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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 4, 2022. It is now read-only.

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329 lines (256 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

329 lines (256 loc) · 10.1 KB

API specifications

In the API, there are three "roles" a user can have.

  • Unauthenticated user
  • Authenticated user
    • Has a valid token
  • Owner
    • Has a valid token
    • Is part of the team that owns a specific dataproduct


GET /api/v1/dataproducts

Retreives a list of registered dataproducts. Can be accessed by unauthenticated user.


        "id": "D1aGrW8PAIQJBaBC2Cel",
        "data_product": {
            "name": "some really cool data",
            "description": "very cool!",
                    "bucket_id": "really-cool-data",
                    "project_id": "aura-dev-d9f5",
                    "type": "bucket"
            "team": "aura",
            "access": {
                "": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "": "2021-06-03T08:05:26Z"
        "updated": "2021-05-26T08:05:31.562305Z",
        "created": "2021-05-25T12:43:14.2823Z"

POST /api/v1/dataproducts

Registers a dataproduct. Can be accessed by an authenticated user. Requires a JSON object in the request body.

Fields Description Required?
name The dataproduct's name Yes
description A description of what the dataproduct contains Yes
team The team which owns the dataproduct Yes
datastore A list containing info about the associated datastore. The list must contain at most one element. No

The datastore field can contain one of two kinds of objects.

Fields Description Required?
datastore[0].type Must be "bucket" Yes
datastore[0].project_id The ID of the Google project where the bucket is found Yes
datastore[0].bucket_id The ID of the bucket Yes
Fields Description Required?
datastore[0].type Must be "bigquery" Yes
datastore[0].project_id The ID of the Google project where the BigQuery resource is found Yes
datastore[0].dataset_id The ID of the BigQuery dataset Yes
datastore[0].resource_id The ID of the BigQuery resource Yes


Given the following request body:

    "name": "my data",
    "description": "it's my data",
    "team": "my-nais-team",
    "datastore": [
            "type": "bucket",
            "project_id": "my-nais-team-a3e4",
            "bucket_id": "my-bucket"

Returns the ID of the newly registered dataproduct:


GET /api/v1/dataproducts/{productID}

Returns a specific dataproduct. Can be accessed by an authenticated user.

Parameters Description
productID Must match the ID of a registered dataproduct


Given GET /api/v1/dataproducts/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH

    "id": "D1aGrW8PAIQJBaBC2Cel",
    "data_product": {
        "name": "my data",
        "description": "it's my data",
                "bucket_id": "my-bucket",
                "project_id": "my-nais-team-a3e4",
                "type": "bucket"
        "team": "my-nais-team",
        "access": {
            "": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "updated": "2021-05-26T08:05:31.562305Z",
    "created": "2021-05-26T08:05:31.562305Z"

Notice how the access field contains the owner team with a zero value date. This means that every team member has read access to the dataproduct forever.

PUT /api/v1/dataproducts/{productID}

Updates fields in the specified productID. Can be accessed by an owner.

Parameters Description
productID Must match the ID of a registered dataproduct

Requires a JSON object in the request body.

Fields Description Required?
name A new name for the dataproduct No
description A new description No
team A new team, will transfer ownership No
datastore A list containing info about a new associated datastore. The list must contain at most one element. No

Only fields that are specified in the request body will be used to update the dataproduct. Omitted fields will be left unchanged. Each specified field will be used to overwrite the existing data.

The datastore field can contain one of two kinds of objects.

Fields Description Required?
datastore[0].type Must be "bucket" Yes
datastore[0].project_id The ID of the Google project where the bucket is found Yes
datastore[0].bucket_id The ID of the bucket Yes
Fields Description Required?
datastore[0].type Must be "bigquery" Yes
datastore[0].project_id The ID of the Google project where the BigQuery resource is found Yes
datastore[0].dataset_id The ID of the BigQuery dataset Yes
datastore[0].resource_id The ID of the BigQuery resource Yes


Given PUT /api/v1/dataproducts/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH and the following request body:

    "description": "my data isn't that great"

Returns 204 No Content if successful. Performing another GET to view the dataproduct will display the newly made changes.

DELETE /api/v1/dataproduct/{productID}

Deletes the specified dataproduct. Can be accessed by an owner.

Parameters Description
productID Must match the ID of a registered dataproduct


Given DELETE /api/v1/dataproducts/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH, will return 204 No Content. Performing another GET to view the dataproduct will return 404 Not Found.

GET /api/v1/access/{productID}

Retrieves access update-logs for the specified dataproduct. Can be accessed by an unauthenticated user.

Parameters Description
productID Must match the ID of a registered dataproduct


Given GET /api/v1/access/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH


The inner elements contain the following fields:

Field Description
dataproduct_id The dataproduct ID
author The user who requested the access update
subject The user who is affected by the access update
action Either grant, delete or verify. These relate to access being given, taken away or verified
expires In case of "action": "grant", the time the access will expire. Otherwise, this has a zero-value time
time The time the access update occurred

POST /api/v1/access/{productID}

Grants access to the specified dataproduct. Can be accessed by an authenticated user. Requires a JSON request body.

Field Description Required
subject The subject who should be granted access Yes
type The type of subject, can be either "user" or "serviceAccount" Yes
expires The time the access should be revoked, must be in the future. ISO 8601 datetime formatted string No

⚠️ Omitting, or setting a null value to expires in the request body means that the access will last forever, or until somebody revokes it.


Given POST /api/v1/access/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH, with the following JSON request body:

    "subject": "",
    "type": "user",
    "expires": "2021-06-01T12:00:00Z"

Returns 204 No Content if access was successfully given to the subject. The access update log will reflect the access grant.

DELETE /api/v1/access/{productID}

Revokes access for a subject to the specified dataproduct. Can be accessed by an owner, or by an authenticated user if they request to revoke their own access. Requires a JSON request body.

Field Description Required
subject The subject who should have their access revoked Yes
type The type of subject, can be either "user" or "serviceAccount" Yes


Given DELETE /api/v1/access/Q8FT4FfQs8nz9agBqvUH, with the following JSON request body:

    "subject": "",
    "type": "user",

Returns 204 No Content if access for the subject was successfully revoked. The access update log will reflect the revoked access.