Cities, districts and neighborhoods of the Turkey with geolocation data. MongoDB.
I needed geolocation database of neighborhood in Turkey during one of my work. Therefor, this repository was born. It took ~7 hours from my life and it is all yours now.
City: Şehir,il
District: İlçe
Neighborhood: Mahalle
mongoimport --db <your_db> --collection cities --file cities.json
mongoimport --db <your_db> --collection districts --file districts.json
mongoimport --db <your_db> --collection neighborhoods --file neighborhoods.json
Datum in repository was created in middle of 2017. In case of requirement of up-to-date data, you have to use PTT zipcode database which is in xlsx format and fetch geolocation from 3rd party web services.
I have no responsibility about correctness of data.
Feel free to make a pull request for improve the data or fixing wrong documents.