From 3bbbf03f2f4b3f9dc2bfb5e29ab9a498aa79f722 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nextcloud bot Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 01:22:13 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot --- l10n/es_MX.js | 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ l10n/es_MX.json | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 606 insertions(+) create mode 100644 l10n/es_MX.js create mode 100644 l10n/es_MX.json diff --git a/l10n/es_MX.js b/l10n/es_MX.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..161d4e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/es_MX.js @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +OC.L10N.register( + "privacy", + { + "Privacy" : "Privacidad", + "-" : "-", + "Administrators" : "Administradores", + "Loading administrators …" : "Cargando administradores …", + "Remove external {propertyName} admin" : "Remover al administrador externo de {propertyName}", + "Add external admin" : "Añadir un administrador externo", + "Cancel" : "Cancelar", + "Add" : "Guardar", + "Name of external admin" : "Nombre del administrador externo", + "Error loading additional administrator." : "Error al cargar el administrador adicional.", + "Error adding new administrator." : "Error al añadir un nuevo administrador.", + "Error deleting new administrator." : "Error al eliminar un nuevo administrador.", + "Encryption" : "Encripción", + "Edit encryption" : "Editar cifrado", + "Edit" : "Editar", + "This server is using full-disk-encryption." : "Este servidor utiliza cifrado de disco completo.", + "Additionally, this server is protected with full-disk-encryption." : "Adicionalmente, este servidor está protegido con cifrado de disco completo.", + "This server is protected with full-disk-encryption." : "Este servidor está protegido con cifrado de disco completo.", + "Your files are not protected by encryption." : "Sus archivos no están protegidos mediante cifrado.", + "Error saving new state of full-disk-encryption" : "Error al guardar el nuevo estado de cifrado de disco completo", + "Privacy policy" : "Política de privacidad", + "Read the privacy policy ↗" : "Leer la política de privacidad ↗", + "People you've shared with" : "Personas con las que lo ha compartido", + "Loading people you've shared with …" : "Cargando personas con las que lo ha compartido …", + "You do not have any shares with individual users." : "No tiene ningún recurso compartido con usuarios individuales.", + "Error loading information about shares." : "Error al cargar la información sobre los recursos compartidos.", + "Who has access to your data?" : "¿Quién tiene acceso a sus datos?", + "Where is your data?" : "¿Dónde están sus datos?", + "Your data is located in:" : "Sus datos se encuentran en:", + "An admin has not selected the location of the server yet." : "Un administrador aún no ha seleccionado la ubicación del servidor.", + "Change data location" : "Cambiar la ubicación de los datos", + "Region" : "Región", + "Please select a region" : "Por favor, seleccione una región", + "Error saving new location of the server" : "Error al guardar la nueva ubicación del servidor", + "User Data Manifesto 2.0" : "Manifiesto de datos del usuario 2.0", + "Control" : "Control", + "over user data access" : "sobre el acceso a los datos del usuario", + "Knowledge" : "Conocimiento", + "of how the data is stored" : "de cómo se almacenan los