"concept-type": "collection",
"native-id": "provider collection id",
"concept-id": "C1-PROV1",
"provider-id": "PROV1",
"user-id": "user101",
"metadata": "xml here",
"format": "application/echo10+xml",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"transaction-id" : 100005,
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
"extra-fields": {
"short-name": "short",
"version-id": "V01",
"entry-id": "short_V01"
"entry-title": "Dataset V01"
"concept-type": "granule",
"native-id": "provider granule id",
"concept-id": "G1-PROV1",
"provider-id": "PROV1",
"metadata": "xml here",
"format": "application/echo10+xml",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
"extra-fields": {
"parent-collection-id": "C5-PROV1",
"parent-entry-title": "ET1"
"concept-type": "service",
"native-id": "service1",
"user-id": "user101",
"metadata": "{\"Name\": \"AIRX3STD\", \"Type\": \"OPeNDAP\", \"Version\":
\"1.9\", \"Description\": \"AIRS Level-3 retrieval product created using AIRS IR, AMSU without HSB.\", \"OnlineResource\": { \"Linkage\": \"https://acdisc.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov/opendap/Aqua_AIRS_Level3/AIRX3STD.006/\", \"Name\": \"OPeNDAP Service for AIRS Level-3 retrieval products\", \"Description\": \"OPeNDAP Service\" }, \"ServiceOptions\": {\"SubsetType\": [\"Spatial\", \"Variable\"], \"SupportedProjections\": [\"Geographic\"], \"SupportedFormats\": [ \"netCDF-3\", \"netCDF-4\", \"Binary\", \"ASCII\"]}}",
"format": "application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.0",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
"extra-fields": {
"service-name": "AIRX3STD"
"concept-type": "service-association",
"native-id": "S1200000008-PROV1/C1200000005-PROV1",
"user-id": "user1",
"format": "application/edn",
"metadata": "{:service-concept-id \"S1200000008-PROV1\", :associated-concept-id \"C1200000005-PROV1\", :associated-revision-id 1}",
"extra-fields": {
"service-concept-id": "S1200000008-PROV1",
"associated-concept-id": "C1200000005-PROV1",
"associated-revision-id": 1
"concept-type": "tool",
"native-id": "tool1",
"user-id": "user101",
"metadata": "{ \"Name\": \"USGS_TOOLS_LATLONG\", \"LongName\": \"WRS-2 Path/Row to Latitude/Longitude Converter\", \"Type\": \"Downloadable Tool\", \"Version\": \"1.0\", \"Description\": \"The USGS WRS-2 Path/Row to Latitude/Longitude Converter allows users to enter any Landsat path and row to get the nearest scene center latitude and longitude coordinates.\", \"URL\": { \"URLContentType\": \"DistributionURL\", \"Type\": \"DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE\", \"Description\": \"Access the WRS-2 Path/Row to Latitude/Longitude Converter.\", \"URLValue\": \"http://www.scp.byu.edu/software/slice_response/Xshape_temp.html\" }, \"ToolKeywords\" : [{ \"ToolCategory\": \"EARTH SCIENCE SERVICES\", \"ToolTopic\": \"DATA MANAGEMENT/DATA HANDLING\", \"ToolTerm\": \"DATA INTEROPERABILITY\", \"ToolSpecificTerm\": \"DATA REFORMATTING\" }], \"Organizations\" : [ { \"Roles\": [\"SERVICE PROVIDER\"], \"ShortName\": \"USGS/EROS\", \"LongName\": \"US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EARTH RESOURCE OBSERVATION AND SCIENCE (EROS) LANDSAT CUSTOMER SERVICES\", \"URLValue\": \"http://www.usgs.gov\" } ], \"MetadataSpecification\": { \"URL\": \"https://cdn.earthdata.nasa.gov/umm/tool/v1.0\", \"Name\": \"UMM-T\", \"Version\": \"1.0\" }"
"format": "application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.0",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
"extra-fields": {
"tool-name": "USGS_TOOLS_LATLONG"
"concept-type": "tool-association",
"native-id": "TL1200000008-PROV1/C1200000005-PROV1",
"user-id": "user1",
"format": "application/edn",
