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1420 lines (1178 loc) · 28.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1420 lines (1178 loc) · 28.7 KB



Parameters and return values

  • Endpoint:

  • Both are POST methods

  • An interface with parameters is required, the parameter is a JSON string, placed in the body, and the header Content-Type is application/json

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {}
    • code: non-zero for exceptions
    • msg: an empty string under normal circumstances, an error text will be returned under abnormal conditions
    • data: may be {}, [] or NULL, depending on the interface


View API token in Settings - About, request header: Authorization: Token xxx


List notebooks

  • /api/notebook/lsNotebooks

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "notebooks": [
            "id": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn", 
            "name": "Test Notebook",
            "icon": "1f41b",
            "sort": 0,
            "closed": false
            "id": "20210808180117-czj9bvb",
            "name": "SiYuan User Guide",
            "icon": "1f4d4",
            "sort": 1,
            "closed": false

Open a notebook

  • /api/notebook/openNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Close a notebook

  • /api/notebook/closeNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Rename a notebook

  • /api/notebook/renameNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "name": "New name for notebook"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Create a notebook

  • /api/notebook/createNotebook

  • Parameters

      "name": "Notebook name"
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "notebook": {
          "id": "20220126215949-r1wvoch",
          "name": "Notebook name",
          "icon": "",
          "sort": 0,
          "closed": false

Remove a notebook

  • /api/notebook/removeNotebook

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get notebook configuration

  • /api/notebook/getNotebookConf

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "box": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
        "conf": {
          "name": "Test Notebook",
          "closed": false,
          "refCreateSavePath": "",
          "createDocNameTemplate": "",
          "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
          "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""
        "name": "Test Notebook"

Save notebook configuration

  • /api/notebook/setNotebookConf

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "conf": {
          "name": "Test Notebook",
          "closed": false,
          "refCreateSavePath": "",
          "createDocNameTemplate": "",
          "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
          "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "name": "Test Notebook",
        "closed": false,
        "refCreateSavePath": "",
        "createDocNameTemplate": "",
        "dailyNoteSavePath": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}",
        "dailyNoteTemplatePath": ""


Create a document with Markdown

  • /api/filetree/createDocWithMd

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "path": "/foo/bar",
      "markdown": ""
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path, which needs to start with / and separate levels with / (path here corresponds to the database hpath field)
    • markdown: GFM Markdown content
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "20210914223645-oj2vnx2"
    • data: Created document ID
    • If you use the same path to call this interface repeatedly, the existing document will not be overwritten

Rename a document

  • /api/filetree/renameDoc

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/",
      "title": "Document new title"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Remove a document

  • /api/filetree/removeDoc

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Move documents

  • /api/filetree/moveDocs

  • Parameters

      "fromPaths": ["/"],
      "toNotebook": "20210817205410-2kvfpfn",
      "toPath": "/"
    • fromPaths: Source paths
    • toNotebook: Target notebook ID
    • toPath: Target path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get human-readable path based on path

  • /api/filetree/getHPathByPath

  • Parameters

      "notebook": "20210831090520-7dvbdv0",
      "path": "/20210917220500-sz588nq/"
    • notebook: Notebook ID
    • path: Document path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "/foo/bar"

Get human-readable path based on ID

  • /api/filetree/getHPathByID

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210917220056-yxtyl7i"
    • id: Block ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "/foo/bar"

Get IDs based on human-readable path

  • /api/filetree/getIDsByHPath

  • Parameters

      "path": "/foo/bar",
      "notebook": "20210808180117-czj9bvb"
    • path: Human-readable path
    • notebook: Notebook ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [


Upload assets

  • /api/asset/upload

  • The parameter is an HTTP Multipart form

    • assetsDirPath: The folder path where assets are stored, with the data folder as the root path, for example:

      • "/assets/": workspace/data/assets/ folder
      • "/assets/sub/": workspace/data/assets/sub/ folder

      Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to use the first method, which is stored in the assets folder of the workspace, putting in a subdirectory has some side effects, please refer to the assets chapter of the user guide.