datos", + "Freedom" : "Libertad", + "to choose a platform" : "de elegir una plataforma", + "Learn more ↗" : "Más información ↗", + "Your {serverName} account" : "Su cuenta de {serverName}", + "Somaliland" : "Somalilandia", + "Andorra" : "Andorra", + "United Arab Emirates" : "Emiratos Árabes Unidos", + "Afghanistan" : "Afganistán", + "Antigua and Barbuda" : "Antigua y Barbuda", + "Anguilla" : "Anguila", + "Albania" : "Albania", + "Armenia" : "Armenia", + "Angola" : "Angola", + "Antarctica" : "Antártida", + "Argentina" : "Argentina", + "American Samoa" : "Samoa Americana", + "Austria" : "Austria", + "Australia" : "Australia", + "Aruba" : "Aruba", + "Åland Islands" : "Islas Åland", + "Azerbaijan" : "Azerbaiyán", + "Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "Bosnia y Herzegovina", + "Barbados" : "Barbados", + "Bangladesh" : "Bangladesh", + "Belgium" : "Bélgica", + "Burkina Faso" : "Burkina Faso", + "Bulgaria" : "Bulgaria", + "Bahrain" : "Baréin", + "Burundi" : "Burundi", + "Benin" : "Benín", + "Saint Barthélemy" : "San Bartolomé", + "Bermuda" : "Bermudas", + "Brunei" : "Brunei", + "Bolivia" : "Bolivia", + "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba", + "Brazil" : "Brasil", + "Bahamas" : "Bahamas", + "Bhutan" : "Bután", + "Bouvet Island" : "Isla Bouvet", + "Botswana" : "Botsuana", + "Belarus" : "Bielorrusia", + "Belize" : "Belice", + "Canada" : "Canadá", + "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "Islas Cocos (Keeling)", + "Democratic Republic of the Congo" : "República Democrática del Congo", + "Central African Republic" : "República Centroafricana", + "Congo" : "Congo", + "Switzerland" : "Suiza", + "Cote d'Ivoire" : "Costa de Marfil", + "Cook Islands" : "Islas Cook", + "Chile" : "Chile", + "Cameroon" : "Camerún", + "China" : "China", + "Colombia" : "Colombia", + "Costa Rica" : "Costa Rica", + "Cuba" : "Cuba", + "Cabo Verde" : "Cabo Verde", + "Curaçao" : "Curazao", + "Christmas Island" : "Isla de Navidad", + "Cyprus" : "Chipre", + "Czech" : "República Checa", + "Germany" : "Alemania", + "Djibouti" : "Djibouti", + "Denmark" : "Dinamarca", + "Dominican Republic" : "República Dominicana", + "Algeria" : "Algeria", + "Ecuador" : "Ecuador", + "Estonia" : "Estonia", + "Egypt" : "Egipto", + "West Sahara" : "Sahara Occidental", + "Eritrea" : "Eritrea", + "Spain" : "España", + "Ethiopia" : "Etiopía", + "Finland" : "Finlandia", + "Fiji" : "Fiji", + "Falkland Islands" : "Islas Malvinas", + "Micronesia" : "Micronesia", + "Faroe Islands" : "Islas Faroe", + "France" : "Francia", + "Gabon" : "Gabón", + "United Kingdom" : "Reino Unido", + "Grenada" : "Granada", + "Georgia" : "Georgia", + "French Guiana" : "Guyana Francesa", + "Guernsey" : "Guernesey", + "Ghana" : "Ghana", + "Gibraltar" : "Gibraltar", + "Greenland" : "Groenlandia", + "Gambia" : "Gambia", + "Guinea" : "Guinea", + "Guadeloupe" : "Guadalupe", + "Equatorial Guinea" : "Guinea Ecuatorial", + "Greece" : "Grecia", + "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur", + "Guatemala" : "Guatemala", + "Guam" : "Guam", + "Guinea-Bissau" : "Guinea-Bissau", + "Guyana" : "Guyana", + "Hong Kong" : "Hong Kong", + "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "Isla Heard e Islas McDonald", + "Honduras" : "Honduras", + "Croatia" : "Croacia", + "Haiti" : "Haití", + "Hungary" : "Hungría", + "Indonesia" : "Indonesia", + "Ireland" : "Irlanda", + "Israel" : "Israel", + "Isle of Man" : "Isla de