| data
       (modify (| (pick . :coords)
                  (pick . 0))
               (* . 10))))         ;;=> ({:coords [20 3]})


  • pick acts like get (but "navigates")
  • | threads multiple values as . into following forms
  • modify works on navigations

cq: all the things at once

(def people
  [{:first "alan" :last "turing"}
   {:first "markus" :last "kaltenbach"}])

(defn title-case [s]
  (clojure.string/replace s #"^." #(.toUpperCase %)))

(cq (| people
       (modify (-> . each (pick (& :first :last)))
               (title-case .))))

;;=> ([{:first "Alan", :last "Turing"}
;;     {:first "Markus", :last "Kaltenbach"}])


  • Clojure macros and user defined functions work too
  • use each to navigate all items

cq primitives

Stream |, &, collect, each
Navigation pick, slice
Update modify, assign
Normal functions +, -, *, str, etc.

Only a handful of new operations


  • where did these come from?

primitives in cq and jq

;; cq                ; jq

(| a b c)            ; a|b|c
(& a b c)            ; a,b,c
(collect s)          ; [s]
(each v)             ; v[]

(pick c i)           ; c[i]
(slice c j k)        ; c[j:k]

(modify nav update)  ; nav |= update
(assign nav val)     ; nav = val


  • note that square brackets mean different things in different contexts

leverage clojure's builtins

;; cq                       ; jq

(each (range j k))          ; range(j;k)

(first [a b c])             ; [a,b,c] | first
(first (collect a b c))     ; first(a,b,c)

(some true? [a b c])        ; [a,b,c] | any
(some pred [a b c])         ; [a,b,c] | any(pred)
(some pred (collect a b c)) ; any(a,b,c;pred)

obligitory CS slide

After extracting the essense of jq into Clojure, we believe jq boils down to the combination of two functional programming concepts:


  • The first gives us the ability to query or update immutable data with the same expression
  • The Second gives us a way to compose operations on deep data structures that can impact multiple areas of the.

what we made

  • First implementation: monadic functions plus lenses
  • jq to cq compiler
  • Second implementation: code-walking macro (e.g., clojure.core.async/go) plus lenses


  • The combination of lenses and ubiquitous mapcat is a surprisingly simple and potent tool for manipulating complex data structures is jq
  • Similar primitives can be written in Clojure and combinded with a set of regular rules for "lifting" all of Clojure's functions into the same world
  • This appears to give us the power of jq on Clojure data with Clojure syntax