- Save and commit your changes to the on-chain version history. Give your version a description what changed.
- Then save to the on-chain version history.
- In the Sandbox, you’re able to fork, experiment, and build new components and applications with NEAR, all in the
- browser. Get started by forking your first component.
- Code published on NEAR is open source by default. This means you can inspect, modify, and compose with every
- component you see.
- Next, we’ll modify your component using the sandbox editor.
- The following code snippet gets the total number of contributions you have made to the NEAR blockchain.
- Copy the snippet and replace the placeholder code on line 4 to display your total contributions.
- You can search the platform at any point for community components to inspire new experiences, or to use in your
- own projects.
- In the search bar, type or paste in:
- {codeExample}
- Components you find can be embedded by copying their embed code, and pasting it in your component file.
- Copy the embed code for “near/widget/ComponentCollection”, and replace the placeholder code on line 6.
- {/* We use the component search widget as a VM entry point to add a TOS check wrapper.
- It does not need to be this component, just some on the page */}
- ({
- extraButtons: ({ widgetName, widgetPath, onHide }) => (
- {`Open "${widgetName}" component in the editor`}}
- >
- ),
- }),
- }}
- />
- We’ll guide you through a basic development workflow to fork, modify, and compose with open web components.
- Get Started
- Welcome to the Component Sandbox!
- Use this sandbox to create, inspect, modify, and compose components to create new experiences on NEAR.
- setShowModal(ModalTypes.OpenModal)}>
- Open Component
- handleNew(Filetype.Widget)}>Create New Component