Man", + "India" : "India", + "British Indian Ocean Territory" : "Territorio Británico del Océano Índico", + "Iraq" : "Irak", + "Iran" : "Irán", + "Iceland" : "Islandia", + "Italy" : "Italia", + "Jamaica" : "Jamaica", + "Jordan" : "Jordania", + "Japan" : "Japón", + "Kenya" : "Kenia", + "Kyrgyzstan" : "Kirguistán", + "Cambodia" : "Camboya", + "Kiribati" : "Kiribati", + "Comores" : "Comoras", + "Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "San Cristóbal y Nieves", + "North Korea" : "Corea del Norte", + "South Korea" : "Corea del Sur", + "Kuwait" : "Kuwait", + "Cayman Islands" : "Islas Caimán", + "Kazakhstan" : "Kazajistán", + "Laos" : "Laos", + "Lebanon" : "Líbano", + "Saint Lucia" : "Santa Lucía", + "Liechtenstein" : "Liechtenstein", + "Sri Lanka" : "Sri Lanka", + "Liberia" : "Liberia", + "Lesotho" : "Lesoto", + "Lithuania" : "Lituania", + "Luxembourg" : "Luxemburgo", + "Latvia" : "Letonia", + "Libya" : "Libia", + "Morocco" : "Marruecos", + "Monaco" : "Mónaco", + "Moldova" : "Moldavia", + "Montenegro" : "Montenegro", + "Saint Martin" : "San Martín", + "Madagascar" : "Madagascar", + "Marshall Islands" : "Islas Marshall", + "Macedonia" : "Macedonia", + "Mali" : "Malí", + "Myanmar" : "Birmania", + "Mongolia" : "Mongolia", + "Macao" : "Macao", + "Northern Mariana Islands" : "Islas Marianas del Norte", + "Mauritania" : "Mauritania", + "Montserrat" : "Montserrat", + "Malta" : "Malta", + "Mauritius" : "Mauricio", + "Maldives" : "Maldivas", + "Malawi" : "Malawi", + "Mexico" : "México", + "Malaysia" : "Malasia", + "Mozambique" : "Mozambique", + "Namibia" : "Namibia", + "New Caledonia" : "Nueva Caledonia", + "Niger" : "Níger", + "Norfolk Island" : "Isla Norfolk", + "Nigeria" : "Nigeria", + "Nicaragua" : "Nicaragua", + "Netherlands" : "Países Bajos", + "Norway" : "Noruega", + "Nepal" : "Nepal", + "Nauru" : "Nauru", + "Niue" : "Niue", + "New Zealand" : "Nueva Zelanda", + "Oman" : "Omán", + "Panama" : "Panamá", + "Peru" : "Perú", + "French Polynesia" : "Polinesia Francesa", + "Papua New Guinea" : "Papúa Nueva Guinea", + "Philippines" : "Filipinas", + "Pakistan" : "Pakistán", + "Poland" : "Polonia", + "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "San Pedro y Miquelón", + "Pitcairn" : "Pitcairn", + "Puerto Rico" : "Puerto Rico", + "Palestine" : "Palestina", + "Portugal" : "Portugal", + "Palau" : "Palau", + "Paraguay" : "Paraguay", + "Qatar" : "Catar", + "Réunion" : "Reunión", + "Romania" : "Rumanía", + "Serbia" : "Serbia", + "Russia" : "Rusia", + "Rwanda" : "Ruanda", + "Saudi Arabia" : "Arabia Saudita", + "Solomon Islands" : "Islas Salomón", + "Seychelles" : "Seychelles", + "Sudan" : "Sudán", + "Sweden" : "Suecia", + "Singapore" : "Singapur", + "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña", + "Slovenia" : "Eslovenia", + "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "Svalbard y Jan Mayen", + "Slovakia" : "Eslovaquia", + "Sierra Leone" : "Sierra Leona", + "San Marino" : "San Marino", + "Senegal" : "Senegal", + "Somalia" : "Somalia", + "Suriname" : "Surinam", + "South Sudan" : "Sudán del Sur", + "Sao Tome and Principe" : "Santo Tomé y Príncipe", + "El Salvador" : "El Salvador", + "Sint Maarten" : "San Martín", + "Syria" : "Siria", + "Swaziland" : "Suazilandia", + "Turks and Caicos Islands" : "Islas Turcas y Caicos", + "Chad" : "Chad", + "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands" : "P. Tierras del Sur