"metadata": "{:tool-concept-id \"TL1200000008-PROV1\", :associated-concept-id \"C1200000005-PROV1\", :associated-revision-id 1}",
"extra-fields": {
"tool-concept-id": "TL1200000008-PROV1",
"associated-concept-id": "C1200000005-PROV1",
"associated-revision-id": 1
"concept-type": "subscription",
"native-id": "subscription1",
"user-id": "user101",
"metadata": "{\"Name\": \"someSubscription\", \"SubscriberId\": \"someSubscriberId\", \"EmailAddress\": \"someaddress@gmail.com\", \"CollectionConceptId\": \"C1234-PROV1.\", \"Query\": \"polygon=-18,-78,-13,-74,-16,-73,-22,-77,-18,-78\"}",
"format": "application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.0",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
"extra-fields": {
"subscription-name": "someSubscription",
"collection-concept-id": "C1234-PROV1",
"subscriber-id": "someSubscriberId",
"email-address": "someaddress@gmail.com"
"concept-type": "access-group",
"native-id": "group name",
"concept-id": "AG1-PROV1",
"provider-id": "PROV1",
"user-id": "user101",
"metadata": "group representation here",
"format": "application/edn",
"revision-id": 1, //(optional field)
"revision-date": "2012-01-01T00:00:00", //(optional field)
The provider-id can be "CMR" (for system level groups) or another provider id.
"concept-type": "tag",
"native-id": "org.nasa.something.quality",
"user-id": "jnorton",
"format": "application/edn",
"metadata": "{:tag-key \"org.nasa.something.ozone\", :description \"A very good tag\", :originator-id \"jnorton\"}"
"concept-type": "tag-association",
"native-id": "org.nasa.something.quality/C12-PROV_A42",
"user-id": "jnorton",
"format": "application/edn",
"metadata": "{:tag-key \"org.nasa.something.ozone\", :associated-concept-id \"C120000000-PROV1\", :revision-id 1, :value \"string to be indexed\"}",
"extra-fields": {
"tag-key": "org.nasa.something.quality",
"associated-concept-id": "C12-PROV_A42",
"associated-revision-id": 1
The tag association metadata can have "value": "string to be indexed" or "data": "arbitrary JSON <= 32K" (optional fields)
"concept-type": "humanizer",
"native-id" : "humanizer",
"metadata" : "[{\"type\":\"trim_whitespace\",\"field\":\"platform\",\"order\":-100},{\"type\":\"priority\",\"field\":\"platform\",\"source_value\":\"Aqua\",\"order\":10,\"priority\":10}]",
"user-id" : "user1",
"deleted" : false,
"format" : "application/json"
"concept-type": "variable",
"native-id": "MyNumberOneVariable",
"metadata": "{\"VariableType\":\"\",\"DataType\":\"float\",\"Offset\":\"0.0\",\"ScienceKeywords\":[],\"Scale\":\"1.0\",\"Sets\":[{\"Name\":\"/\",\"Type\":\"General\",\"Size\":1.0,\"Index\":1.0}],\"Dimensions\":[{\"Name\":\"Solution_3_Land\",\"Size\":3,\"Type\":\"OTHER\"},{\"Name\":\"YDim\",\"Size\":180.0,\"Type\":\"LATITUDE_DIMENSION\"}],\"FillValue\":\"-9999.0 \",\"Name\":\"totCldH2OStdErr\",\"AcquisitionSourceName\":\"Instrument1\",\"Units\":\"MB\",\"LongName\":\"totCldH2OStdErr\"}",
"user-id": "user1",
"deleted": false,
"format": "application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.0",
"coll-concept-id": "C1200000005-PROV1",
"extra-fields": {
"variable-name": "totCldH2OStdErr",
"measurement": "totCldH2OStdErrMeasurement"
"fingerprint": "7bec71103f3eada1f539acb9f1072fd7"
"concept-type": "variable-association",
"native-id": "V1200000006-PROV1/C1200000005-PROV1",
"user-id": "user1",
"format": "application/edn",
"metadata": "{:variable-concept-id \"V1200000006-PROV1\", :associated-concept-id \"C1200000005-PROV1\", :associated-revision-id 1}",
"extra-fields": {
"variable-concept-id": "V1200000006-PROV1",
"associated-concept-id": "C1200000005-PROV1",
"associated-revision-id": 1
Note the absence of provider-id for tag, tag association, humanizer and variable. These are system level entities and are always assigned the system level provider, CMR.
