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Off-Chain ENS Records Resolver


curl -L | bash && source ~/.bashrc && foundryup

Install dependency

forge install foundry-rs/forge-std --no-commit --no-git

Goerli Testnet



CCIP-Read Resolver (EIP-2544/EIP-3688)

This specification is an extension of ENSIP-10 (EIP-2544/EIP-3688) using mutable and immutable storage pointers for off-chain records storage.

function resolve(bytes calldata name, bytes calldata data) external view returns(bytes memory result)

Off-Chain Records Storage Format

CCIP2 relies on IPNS hashes serving as proxies to upgradeable IPFS or IPLD content. In the parent IPNS directory (called a recordhash), the records must be stored in the RFC-8615 compliant .well-known directory format. ENS records for any name sub.domain.eth must then be stored in JSON format under a reverse-DNS style directory path using / instead of . as separator, i.e. in format ipfs://<hash>/.well-known/eth/domain/sub/<record>.json.

Some Examples:

  • ENS text record for vitalik.eth's avatar is stored at ipns://<ipns_hash>/.well-known/eth/vitalik/text/avatar.json formatted as
{ data: abi.encode(<avatar>) }
  • ETH address record for sub.domain.eth is stored at https://<ipns_hash>/.well-known/eth/domain/sub/address/60.json formatted as
{ data: abi.encode(<address/60>) }

Global records [Experimental]

CCIP2 also offers the experimental feature of setting a global wallet-specific recordhash (called a masterhash), which stores common records that may be shared across many names in a wallet. This feature will be enabled in the CCIP2 client in the future. When masterhash is enabled, the reverse-DNS path is replaced with eth:address(<owner>) in storage pointers.

Note: If the JSON data is signed by the Registrant of domain.eth, it must be prefixed with bytes4 of callback function selector as,

{ data: bytes.concat(Resolver.___callback.selector, <signedData>}

d) Security

To ensure secure record resolution, records must be signed by either the owner of a domain or a domain-specific signer (called approvedSigner) set by the owner. The approvedSigner may be stored on-chain or off-chain by the owner in the CCIP2 contract. Upon each resolution, CCIP2 resolver verifies the signature against on-chain and/or off-chain approvedSigner, aka on-chain signer and/or off-chain signer approved by the owner.

Resolver Function → JSON Mapping

Type Function JSON File
Text Records text(bytes32 node, string memory key) text/<key>.json
Ethereum Address addr(bytes32 node) address/60.json
Contenthash* contenthash(bytes32 node) contenthash.json
Multichain Address‡ addr(bytes32 node, uint coinType) address/<coinType>.json
Public Key pubkey(bytes32 node) pubkey.json
Name† name(bytes32 node) name.json
Interface‡ interfaceImplementer(bytes32 node, bytes4 _selector) interface/0x<bytes4Selector>.json
ABI‡ ABI(bytes32 node, uint256 contentTypes) abi/<contentTypes>.json
Zonehash‡ zonehash(bytes32 node) dns/zonehash.json
DNS Record‡ dnsRecord(bytes32 node, bytes name, uint16 resource) dns/<record>.json

* This is the user's web-facing contenthash contained inside the recordhash

† Name is not implemented as reverse record; users must use the official ENS on-chain reverse record for that feature

‡ Available in v1.1

CCIP2.ETH Gateways

Type Identifier Gateway URL
ipns://<contenthash> 0xe5 https://<base36-CID-v1>
ipfs://<contenthash> 0xe3 https://<base32-CID-v1>
ENS + IPFS2 resolver 0xe3, 0xe5 https://<CID-v1>

Details of Setup, Signatures and Keys

Key Type Nature
K_EOA secp256k1 Ethereum Wallet Key
K_IPNS ed25519 Deterministic Key(gen)
K_SIGN secp256k1 Deterministic Key(gen)
K_N schnorr Deterministic Key(gen)