InstantMeshes Options:
-o, --output Writes to the specified PLY/OBJ output file in batch mode
-S, --smooth Number of smoothing & ray tracing reprojection steps (default: 2)
-c, --crease <degrees Dihedral angle threshold for creases
-r, --rosy <number Specifies the orientation symmetry type (2, 4, or 6)
-p, --posy <number Specifies the position symmetry type (4 or 6)
To Do:
-t, --threads <count Number of threads used for parallel computations
-s, --scale <scale Desired world space length of edges in the output
-f, --faces <count Desired face count of the output mesh
-v, --vertices <count Desired vertex count of the output mesh
-k, --knn <count Point cloud mode: number of adjacent points to consider
-d, --deterministic Prefer (slower) deterministic algorithms
-D, --dominant Generate a tri/quad dominant mesh instead of a pure tri/quad mesh
-i, --intrinsic Intrinsic mode (extrinsic is the default)
-b, --boundaries Align to boundaries (only applies when the mesh is not closed)
-F, --fullscreen Open a full-screen window