"concept-type": "collection",
"native-id": "provider collection id",
"concept-id": "C1-PROV1",
"provider-id": "PROV1",
"user-id": "user101", (Only for colletions)
"deleted": true,
"transaction-id": 100005,
"revision-id": 10,
"extra-fields": {
"short-name": "short",
"version-id": "V01",
"entry-id": "short_V01",
"entry-title": "Dataset V01"
There are two ways database operations can be done. It can happen through leiningen commands for local development or using the built uberjar.
These commands run against the CMR database and as such, you will need
Oracle installed or to be running an Oracle VM in order to perform migration
tasks. Furthermore, the associated environment variables will need to be
set. As mentioned in the top-level CMR README
in the "Testing CMR" section,
the required environemnt variables and their values can be provided to you by
a CMR core dev.
The CMR projects that currently support migrations are:
- Create the user
lein create-user
- Run the migration scripts
lein migrate
You can use lein migrate -version version
to restore the database to
a given version. lein migrate -version 0
will clean the database
- Remove the user
lein drop-user
The Oracle setup script in dev-system/support
demonstrates how the above
commands are used to create database users and run migrations for
the ingest, boostrap, and metadata-db apps.
Note that, depending upon how up-to-date your local .jar
files are, you
may first need to run lein install-with-content!
in the top-level CMR
directory first.
- Create the user
CMR_DB_URL=thin:@localhost:1521/orcl CMR_METADATA_DB_PASSWORD=****** java -cp target/cmr-metadata-db-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar cmr.db create-user
- Run db migration
CMR_DB_URL=thin:@localhost:1521/orcl CMR_METADATA_DB_PASSWORD=****** java -cp target/cmr-metadata-db-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar cmr.db migrate
You can provider additional arguments to migrate the database to a given version as in lein migrate.
- Remove the user
CMR_DB_URL=thin:@localhost:1521/orcl CMR_METADATA_DB_PASSWORD=****** java -cp target/cmr-metadata-db-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar cmr.db drop-user
- Retrieve latest revision from DB using provider-id, concept-type, and native id.
- Compare revision from client if given to DB revision. If the revision from the client is not the next one we send a conflict error back to the client.
- Create a new concept record
- increment revision from DB
- Reuse concept-id
- Set all other fields
- Insert into table
- If we get a conflict from a uniqueness constraint restart from beginning of this flow
- Retrieve latest revision from DB (and none are found)
- Check if revision id sent by client is 0 if present. If the revision from the client is not 0 we send a conflict error back to the client.
- Create a new concept record
- Revision is 0
- Generate a new concept-id using a sequence from Oracle or use value from client if provided.
- This supports catalog rest specifying the concept-id.
- Set all other fields
- Insert into table
- If we get a conflict from a uniqueness constraint restart from beginning of this flow
returns: new or existing concept-id
curl -v http://localhost:3001/concept-id/collection/PROV1/native-id
params: [concept] - revision-id optionally in concept returns: revision-id. revision-id begins at 1. throws error if revision-id is less than or equal to the current highest saved revision-id (if any).
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"concept-type": "collection", "native-id": "native-id", "concept-id": "C1-PROV1", "provider-id": "PROV1", "metadata": "<Collection><ShortName>MINIMAL</ShortName></Collection>", "format": "application/echo10+xml", "extra-fields": {"short-name": "MINIMAL", "version-id": "V01", "entry-id": "MINIMAL_V01", "entry-title": "native-id"}}' http://localhost:3001/concepts/
No provider should be specified when creating tag or tag association concepts - the system level CMR provider is used for all tags and tag associations. As such, tag concept-ids always take the form of T<number>-CMR and tag association concept-ids TA<number>>-CMR, where <number> is a positive integer.