    • file[]: Uploaded file list

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "errFiles": [""],
        "succMap": {
          "foo.png": "assets/foo-20210719092549-9j5y79r.png"
    • errFiles: List of filenames with errors in upload processing
    • succMap: For successfully processed files, the key is the file name when uploading, and the value is assets/foo-id.png, which is used to replace the asset link address in the existing Markdown content with the uploaded address


Insert blocks

  • /api/block/insertBlock

  • Parameters

      "dataType": "markdown",
      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "nextID": "",
      "previousID": "20211229114650-vrek5x6",
      "parentID": ""
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • nextID: The ID of the next block, used to anchor the insertion position
    • previousID: The ID of the previous block, used to anchor the insertion position
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position

    nextID, previousID, and parentID must have at least one value, using priority: nextID > previousID > parentID

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20211230115020-g02dfx0\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20211230115020-g02dfx0",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "20211229114650-vrek5x6",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Prepend blocks

  • /api/block/prependBlock

  • Parameters

      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "dataType": "markdown",
      "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb"
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20220108003710-hm0x9sc\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20220108003710-hm0x9sc",
              "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Append blocks

  • /api/block/appendBlock

  • Parameters

      "data": "foo**bar**{: style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\"}baz",
      "dataType": "markdown",
      "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb"
    • dataType: The data type to be inserted, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be inserted
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "insert",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20220108003642-y2wmpcv\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong style=\"color: var(--b3-font-color8);\">bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20220108003642-y2wmpcv",
              "parentID": "20220107173950-7f9m1nb",
              "previousID": "20220108003615-7rk41t1",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the newly inserted block
    • ID of the newly inserted block

Update a block

  • /api/block/updateBlock

  • Parameters

      "dataType": "markdown",
      "data": "foobarbaz",
      "id": "20211230161520-querkps"
    • dataType: The data type to be updated, the value can be markdown or dom
    • data: Data to be updated
    • id: ID of the block to be updated
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "update",
              "data": "<div data-node-id=\"20211230161520-querkps\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo<strong>bar</strong>baz</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\"></div></div>",
              "id": "20211230161520-querkps",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
          "undoOperations": null
    • DOM generated by the updated block

Delete a block

  • /api/block/deleteBlock

  • Parameters

      "id": "20211230161520-querkps"
    • id: ID of the block to be deleted
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "doOperations": [
              "action": "delete",
              "data": null,
              "id": "20211230162439-vtm09qo",
              "parentID": "",
              "previousID": "",
              "retData": null
         "undoOperations": null

Move a block

  • /api/block/moveBlock

  • Parameters

      "id": "20230406180530-3o1rqkc",
      "previousID": "20230406152734-if5kyx6",
      "parentID": "20230404183855-woe52ko"
    • id: Block ID to move
    • previousID: The ID of the previous block, used to anchor the insertion position
    • parentID: The ID of the parent block, used to anchor the insertion position, previousID and parentID cannot be empty at the same time, if they exist at the same time, previousID will be used first
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
              "doOperations": [
                      "action": "move",
                      "data": null,
                      "id": "20230406180530-3o1rqkc",
                      "parentID": "20230404183855-woe52ko",
                      "previousID": "20230406152734-if5kyx6",
                      "nextID": "",
                      "retData": null,
                      "srcIDs": null,
                      "name": "",
                      "type": ""
              "undoOperations": null

Get a block kramdown

  • /api/block/getBlockKramdown

  • Parameters

      "id": "20201225220954-dlgzk1o"
    • id: ID of the block to be got
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "id": "20201225220954-dlgzk1o",
        "kramdown": "* {: id=\"20201225220954-e913snx\"}Create a new notebook, create a new document under the notebook\n  {: id=\"20210131161940-kfs31q6\"}\n* {: id=\"20201225220954-ygz217h\"}Enter <kbd>/</kbd> in the editor to trigger the function menu\n  {: id=\"20210131161940-eo0riwq\"}\n* {: id=\"20201225220954-875yybt\"}((20200924101200-gss5vee \"Navigate in the content block\")) and ((20200924100906-0u4zfq3 \"Window and tab\"))\n  {: id=\"20210131161940-b5uow2h\"}"

