- new functions
to read traced skeletons from the flycircuit website,fc_get_ids()
to get a list of neuron identifiers,fc_page()
to see the details page for a neuron (#44) (thanks to @alexanderbates) - Fix FCWBNP.surf by updating to nat.flybrains version (#43)
- switch to natverse github organisation
- Ensure that flycircuit package can be installed from github with development versions of all its dependencies (fixes to github remotes etc). This was as a result of difficulties installing on the VFB opencpu docker instance.
- dev: fixes to travis build configuration (switch to non sudo trusty dist)
- Update annotation database (1 August 2016, now 7021 NeuronType annotations)
- Add fc_neuron_type
- Add online docs with pkgdown
- Insist on nat >= 1.8.8
- update annotation database (1 April 2015, now 6565 NeuronType annotations)
- add fc_glom function to find antennal lobe glomeruli for fc neurons
- dev: update to roxygen2 v4.1.1
- update annotation database
- load_si_data works with bigmat pairs of the form x.desc+x.bin
- load_si_data no longer attempts to check for object existence
- doc: load_si_data improvements
- dev: fix check errors
- depend on nat
- fix bug when creating data directories (based on rappdirs location) on a new system
- Store persistent data in directory determined by rappdirs package
- add load_si_data
- add plot3d.APResult
- Add apclusterfc
- fc_download_data (always) returns path to file
- ... and can use local file (with warning) if remote url unreadable
- ... plus additional bug fixes
- add as.data.frame.APResult for affinity propagation clustering results
- fc_nblast normalises like sub_score_mat
- add fc_sex utility function to find sex of animal for any valid flycircuit neuron identifier.
- give hclustfc an unsquare argument
- fix subtle bug in plot3dfc revealed only when this is used inside a function.
- plot3dfc can now accept a character vector for the db argument.
- fix hclustfc (was not attaching scoremat)
- refactor fc_subscoremat (using nat.nblast::sub_score_mat)
- dev: remove internal diagonal function and tests
- deprecated pop3dfc in favour of nat::npop3d
- refactored plot3dfc to use nat::plot3d.character. plot3dfc will be deprecated in favour of plot3d.character when that function can coped with multiple identifier styles.
- extensive refactoring so that fc_nblast, hclustfc and friends are now thin wrappers on more generic functions in nat.nblast
- plot3dfc can handle NA soma positions
- update annotation table
- docs: plot3dfc improvements
- add fcgn_forfile
- significant (20x in my tests) speedup for hclustfc using large ff objects containing raw scores.
- ready for use by external code
- add subset.hclust, plot3d.hclust
- make sure that clustering based on pre-computed nblast scores all works properly and that ff cached versions of the data are available
- only provide ff cached versions of raw scores for download and normalise on the fly
- fix errors in package vignette