Tombstones can be created using the same end-point used for saving concepts by specifying "deleted" as true in the body of the POST:
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"concept-id": "C1200000000-REG_PROV", "revision-id": 4, "deleted": true}' http://localhost:3001/concepts/
concept-id is a required field. revision-id and revision date are optional. No other fields are allowed.
When a new collections revision is saved (including tombstones) a global transaction-id is saved with it. This transaction-id represents a unique identifier of the state of the database at any give time and is returned with the concept fields when a concept is retrieved. This is to be used during indexing as the version of the indexed record (replacing revision-id).
params: include-umm-metadata when true, will return umm-json in the metadata field for collection concepts returns: latest revision of a concept with the given concept-id
curl -v http://localhost:3001/concepts/C1-PROV1
params: include-umm-metadata when true, will return umm-json in the metadata field for collection concepts returns: concept with the given concept-id and revision-id
curl -v http://localhost:3001/concepts/C1-PROV1/2
params: as JSON body: [[concept-id/revision-id tuple] ...]. The tuples can be of different concept types. url param: allow_missing - if true missing concepts will not result in a 404 - defaults to false returns: list of concepts matching the tuples provided in the body of the POST
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[["C1-PROV1", 1], ["G1-PROV1", 1]]' http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/concept-revisions?allow_missing=true
params: as JSON body: [concept-id1, concept-id2 ...]. The concept ids can be of different concept types. url param: allow_missing - if true missing concepts will not result in a 404 - defaults to false returns: list of the latest revisions of concepts matching the ids provided in the body of the POST
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '["C1-PROV1", "G1-PROV1"]' http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/latest-concept-revisions?allow_missing=true
This returns all revisions of the concept that matches the search parameters by default. It also supports parameter 'latest'. When latest=true, only the latest revision of the concepts are returned. Metadata can be excluded from the results by setting the parameter 'exclude-metadata' to 'true'. Multiple values for a parameter will be ORed.
Supported combinations of concept type and parameters:
- collections with any combination of concept-id, provider-id, entry-id, entry-title, short-name, version-id and native-id
- granules with provider-id, granule-ur
- granules with provider-id, native-id
- humanizers with concept-id, native-id
- tags with concept-id, native-id
- tag associations with concept-id, native-id, tag-key, associated-concept-id, associated-revision-id
- services with concept-id, provider-id, native-id
- service associations with concept-id, native-id, service-concept-id, associated-concept-id, associated-revision-id
- subscriptions with collection-concept-id, provider-id, subscriber-id, native-id, concept-id, normalized-query, subscription-type
- variables with concept-id, provider-id, native-id
- variable associations with concept-id, native-id, variable-concept-id, associated-concept-id, associated-revision-id
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/collections?provider-id=PROV1&short-name=s&version-id=1"
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/collections?provider-id=PROV1&entry-title=et"
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/granules?provider-id=PROV1&granule-ur=ur"
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/granules?provider-id=PROV1&native-id=id"
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/tags"
curl "http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/tag-associatons?associated-concept-id=C12-PROV1"
Same as the GET endpoint above, but with parameters passed in the body of a POST e.g.
curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'provider-id=PROV1&short-name=s&version-id=1' http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/collections
url params: provider id to search returns: list of concept ids for collections that have a latest revision with an expiration date that has been passed.