Antártico", + "Togo" : "Togo", + "Thailand" : "Tailandia", + "Tajikistan" : "Tayikistán", + "Tokelau" : "Tokelau", + "Timor-Leste" : "Timor Oriental", + "Turkmenistan" : "Turkmenistán", + "Tunisia" : "Túnez", + "Tonga" : "Tonga", + "Turkey" : "Turquía", + "Trinidad and Tobago" : "Trinidad y Tobago", + "Tuvalu" : "Tuvalu", + "Taiwan" : "Taiwán", + "Tanzania" : "Tanzania", + "Ukraine" : "Ucrania", + "Uganda" : "Uganda", + "United States Minor Outlying Islands" : "Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos", + "United States" : "Estados Unidos", + "Uruguay" : "Uruguay", + "Uzbekistan" : "Uzbekistán", + "Holy See" : "Santa Sede", + "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "San Vicente y las Granadinas", + "Venezuela" : "Venezuela", + "Virgin Islands (British)" : "Islas Vírgenes (británicas)", + "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" : "Islas Vírgenes (estadounidenses)", + "Vietnam" : "Vietnam", + "Vanuatu" : "Vanuatu", + "Wallis and Futuna" : "Wallis y Futuna", + "Samoa" : "Samoa", + "Yemen" : "Yemen", + "Mayotte" : "Mayotte", + "South Africa" : "Sudáfrica", + "Zambia" : "Zambia", + "Zimbabwe" : "Zimbabue", + "Adapt encryption" : "Adaptar cifrado", + "The admin has not selected the location of the server yet." : "El administrador aún no ha seleccionado la ubicación del servidor.", + "You don't have any shares with individual users." : "No tiene ningún recurso compartido con usuarios individuales.", + "Your %s account" : "Su cuenta de %s", + "Defining basic rights for people to control their own data in the internet age" : "Definiendo derechos básicos para que las personas controlen sus propios datos en la era del internet", + "People you shared with" : "Personas con las que lo ha compartido", + "Read the privacy policy." : "Leer la política de privacidad.", + "Loading people you" : "Cargando personas que", + "People you" : "Personas que" +}, +"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"); diff --git a/l10n/es_MX.json b/l10n/es_MX.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ab43307 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/es_MX.json @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +{ "translations": { + "Privacy" : "Privacidad", + "-" : "-", + "Administrators" : "Administradores", + "Loading administrators …" : "Cargando administradores …", + "Remove external {propertyName} admin" : "Remover al administrador externo de {propertyName}", + "Add external admin" : "Añadir un administrador externo", + "Cancel" : "Cancelar", + "Add" : "Guardar", + "Name of external admin" : "Nombre del administrador externo", + "Error loading additional administrator." : "Error al cargar el administrador adicional.", + "Error adding new administrator." : "Error al añadir un nuevo administrador.", + "Error deleting new administrator." : "Error al eliminar un nuevo administrador.", + "Encryption" : "Encripción", + "Edit encryption" : "Editar cifrado", + "Edit" : "Editar", + "This server is using full-disk-encryption." : "Este servidor utiliza cifrado de disco completo.", + "Additionally, this server is protected with full-disk-encryption." : "Adicionalmente, este servidor está protegido con cifrado de disco completo.", + "This server is protected with full-disk-encryption." : "Este servidor está protegido con cifrado de disco completo.", + "Your files are not protected by encryption." : "Sus archivos no están protegidos mediante