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Oskar Hane edited this page Nov 22, 2021 · 14 revisions

Neo4j Desktop FAQ

Neo4j Desktop is a client application for working with Neo4j. It downloads everything you need to get started working with Neo4j.

What is Neo4j Desktop?

Neo4j Desktop is a normal double-clickable application that makes it easy for anyone to run a local Neo4j installation.

What does Neo4j Desktop install?

  • An electron-shell based native application
  • A JVM to run Neo4j, Zulu JVM
  • Neo4j Enterprise Edition for Developers
  • GraphApps built on Neo4j (Neo4j Browser, Neo4j Bloom, etc.)

What are the limitations of the included Neo4j Enterprise Edition for Developers

Neo4j Enterprise Edition for Developers is limited to single-user deployment.

What platforms are supported?

Neo4j Desktop is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux (limited set of distributions)

Where can I find log files?

on Linux: ~/.config/Neo4j Desktop/Application/log.log
on OS X: ~/Library/Logs/Neo4j Desktop/main.log
on Windows before 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Desktop\log.log
on Windows after 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\.Neo4jDesktop\log.log

Where can I find Neo4j instance files etc.?

on Linux: ~/.config/Neo4j Desktop/Application/
on OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/
on Windows before 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Desktop\
on Windows after 1.0.19: %USERPROFILE%\.Neo4jDesktop\ (or any other user defined path)

What public internet addresses does Neo4j Desktop reach out to, and for what reason?

User identity and registration

Opt-in Anonymous Usage Reporting

Software updates


Where should users report errors/issues?

For now please use the issue reporting of this github repository.

For commercial customers, Zendesk is still the go-to place.