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MultiCam Visual Odometry

Design and Evaluation of a Generic Visual SLAM Framework for Multi Camera Systems

Version 0.2, April 10th, 2024

Authors: Pushyami Kaveti et al.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2023

Link: Paper | BibTex

1. Getting started

A. Prerequisites

We have tested this library in Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04. The following external libraries are required for building Multicam Visual Odometry package. We have given the build/install instructions in the next section.


  • Opencv 3.3.1/4.5.5
  • ROS Kinetic/Noetic
  • Boost
  • Eigen3
  • GTSAM 4
  • opengv
  • gflags
  • glog
  • DBoW2
  • DLib
  • Pangolin
  • python 2.7/3.8
  • numpy
  • YAML
[The entire package list can be built by writing a file.]

B. Build Instructions

1. ROS

Instructions to install ROS can be found in the links below:

2. Clone the repo

  • Create a ROS catkin workspace

  • Here on, we will assume that your catkin workspace location is ~/catkin_ws.

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone

3. OpenCV

  • Tested with OpenCV 3.3.1 and 4.5.5.
  • For Ubuntu 20.04 + OpenCV 4.5.5 follow the below instructions.
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y cmake 
    mkdir ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty && cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty
    git clone
    git clone
    cd opencv
    git checkout 4.5.5
    cd ../opencv_contrib
    git checkout 4.5.5
    cd ../opencv
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE   -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../opencv/install -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE  -D WITH_OPENGL=ON       -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules ..
    make install -j 4

4. Boost

  • apt-get install cmake build-essential libboost-all-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev google-perftools  libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev libyaml-cpp-dev

5. Eigen3

  • apt-get install wget unzip
    cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty  
    tar zxf eigen-3.3.7.tar.gz
    mv eigen-3.3.7.tar.gz eigen
  • In Eigen's CMakeLists.txt file, add the following below cmake_minimum_required

  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty/eigen
    cd eigen
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. 
    sudo make install

6. GTSAM 4

  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty  
    unzip && rm
    mv gtsam-4.1.1 gtsam
    cd gtsam
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
    make check
    make install

7. OpenGV

  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty 
    git clone
  • In Opengv's CMakeLists.txt file, add the following below cmake_minimum_required

  • cd opengv
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
    make install
  • Run tests (Recommended)

    make test

8. gflags and glog

  • This would have been installed as a part of the OpenCV build. If not, run this:

    • apt -y install libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev

9. DBoW2

  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty 
    git clone
    cd DBoW2
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
    make install

10. DLib

  • Make sure you download the right one - there are 2 similar repositories - DLib and dlib
  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty 
    git clone
    cd DLib
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
    make install

11. Pangolin

  • Build instructions can be found in this link:
  • cd ~/catkin_ws/ThirdParty 
    git clone --recursive
    cd Pangolin
    ./scripts/ recommended
    cmake -B build
    cmake --build build

C. Compile the ROS package


  • catkin_make -DOpenCV_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/opencv/build \
    -DDBoW2_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/DBoW2/build \
    -DDLib_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/DLib/build \
    -Dopengv_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/opengv/build \
    -DGTSAM_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/gtsam/build \
    -DGTSAM_UNSTABLE_DIR=/home/$USER/catkin_ws/Third_party/gtsam/build  \

2. Running an example

a. Download the dataset

  • Download the sample dataset from here.

b. Setup the config files

  • edit the following paramters in src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/lf_frontend.yaml

    • LogDir - Provide the path to save the log files
      • Example: ~/catkin_ws/src/MultiCamSLAM/log/
    • Vocabulary - Provide the path to the ORB Vocabulary files
      • Example: ~/catkin_ws/src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/ORBvoc.txt
  • edit the following parameters in src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/lf_slam_config.cfg

    • data_path - Provide the path to the downloaded dataset
      • Example: /home/marley/catkin_ws/ISEC_Lab1/
    • calib_file_path - Provide the path to the settings file for a particular multi-camera rig.
      • Example: /home/marley/catkin_ws/ISEC_Lab1/calib/02_23_2022_5cams_camchain.yaml
    • images_path - Provide the path to the images folder in the downloaded dataset
      • Example: /home/marley/catkin_ws/ISEC_Lab1/image_data/
    • frontend_params_file - Provide the complete path to the lf_frontend.yaml file in MCApps/params of the package.
      • Example: /home/marley/catkin_ws/src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/lf_frontend.yaml
    • backend_params_file - Provide the complete path to the lf_backend.yaml file in MCApps/params of the package.
      • Example: /home/marley/catkin_ws/src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/lf_backend.yaml

c. Run

In Terminal 1


In Terminal 2 Edit the below command based on the path to the cfg file.

./devel/lib/MCApps/MCSlamapp --config_file /home/marley/neu_ws/src/MultiCamSLAM/MCApps/params/lf_slam_config.cfg --log_file /home/marley/log.txt --traj_file /home/marley/traj.txt

3. Additonal Details from the paper

a. Setup

image alt text

The custom-built multi-camera rig used to collect data for evaluating the SLAM pipeline.

b. Qualitative Results

i. Curry Center Dataset

image alt text

Estimated trajectories of the Curry center sequence with outdoor data and dynamic content. Stars indicate final positions of trajectory estimates. Accuracy and robustness improve with increasing number of cameras in OV configurations, as shown by accumulated drift in final position. Red and blue boxes highlight tracking failures caused by occluding dynamic objects. N-OV configuration exhibits scale issues compared to OV configuration but is robust to dynamic content

ii. ISEC_Ground1 Dataset

image alt text

Estimated trajectories of the ISEC_Ground1 sequence. Here, the robot’s start and end positions are the same, facilitating performance evaluation. We achieve comparable results to ORBSLAM3 and SVO in stereo setup and demonstrate improved accuracy with increasing overlapping cameras.

iii. ISEC_Lab1 Dataset

image alt text

Estimated trajectories of the ISEC_Lab1 sequence. Here, the ground truth is shown as a dashed line. We achieve comparable results to ORBSLAM3 and SVO in stereo setup and demonstrate improved accuracy with increasing overlapping cameras.


If you use this work in an academic context, please cite the following publication:


  author={Kaveti, Pushyami and Vaidyanathan, Shankara Narayanan and Chelvan, Arvind Thamil and Singh, Hanumant},

  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 

  title={Design and Evaluation of a Generic Visual SLAM Framework for Multi Camera Systems}, 