cifrado.", + "Error saving new state of full-disk-encryption" : "Error al guardar el nuevo estado de cifrado de disco completo", + "Privacy policy" : "Política de privacidad", + "Read the privacy policy ↗" : "Leer la política de privacidad ↗", + "People you've shared with" : "Personas con las que lo ha compartido", + "Loading people you've shared with …" : "Cargando personas con las que lo ha compartido …", + "You do not have any shares with individual users." : "No tiene ningún recurso compartido con usuarios individuales.", + "Error loading information about shares." : "Error al cargar la información sobre los recursos compartidos.", + "Who has access to your data?" : "¿Quién tiene acceso a sus datos?", + "Where is your data?" : "¿Dónde están sus datos?", + "Your data is located in:" : "Sus datos se encuentran en:", + "An admin has not selected the location of the server yet." : "Un administrador aún no ha seleccionado la ubicación del servidor.", + "Change data location" : "Cambiar la ubicación de los datos", + "Region" : "Región", + "Please select a region" : "Por favor, seleccione una región", + "Error saving new location of the server" : "Error al guardar la nueva ubicación del servidor", + "User Data Manifesto 2.0" : "Manifiesto de datos del usuario 2.0", + "Control" : "Control", + "over user data access" : "sobre el acceso a los datos del usuario", + "Knowledge" : "Conocimiento", + "of how the data is stored" : "de cómo se almacenan los datos", + "Freedom" : "Libertad", + "to choose a platform" : "de elegir una plataforma", + "Learn more ↗" : "Más información ↗", + "Your {serverName} account" : "Su cuenta de {serverName}", + "Somaliland" : "Somalilandia", + "Andorra" : "Andorra", + "United Arab Emirates" : "Emiratos Árabes Unidos", + "Afghanistan" : "Afganistán", + "Antigua and Barbuda" : "Antigua y Barbuda", + "Anguilla" : "Anguila", + "Albania" : "Albania", + "Armenia" : "Armenia", + "Angola" : "Angola", + "Antarctica" : "Antártida", + "Argentina" : "Argentina", + "American Samoa" : "Samoa Americana", + "Austria" : "Austria", + "Australia" : "Australia", + "Aruba" : "Aruba", + "Åland Islands" : "Islas Åland", + "Azerbaijan" : "Azerbaiyán", + "Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "Bosnia y Herzegovina", + "Barbados" : "Barbados", + "Bangladesh" : "Bangladesh", + "Belgium" : "Bélgica", + "Burkina Faso" : "Burkina Faso", + "Bulgaria" : "Bulgaria", + "Bahrain" : "Baréin", + "Burundi" : "Burundi", + "Benin" : "Benín", + "Saint Barthélemy" : "San Bartolomé", + "Bermuda" : "Bermudas", + "Brunei" : "Brunei", + "Bolivia" : "Bolivia", + "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba", + "Brazil" : "Brasil", + "Bahamas" : "Bahamas", + "Bhutan" : "Bután", + "Bouvet Island" : "Isla Bouvet", + "Botswana" : "Botsuana", + "Belarus" : "Bielorrusia", + "Belize" : "Belice", + "Canada" : "Canadá", + "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "Islas Cocos (Keeling)", + "Democratic Republic of the Congo" : "República Democrática del Congo", + "Central African Republic" : "República Centroafricana", + "Congo" : "Congo", + "Switzerland" : "Suiza", + "Cote d'Ivoire" : "Costa de Marfil", + "Cook Islands" : "Islas Cook", + "Chile" : "Chile", + "Cameroon" : "Camerún", + "China" : "China", + "Colombia" : "Colombia", + "Costa Rica" : "Costa Rica", + "Cuba" : "Cuba", + "Cabo Verde" : "Cabo Verde", + "Curaçao" : "Curazao", + "Christmas