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1. Overview
2. Build with CMake
3. Application Design
4. Application Programming Interface
5. Storage Service

Note #1 - Bundle Protocol Version 6
Note #2 - Library Development Guidelines
Note #3 - Configuration Parameter Trades
Note #4 - Bundle Flow Analysis for Intermittent Communication

1. Overview

The Bundle Protocol library (bplib) implements a subset of the RFC9171 Bundle Protocol and targets embedded space flight applications. The library uses the concept of a bundle socket to manage the process of encapsulating application data in bundles, and extracting application data out of bundles. A socket works much like the standard BSD socket paradigm, and controls how the bundles are created (e.g. primary header block fields), and how bundles are processed (e.g. payloads extracted from payload block).

Bplib contains no threads and relies entirely on the calling application for its execution context and implements a thread-safe blocking I/O model where requested operations will either block according to the provided timeout, or return an error code immediately if the operation cannot be performed.

Bplib assumes the availability of a persistent queued storage system for managing the rate buffering that must occur between data and bundle processing. This storage system is provided at run-time by the application, which can either use its own or can use the included storage service. In addition to the storage service, bplib needs an operating system interface provided at compile-time. The source includes a mapping for POSIX compliant operating systems as well as for the NASA OSAL library.

2. Build with CMake


  1. The build requires Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, the cmake build system and a compiler toolchain (by default gcc).

Additionally, the pkg-config tool is used to manage the flags required for dependencies.

These can typically be installed via the built-in package management system on most Linux distributions.

The required packages on Ubuntu 22.04 are: cmake, pkg-config, and build-essential.

The versions used may change. The versions as of the last update of this document are:

  • cmake version 3.22.1
  • pkg-config 0.29.1
  • gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0
  1. Install tinycbor if it is not already installed.
  • tinycbor version 0.6.0

Build bplib with cFS

  1. Clone, init, and update cFS and all required submodules. Then clone bp and bplib to the cFS local repository.
   cd <chosen working directory>
   export CFS_HOME="$(pwd)" # Use CFS_HOME at your discretion
   git clone "${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle
   cd "${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle
   git submodule init
   git submodule update
   git clone "${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle/apps/bp
   git clone "${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle/libs/bplib
  1. Setup OSAL.

Define the OSAL definitions for CMake. Run CMake for OSAL. Run Make for OSAL with the destination directory ./osal-staging.

   cd "${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle/osal
   # cmake options from .github/actions/setup-osal/action.yml:
   # config-options:
   cmake $CMAKE_OSAL_DEFS -B "${CFS_HOME}"/osal-build
   cd "${CFS_HOME}"/osal-build
   make DESTDIR="${CFS_HOME}"/osal-staging install
  1. Build bplib and the test runners

Note that the possible build folders are one of <Debug,Release>-<OSAL,POSIX> for the build type and operating system layer respectively.

Setup the required environment variables for CMake, choosing between Debug or Release, and OSAL or POSIX.

   # MATRIX_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release]
   # BPLIB_SOURCE="${CFS_HOME}"/cfs-bundle/libs/bplib

Run CMake and make all to build bplib and the bplib tests.

   export NasaOsal_DIR="${CFS_HOME}/osal-staging/usr/local/lib/cmake"
   cmake \
          -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/cmake \
          -S "${BPLIB_SOURCE}" -B "${BPLIB_BUILD}"

   # Build bplib
   cd "${BPLIB_BUILD}"
   make all

Example Test

  1. Test bplib
   cd "${CFS_HOME}"/bplib-build-matrix-Debug-OSAL

Build bplib Stand Alone

  1. Clone bplib into a working directory. The build uses BPLIB_HOME rather than CFS_HOME for a stand alone build.
   cd <chosen working directory>
   export BPLIB_HOME="$(pwd)" # Use BPLIB_HOME at your discretion

   git clone "${BPLIB_HOME}"/bplib
  1. Build bplib and the test runners

Note that the possible build folders are one of <Debug,Release>-POSIX for the build type and operating system layer respectively.

Setup the required environment variables for CMake, choosing between Debug or Release. POSIX is the only operating system layer supported by the stand alone build.

   # MATRIX_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release]
   # BPLIB_BUILD="${BPLIB_HOME}/bplib-build-matrix-${MATRIX_BUILD_TYPE}-POSIX"

Run CMake and make all to build bplib and the bplib tests.

   cmake \
          -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/cmake \
          -S "${BPLIB_SOURCE}" -B "${BPLIB_BUILD}"

   # Build bplib
   cd "${BPLIB_BUILD}"
   make all

Test bplib with bpcat

  1. Test bplib stand alone

The example program bpcat referenced below is available in the bplib stand alone build.

