A simle CLI app using go and cobra
Clone the repository to you Go Workspace
git clone https://github.com/nasir-rabbani/go-cli-app.git
Navigate inside
directorycd go-cli-app
Run the below command to install the application
go install
After installing the application will be accessible using mycart
E:\Go Workspace\src\go-cli-app>mycart
CLI (Command Line Interface) based E-commerce app.
mycart [command]
Available Commands:
categories Displays all Categories
help Help about any command
products Displays all Products
register To register a User or Admin
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.mycart.yaml)
-h, --help help for mycart
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "mycart [command] --help" for more information about a command.
E:\Go Workspace\src\go-cli-app>
To Register Admin (run
mycart register -h
for help menu)>mycart register -a --name Admin --password Admin User Registered with userID :: 5
To Register normal User (run
mycart register -h
for help menu)>mycart register --name User --password User User Registered with userID :: 5
To add a category
>mycart categories addCategory --name Interior Category Added with categoryID :: 6
To add a product
>mycart products addProduct --name Nokia-1200 --price 2500 --categoryID 1
To view categories
>mycart categories List of available categories ----------------------------- Category ID : 1 Category name : Electronics ----------------------------- Category ID : 2 Category name : Gadgets ----------------------------- Category ID : 3 Category name : apparels ----------------------------- Category ID : 4 Category name : apparels ----------------------------- Category ID : 5 Category name : furniture ----------------------------- Category ID : 6 Category name : Interior -----------------------------
To view products
>mycart products List of products ----------------------------- Product ID : 1 Product name : Nokia-1100 Product Price : 1500.00 Category ID : 1 ----------------------------- Product ID : 2 Product name : Nokia-1200 Product Price : 2500.00 Category ID : 1 ----------------------------- Product ID : 3 Product name : Nokia-1200 Product Price : 2500.00 Category ID : 1 -----------------------------