Island" : "Isla de Navidad", + "Cyprus" : "Chipre", + "Czech" : "República Checa", + "Germany" : "Alemania", + "Djibouti" : "Djibouti", + "Denmark" : "Dinamarca", + "Dominican Republic" : "República Dominicana", + "Algeria" : "Algeria", + "Ecuador" : "Ecuador", + "Estonia" : "Estonia", + "Egypt" : "Egipto", + "West Sahara" : "Sahara Occidental", + "Eritrea" : "Eritrea", + "Spain" : "España", + "Ethiopia" : "Etiopía", + "Finland" : "Finlandia", + "Fiji" : "Fiji", + "Falkland Islands" : "Islas Malvinas", + "Micronesia" : "Micronesia", + "Faroe Islands" : "Islas Faroe", + "France" : "Francia", + "Gabon" : "Gabón", + "United Kingdom" : "Reino Unido", + "Grenada" : "Granada", + "Georgia" : "Georgia", + "French Guiana" : "Guyana Francesa", + "Guernsey" : "Guernesey", + "Ghana" : "Ghana", + "Gibraltar" : "Gibraltar", + "Greenland" : "Groenlandia", + "Gambia" : "Gambia", + "Guinea" : "Guinea", + "Guadeloupe" : "Guadalupe", + "Equatorial Guinea" : "Guinea Ecuatorial", + "Greece" : "Grecia", + "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur", + "Guatemala" : "Guatemala", + "Guam" : "Guam", + "Guinea-Bissau" : "Guinea-Bissau", + "Guyana" : "Guyana", + "Hong Kong" : "Hong Kong", + "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "Isla Heard e Islas McDonald", + "Honduras" : "Honduras", + "Croatia" : "Croacia", + "Haiti" : "Haití", + "Hungary" : "Hungría", + "Indonesia" : "Indonesia", + "Ireland" : "Irlanda", + "Israel" : "Israel", + "Isle of Man" : "Isla de Man", + "India" : "India", + "British Indian Ocean Territory" : "Territorio Británico del Océano Índico", + "Iraq" : "Irak", + "Iran" : "Irán", + "Iceland" : "Islandia", + "Italy" : "Italia", + "Jamaica" : "Jamaica", + "Jordan" : "Jordania", + "Japan" : "Japón", + "Kenya" : "Kenia", + "Kyrgyzstan" : "Kirguistán", + "Cambodia" : "Camboya", + "Kiribati" : "Kiribati", + "Comores" : "Comoras", + "Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "San Cristóbal y Nieves", + "North Korea" : "Corea del Norte", + "South Korea" : "Corea del Sur", + "Kuwait" : "Kuwait", + "Cayman Islands" : "Islas Caimán", + "Kazakhstan" : "Kazajistán", + "Laos" : "Laos", + "Lebanon" : "Líbano", + "Saint Lucia" : "Santa Lucía", + "Liechtenstein" : "Liechtenstein", + "Sri Lanka" : "Sri Lanka", + "Liberia" : "Liberia", + "Lesotho" : "Lesoto", + "Lithuania" : "Lituania", + "Luxembourg" : "Luxemburgo", + "Latvia" : "Letonia", + "Libya" : "Libia", + "Morocco" : "Marruecos", + "Monaco" : "Mónaco", + "Moldova" : "Moldavia", + "Montenegro" : "Montenegro", + "Saint Martin" : "San Martín", + "Madagascar" : "Madagascar", + "Marshall Islands" : "Islas Marshall", + "Macedonia" : "Macedonia", + "Mali" : "Malí", + "Myanmar" : "Birmania", + "Mongolia" : "Mongolia", + "Macao" : "Macao", + "Northern Mariana Islands" : "Islas Marianas del Norte", + "Mauritania" : "Mauritania", + "Montserrat" : "Montserrat", + "Malta" : "Malta", + "Mauritius" : "Mauricio", + "Maldives" : "Maldivas", + "Malawi" : "Malawi", + "Mexico" : "México", + "Malaysia" : "Malasia", + "Mozambique" : "Mozambique", + "Namibia" : "Namibia", + "New Caledonia" : "Nueva Caledonia", + "Niger" : "Níger", + "Norfolk Island" : "Isla Norfolk", + "Nigeria" : "Nigeria", + "Nicaragua" : "Nicaragua", + "Netherlands" : "Países Bajos", + "Norway" : "Noruega", + "Nepal" : "Nepal", + "Nauru" : "Nauru", + "Niue" : "Niue", + "New Zealand" : "Nueva Zelanda", + "Oman" : "Omán", + "Panama" : "Panamá", + "Peru" : "Perú", + "French