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Nikita Yudin edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions relating to the project answered.

Q: How do I create a custom theme for the spin button?

  • A: Refer to the documentation on creating themes for Spin Button. You can find detailed instructions on creating a theme in the How to create a theme guide.
  • See How to create a theme for more details.

Q: Are there any known issues or limitations with godot-spin-button that I should be aware of?

  • A: The project uses a specific approach where the base class has all the components but they are disabled, and a specific control inherits from it and includes the required component. This may result in less efficient code usage. If you have a better approach, we welcome your suggestions. Check the Issues section for more details on known issues.

Q: How can I contribute to the development of godot-spin-button?

  • A: Anyone can contribute to the project's development. There are no specific requirements, but it is recommended to read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines. For more information on how to contribute, refer to the file.

Q: Are there any future plans for updates or enhancements to the addon?

  • A: The project's focus is on code optimization, reducing connectivity between controls, and improving theme for button. We are always open to new features and improvements. If you have any suggestions, please open an issue for discussion.
  • We are always looking for new features and improvements. If you have any suggestions, please open an issue for us to discuss them.

Q: Can I use godot-spin-button in my commercial projects?

  • A: You can use the project for both personal and commercial purposes without any licensing issues. However, it is advisable to modify the addon to suit your specific requirements for commercial projects. This may involve removing unnecessary controls, cleaning unused code, and refactoring for greater reliability.

Q: Are there any known performance considerations or optimizations for using godot-spin-button?

  • A: To optimize performance, consider removing unused functions, parameters, modules, and controls from the button. The addon provides a lot of functionality that may not be required in all projects. Additionally, when creating your own addon based on this code, prioritize creating the most efficient code. Keep in mind that the addon uses a RichTextLabel with bbcode enabled for displaying text, which offers greater customization options.