curl http://localhost:3001/concepts/search/expired-collections?provider=PROV1
params: revision-date - Optionally sets the revision date of the tombstone that is created. This is mainly for testing deletion of old tombstones. The revision-id must be greater than the highest revision-id of the stored concept. returns: the revision id of the tombstone generated for the concept
curl -v -XDELETE localhost:3001/concepts/C1-PROV1/1
params: revision-date - Optionally sets the revision date of the tombstone that is created. This is mainly for testing deletion of old tombstones. returns: the revision id of the tombstone generated for the concept
curl -v -XDELETE localhost:3001/concepts/C1-PROV1
Force delete the given concept revision. Force deleting the latest revision of a concept is not allowed. We should use regular delete for deleting the latest revision of a concept. params: none returns: nothing (status 204)
curl -v -XDELETE /concepts/force-delete/C1-PROV1/1
params: pretty returns: list of maps containing granule counts per collection in JSON
curl http://localhost:3001/provider_holdings?pretty=true
[ {
"entry-title" : "long-name86 V87",
"provider-id" : "PROV1",
"concept-id" : "C1200000004-PROV1",
"granule-count" : 10
}, {
"entry-title" : "long-name77 V78",
"provider-id" : "PROV1",
"concept-id" : "C1200000001-PROV1",
"granule-count" : 4
} ... ]
params: none returns: nothing (status 204)
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: XXXX" http://localhost:3001/reset
params: version returns: nothing (status 204)
Migrate database to the latest schema version:
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: XXXX" http://localhost:3001/db-migrate
Migrate database to a specific schema version (e.g. 36):
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: XXXX" http://localhost:3001/db-migrate?version=36
Requires token with UPDATE ingest management permission. params: none returns: nothing (status 204)
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" http://localhost:3001/jobs/pause
Requires token with UPDATE ingest management permission. params: none returns: nothing (status 204)
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" http://localhost:3001/jobs/resume
Synchronously runs the old revision concept cleanup job. This will delete the old revisions as well as tombstones that are more than a configurable number of days old (through config parameter CMR_DAYS_TO_KEEP_TOMBSTONE which is default to 365). Requires token with UPDATE ingest management permission.
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" http://localhost:3001/jobs/old-revision-concept-cleanup
Synchronously runs the expired concept cleanup job. Requires token with UPDATE ingest management permission.
curl -v -XPOST -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" http://localhost:3001/jobs/expired-concept-cleanup
Creates a provider in Metadata DB. The short-name
parameter uniquely identifies a provider. It is similar to provider-id
, but more descriptive. It allows spaces and other special characters. short-name
defaults to provider-id
. The cmr-only
parameter indicates if this is a provider that ingests directly to the CMR and not through Catalog REST. cmr-only
defaults to false. The small
parameter indicates if this is a provider that has a small amount of data and its collections and granules will be ingested into the SMALL_PROV
tables. small
defaults to false.
curl -v -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" -d '{"provider-id": "PROV1", "short-name": "Test Provider", "cmr-only":false, "small":false}' http://localhost:3001/providers
Updates the attributes of a provider in Metadata DB. The small
attribute cannot be changed during update.
curl -v -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" -d '{"provider-id": "PROV1", "short-name": "Test Provider", "cmr-only":true, "small":false}' http://localhost:3001/providers/PROV1
Removes a provider from the CMR. Deletes all data for the provider.
curl -v -XDELETE -H "Echo-Token: mock-echo-system-token" http://localhost:3001/providers/PROV1
Returns a list of the configured providers in Metadata DB.
curl http://localhost:3001/providers
[{"provider-id":"PROV2","short-name":"Another Test Provider","cmr-only":true,"small":true},{"provider-id":"PROV1","short-name":"Test Provider","cmr-only":false,"small":false}]
Endpoints are provided for querying the contents of the various caches used by the application. The following curl will return the list of caches:
curl -i http://localhost:3001/caches
The following curl will return the keys for a specific cache:
curl -i http://localhost:3001/caches/cache-name
This curl will return the value for a specific key in the named cache:
curl -i http://localhost:3001/caches/cache-name/cache-key
This will report the current health of the application. It checks all resources and services used by the application and reports their healthes in the response body in JSON format. For resources, the report includes an "ok?" status and a "problem" field if the resource is not OK. For services, the report includes an overall "ok?" status for the service and health reports for each of its dependencies. It returns HTTP status code 200 when the application is healthy, which means all its interfacing resources and services are healthy; or HTTP status code 503 when one of the resources or services is not healthy. It also takes pretty parameter for pretty printing the response.
curl -i -XGET "http://localhost:3001/health?pretty=true"
Example healthy response body:
"oracle" : {
"ok?" : true
"echo" : {
"ok?" : true
Example un-healthy response body:
"oracle" : {
"ok?" : false,
"problem" : "Exception occurred while getting connection: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Cannot get Connection from Datasource: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"
"echo" : {
"ok?" : true
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