Polynesia" : "Polinesia Francesa", + "Papua New Guinea" : "Papúa Nueva Guinea", + "Philippines" : "Filipinas", + "Pakistan" : "Pakistán", + "Poland" : "Polonia", + "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "San Pedro y Miquelón", + "Pitcairn" : "Pitcairn", + "Puerto Rico" : "Puerto Rico", + "Palestine" : "Palestina", + "Portugal" : "Portugal", + "Palau" : "Palau", + "Paraguay" : "Paraguay", + "Qatar" : "Catar", + "Réunion" : "Reunión", + "Romania" : "Rumanía", + "Serbia" : "Serbia", + "Russia" : "Rusia", + "Rwanda" : "Ruanda", + "Saudi Arabia" : "Arabia Saudita", + "Solomon Islands" : "Islas Salomón", + "Seychelles" : "Seychelles", + "Sudan" : "Sudán", + "Sweden" : "Suecia", + "Singapore" : "Singapur", + "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña", + "Slovenia" : "Eslovenia", + "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "Svalbard y Jan Mayen", + "Slovakia" : "Eslovaquia", + "Sierra Leone" : "Sierra Leona", + "San Marino" : "San Marino", + "Senegal" : "Senegal", + "Somalia" : "Somalia", + "Suriname" : "Surinam", + "South Sudan" : "Sudán del Sur", + "Sao Tome and Principe" : "Santo Tomé y Príncipe", + "El Salvador" : "El Salvador", + "Sint Maarten" : "San Martín", + "Syria" : "Siria", + "Swaziland" : "Suazilandia", + "Turks and Caicos Islands" : "Islas Turcas y Caicos", + "Chad" : "Chad", + "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands" : "P. Tierras del Sur Antártico", + "Togo" : "Togo", + "Thailand" : "Tailandia", + "Tajikistan" : "Tayikistán", + "Tokelau" : "Tokelau", + "Timor-Leste" : "Timor Oriental", + "Turkmenistan" : "Turkmenistán", + "Tunisia" : "Túnez", + "Tonga" : "Tonga", + "Turkey" : "Turquía", + "Trinidad and Tobago" : "Trinidad y Tobago", + "Tuvalu" : "Tuvalu", + "Taiwan" : "Taiwán", + "Tanzania" : "Tanzania", + "Ukraine" : "Ucrania", + "Uganda" : "Uganda", + "United States Minor Outlying Islands" : "Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos", + "United States" : "Estados Unidos", + "Uruguay" : "Uruguay", + "Uzbekistan" : "Uzbekistán", + "Holy See" : "Santa Sede", + "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "San Vicente y las Granadinas", + "Venezuela" : "Venezuela", + "Virgin Islands (British)" : "Islas Vírgenes (británicas)", + "Virgin Islands (U.S.)" : "Islas Vírgenes (estadounidenses)", + "Vietnam" : "Vietnam", + "Vanuatu" : "Vanuatu", + "Wallis and Futuna" : "Wallis y Futuna", + "Samoa" : "Samoa", + "Yemen" : "Yemen", + "Mayotte" : "Mayotte", + "South Africa" : "Sudáfrica", + "Zambia" : "Zambia", + "Zimbabwe" : "Zimbabue", + "Adapt encryption" : "Adaptar cifrado", + "The admin has not selected the location of the server yet." : "El administrador aún no ha seleccionado la ubicación del servidor.", + "You don't have any shares with individual users." : "No tiene ningún recurso compartido con usuarios individuales.", + "Your %s account" : "Su cuenta de %s", + "Defining basic rights for people to control their own data in the internet age" : "Definiendo derechos básicos para que las personas controlen sus propios datos en la era del internet", + "People you shared with" : "Personas con las que lo ha compartido", + "Read the privacy policy." : "Leer la política de privacidad.", + "Loading people you" : "Cargando personas que", + "People you" : "Personas que" +},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;" +} \ No newline at end of file