$ ./bplib-build-matrix-Debug-POSIX/app/bpcat --help
Usage: ./bplib-build-matrix-Debug-POSIX/app/bpcat [options]
   -l/--local-addr=ipn://<node>.<service> local address to use
   -r/--remote-addr=ipn://<node>.<service> remote address to use
   -i/--input-file=<filename> read input from given file instead of stdin
   -o/--output-file=<filename> write output to given file instead of stdout
      --local-cla-uri=udp://<ip>:<port> Bind local CLA to given IP:port 
      --remote-cla-uri=udp://<ip>:<port> Send bundles to remote CLA at given IP:port
   -d/--delay=<msec> forced inter bundle send delay (20ms default)
   -s/--adu-size=stream chunk (ADU) size to pass to bplib (default and max=15864 bytes)

   Creates a local BP agent with local IPN address as specified.  All data
   received from standard input is forwarded over BP bundles, and all data
   received from bundles is forwarded to standard output.

   ./bplib-build-matrix-Debug-POSIX/app/bpcat -l ipn://101.1 -r ipn://201.1

To test with bpcat:

  1. Open two terminal windows and have them both visible. The test runs bpcat as a receiver in one window and a sender in the other.
  2. In both terminals run: cd <same chosen working directory>/bplib-build-matrix-<Debug or Release>-POSIX/app
  3. The files bpcat and Makefile should be in the current directory.
  4. In one terminal, create the storage folder required for the test. mkdir storage
  5. In the same terminal, run the receiver with: ./bpcat -l ipn://101.1 -r ipn://201.1 |& tee recv.log
  6. In the other terminal, run the sender with: ./bpcat -l ipn://201.1 -r ipn://101.1 -i Makefile |& tee send.log
  7. For a successful test the contents of the Makefile appear in the receiver terminal.
  8. Terminate bpcat in both terminal windows by pressing CTRL-C in each window.

3. Application Design

Figure 1

Bplib is written in "vanilla C" and is intended to be linked in as either a shared or static library into an application with an API for reading/writing application data and reading/writing bundles.

Conceptually, the library is meant to exist inside a flight software framework (such as NASA CFE) and be presented to the application as a service. In such a design only the interface for reading/writing data would be provided to the application, and the interface for reading/writing bundles would be kept inside the service. This use case would look a lot like a typical socket application where a bundle channel (socket) is opened, data is read/written, and then at some later time the socket is closed. Underneath, the library takes care of sending and receiving bundles.

In order to support bplib being used directly by the application, both the data and the bundle interfaces are provided in the API. In these cases, the application is also responsible for sending and receiving the bundles via a convergence layer adapter (CLA).

An example application design that manages both the data and bundle interfaces could look as follows:

  1. A bundle reader thread that receives bundles from a convergence layer and calls bplib to process them
  2. A data writer thread that accepts application data from bplib
  3. A bundle writer thread that loads bundles from bplib and sends bundles over a convergence layer
  4. A data reader thread that stores application data to bplib

The stream of bundles received by the application is handled by the bundle reader and data writer threads. The bundle reader uses the bplib_cla_ingress() function to pass bundles read from the convergence layer into the library. If those bundles contain payload data bound for the application, that data is pulled out of the bundles and queued in storage until the data writer thread calls the bplib_recv() function to dequeue the data out of storage and move it to the application.

Conversely, the stream of bundles sent by the application is handled by the data reader and bundler writer threads. The data reader thread calls bplib_send() to pass data from the application into the library to be bundled. Those bundles are queued in storage until the bundle writer threads calls the bplib_cla_egress() function to dequeue them out of storage and move them to the convergence layer.

4. Application Programming Interface

The application programming interface is documented in the header files, and the documentation can be generated using the doxygen tool.

The NASA CFE/CFS infrastructure has scripts to build the documentation, and this component works with that infrastructure. In a CFE/CFS envirnomnent, build the "docs" target to generate this documentation.

4.1 Functions

Function Purpose
bplib_init Initialize the BP library - called once at program start
bplib_create_socket Creates/opens a socket-like entity for application data
bplib_close_socket Closes/Deletes the socket-like entity for application data
bplib_bind_socket Logically binds the socket-like entity to a local IPN node number and service
bplib_connect_socket Logically connects the socket-like entity to a remote IPN node number and service
bplib_create_ram_storage Creates a RAM storage (cache) logical entity
bplib_create_node_intf Creates a basic data-passing logical entity
bplib_send Send a single application PDU/datagram over the socket-like interface
bplib_recv Receive a single application PDU/datagram over the socket-like interface
bplib_cla_ingress Receive complete bundle from a remote system
bplib_cla_egress Send complete bundle to remote system
bplib_query_integer Get an operational value
bplib_config_integer Set an operational value
bplib_display Parse bundle and log a break-down of the bundle elements
bplib_eid2ipn Utility function to translate an EID string into node and service numbers
bplib_ipn2eid Utility function to translate node and service numbers into an EID string

5. Storage Service

Storage services are still under active development, but the "offload" module provides an example of a functional filesystem-based storage service.