Get child blocks

  • /api/block/getChildBlocks

  • Parameters

      "id": "20230506212712-vt9ajwj"
    • id: Parent block ID
    • The blocks below a heading are also counted as child blocks
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "id": "20230512083858-mjdwkbn",
          "type": "h",
          "subType": "h1"
          "id": "20230513213727-thswvfd",
          "type": "s"
          "id": "20230513213633-9lsj4ew",
          "type": "l",
          "subType": "u"

Transfer block ref

  • /api/block/transferBlockRef

  • Parameters

      "fromID": "20230612160235-mv6rrh1",
      "toID": "20230613093045-uwcomng",
      "refIDs": ["20230613092230-cpyimmd"]
    • fromID: Def block ID
    • toID: Target block ID
    • refIDs: Ref block IDs point to def block ID, optional, if not specified, all ref block IDs will be transferred
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null


Set block attributes

  • /api/attr/setBlockAttrs

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco",
      "attrs": {
        "custom-attr1": "line1\nline2"
    • id: Block ID
    • attrs: Block attributes, custom attributes must be prefixed with custom-
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Get block attributes

  • /api/attr/getBlockAttrs

  • Parameters

      "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco"
    • id: Block ID
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "custom-attr1": "line1\nline2",
        "id": "20210912214605-uhi5gco",
        "title": "PDF Annotation Demo",
        "type": "doc",
        "updated": "20210916120715"


Execute SQL query

  • /api/query/sql

  • Parameters

      "stmt": "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE content LIKE'%content%' LIMIT 7"
    • stmt: SQL statement
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
        { "col": "val" }


Render a template

  • /api/template/render

  • Parameters

      "id": "20220724223548-j6g0o87",
      "path": "F:\\SiYuan\\data\\templates\\"
    • id: The ID of the document where the rendering is called
    • path: Template file absolute path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "content": "<div data-node-id=\"20220729234848-dlgsah7\" data-node-index=\"1\" data-type=\"NodeParagraph\" class=\"p\" updated=\"20220729234840\"><div contenteditable=\"true\" spellcheck=\"false\">foo</div><div class=\"protyle-attr\" contenteditable=\"false\">​</div></div>",
        "path": "F:\\SiYuan\\data\\templates\\"

Render Sprig

  • /api/template/renderSprig

  • Parameters

      "template": "/daily note/{{now | date \"2006/01\"}}/{{now | date \"2006-01-02\"}}"
    • template: template content
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "/daily note/2023/03/2023-03-24"


Get file

  • /api/file/getFile

  • Parameters

    json { "path": "/data/20210808180117-6v0mkxr/" }

    • path: the file path under the workspace path
  • Return value

    • Response status code 200: File content

    • Response status code 202: Exception information

        "code": 404,
        "msg": "",
        "data": null
      • code: non-zero for exceptions

        • -1: Parameter parsing error
        • 404: Not Found (file doesn't exist)
        • 405: Method Not Allowed (it's a directory)
        • 500: Server Error (stat file failed / read file failed)
      • msg: a piece of text describing the error

Put file

  • /api/file/putFile

  • The parameter is an HTTP Multipart form

    • path: the file path under the workspace path
    • isDir: whether to create a folder, when true only create a folder, ignore file
    • modTime: last access and modification time, Unix time
    • file: the uploaded file
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Remove file

  • /api/file/removeFile

  • Parameters

      "path": "/data/20210808180117-6v0mkxr/"
    • path: the file path under the workspace path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

Rename file

  • /api/file/renameFile

  • Parameters

      "path": "/data/assets/image-20230523085812-k3o9t32.png",
      "newPath": "/data/assets/test-20230523085812-k3o9t32.png"
    • path: the file path under the workspace path
    • newPath: the new file path under the workspace path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": null

