This application is configured via the environment. The following environment variables can be used: KEY TYPE DEFAULT REQUIRED DESCRIPTION NSM_NAME String firewall-server Name of Firewall Server NSM_LISTEN_ON String listen.on.sock listen on socket NSM_CONNECT_TO URL unix:///var/lib/networkservicemesh/ url to connect to NSM_MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME Duration 10m maximum lifetime of tokens NSM_SERVICE_NAME String Name of providing service NSM_LABELS Comma-separated list of String:String pairs Endpoint labels NSM_ACL_CONFIG_PATH String /etc/vppagent-firewall/config.yaml Path to ACL config file NSM_ACLCONFIG Comma-separated list of configured acl rules NSM_LOG_LEVEL String INFO Log level NSM_OPENTELEMETRYENDPOINT String otel-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:4317 OpenTelemetry Collector Endpoint Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] Setting env variable DLV_LISTEN_APP to a valid dlv '--listen' value will cause the dlv debugger to execute this binary and listen as directed. Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] there are 6 phases which will be executed followed by a success message: Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] the phases include: Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 1: get config from environment Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 2: retrieve spiffe svid Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 3: create grpc client options Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 4: create firewall network service endpoint Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 5: create grpc and mount nse Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] 6: register nse with nsm Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] a final success message with start time duration Apr 28 08:40:03.047 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 1: get config from environment Apr 28 08:40:03.049 [ERRO] [acl:config] [cmd:/bin/app] Error reading config file: open /etc/vppagent-firewall/config.yaml: no such file or directory Apr 28 08:40:03.049 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] Config: &main.Config{Name:"nse-passthrough-1-667ffd8b65-7n2t6", ListenOn:"listen.on.sock", ConnectTo:url.URL{Scheme:"unix", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Path:"/var/lib/networkservicemesh/", RawPath:"", ForceQuery:false, RawQuery:"", Fragment:"", RawFragment:""}, MaxTokenLifetime:600000000000, ServiceName:"composition", Labels:map[string]string{"app":"passthrough-1"}, ACLConfigPath:"/etc/vppagent-firewall/config.yaml", ACLConfig:[]acl_types.ACLRule(nil), LogLevel:"INFO", OpenTelemetryEndpoint:"otel-collector.observability.svc.cluster.local:4317"} Apr 28 08:40:03.049 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 2: retrieving svid, check spire agent logs if this is the last line you see Apr 28 08:40:04.092 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] SVID: "spiffe://" Apr 28 08:40:04.092 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 3: create grpc client options Apr 28 08:40:04.092 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 4: create firewall network service endpoint Apr 28 08:40:04.092 [INFO] Configuration file: "/etc/vpp/helper/vpp.conf" not found, using defaults Apr 28 08:40:04.094 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 5: create grpc server and register firewall-server Apr 28 08:40:04.094 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] grpc server started Apr 28 08:40:04.094 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] executing phase 6: register nse with nsm Apr 28 08:40:04.185 [INFO] nse: name:"nse-passthrough-1-667ffd8b65-7n2t6" network_service_names:"composition" network_service_labels:{key:"composition" value:{labels:{key:"app" value:"passthrough-1"} labels:{key:"nodeName" value:""}}} url:"unix:///tmp/nse-passthrough-1-667ffd8b65-7n2t6495661147/listen.on.sock" expiration_time:{seconds:1651135264 nanos:125410322} initial_registration_time:{seconds:1651135204 nanos:137815802} Apr 28 08:40:04.185 [INFO] [cmd:/bin/app] startup completed in 1.137792085s Apr 28 08:40:04.093 [INFO] [cmd:vpp] vpp[15]: buffer: numa[0] falling back to non-hugepage backed buffer pool (vlib_physmem_shared_map_create: pmalloc_map_pages: Unable to lock pages: Cannot allocate memory) Apr 28 08:40:04.093 [INFO] [cmd:vpp] vpp[15]: vl_api_want_interface_events_t_handler:1635: pid 1: already enabled...