Hi, I'm Claudéric DeRoy, a cognitive neuroscientist and a bit of a computer scientist from Montréal 🇨🇦
Touch Rugby player 🏉 (Let's go East Canada!), home brewer🍺, music enthusiast🎵 and history nerd📜
📫 You can contact me by email
Academic :
- I completed a bachelor degree in cognitive neuroscience (2021)🧠
- I also completed a master degree in psychology (2023), about Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signal processing (the toolbox I developed)
- I'm actually an undergrad student in computer science 🧑💻
Publication :
- DeRoy, C. (2023). Évaluation de programmes de prétraitement de signal d'activité électrodermale (EDA) (Publication No. 23820) [Master thesis, Université de Montréal]. Papyrus : Institutional Repository. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/32728
- Improve the decoding of data from sweat (vulgarization about my research, here)
Posters :
- DeRoy, C. Hétu, S. (2022, October 21). Évaluation d’outils de prétraitement de signal d’activité électrodermale utilisant l’apprentissage machine [Poster]. IVADO Digital October, Montréal, Québec, Canada. https://ivado.ca/en/events/ivado-digital-october-2022/
- DeRoy, C. Hétu, S. (2023, May 26-28). Évaluation de programmes de prétraitement de signal d'activité électrodermale (EDA) [Poster]. 45e congrès annuel de la SQRP, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. https://cdn.fourwaves.com/static/media/filecontent/53357d9b-8e9c-42be-881a-e5da821db5ab/d8fad5f9-3804-40d9-8151-bb368de8bde3.pdf
Prizes and distinction :
- IVADOs Undergraduate Introduction to Research Scholarship (2020)
- Merit scholarship from the Québec government (2024)
Coding & programming languages :