List files

  • /api/file/readDir

  • Parameters

      "path": "/data/20210808180117-6v0mkxr/20200923234011-ieuun1p"
    • path: the dir path under the workspace path
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": [
          "isDir": true,
          "isSymlink": false,
          "name": "20210808180303-6yi0dv5",
          "updated": 1691467624
          "isDir": false,
          "isSymlink": false,
          "name": "",
          "updated": 1663298365


Export Markdown

  • /api/export/exportMdContent

  • Parameters

      "id": ""
    • id: ID of the doc block to export
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "hPath": "/Please Start Here",
        "content": "## 🍫 Content Block\n\nIn SiYuan, the only important core concept is..."
    • hPath: human-readable path
    • content: Markdown content

Export files and folders

  • /api/export/exportResources

  • Parameters

      "paths": [
      "name": "zip-file-name"
    • paths: A list of file or folder paths to be exported, the same filename/folder name will be overwritten
    • name: (Optional) The exported file name, which defaults to when not set
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "path": "temp/export/"
    • path: The path of *.zip file created
      • The directory structure in is as follows:
        • zip-file-name
          • boot
          • langs
          • conf.json
          • index.html



  • /api/convert/pandoc

  • Working directory

    • Executing the pandoc command will set the working directory to workspace/temp/convert/pandoc/${dir}
    • API Put file can be used to write the file to be converted to this directory first
    • Then call the API for conversion, and the converted file will also be written to this directory
    • Finally, call the API Get file to get the converted file
  • Parameters

      "dir": "test",
      "args": [
        "--to", "markdown_strict-raw_html",
        "-o", ""
    • args: Pandoc command line parameters
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
         "path": "/temp/convert/pandoc/test"
    • path: the path under the workspace


Push message

  • /api/notification/pushMsg

  • Parameters

      "msg": "test",
      "timeout": 7000
    • timeout: The duration of the message display in milliseconds. This field can be omitted, the default is 7000 milliseconds
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
          "id": "62jtmqi"
    • id: Message ID

Push error message

  • /api/notification/pushErrMsg

  • Parameters

      "msg": "test",
      "timeout": 7000
    • timeout: The duration of the message display in milliseconds. This field can be omitted, the default is 7000 milliseconds
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
          "id": "qc9znut"
    • id: Message ID


Forward proxy

  • /api/network/forwardProxy

  • Parameters

      "url": "",
      "method": "GET",
      "timeout": 7000,
      "contentType": "text/html",
      "headers": [
              "Cookie": ""
      "payload": {},
      "payloadEncoding": "text",
      "responseEncoding": "text"
    • url: URL to forward

    • method: HTTP method, default is POST

    • timeout: timeout in milliseconds, default is 7000

    • contentType: Content-Type, default is application/json

    • headers: HTTP headers

    • payload: HTTP payload, object or string

    • payloadEncoding: The encoding scheme used by pyaload, default is text, optional values are as follows

      • text
      • base64 | base64-std
      • base64-url
      • base32 | base32-std
      • base32-hex
      • hex
    • responseEncoding: The encoding scheme used by body in response data, default is text, optional values are as follows

      • text
      • base64 | base64-std
      • base64-url
      • base32 | base32-std
      • base32-hex
      • hex
  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "body": "",
        "bodyEncoding": "text",
        "contentType": "text/html",
        "elapsed": 1976,
        "headers": {
        "status": 200,
        "url": ""
    • bodyEncoding: The encoding scheme used by body, is consistent with field responseEncoding in request, default is text, optional values are as follows

      • text
      • base64 | base64-std
      • base64-url
      • base32 | base32-std
      • base32-hex
      • hex


Get boot progress

  • /api/system/bootProgress

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": {
        "details": "Finishing boot...",
        "progress": 100

Get system version

  • /api/system/version

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": "1.3.5"

Get the current time of the system

  • /api/system/currentTime

  • No parameters

  • Return value

      "code": 0,
      "msg": "",
      "data": 1631850968131
    • data: Precision in milliseconds