Packages are groups of functions that someone else has built in Python to share with the world Packages can help you perform a set of functions For example, the requests package lets you visit a webpage and retrieve the contents (source) as a string.
Before you can use someone else's package, you must install it onto your computer. Before you can install it on your computer, you'll need to install a package manager.
The preferred package manager is called pip, but we need to take a few steps to get there.
- First, go here:
- Copy / save that file to your computer
Windows-specific instructions
- Make sure you complete the first two steps above first.
- Create the folder 'scripts' inside C:\python27
- Save the inside C:\python27\scripts
- If in Windows, now you'll need to add "C:\Python27\scripts" to your PATH environment variable.
- To do that, go to My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > Path
- You'll also need to add "C:\Python27" to your PATH environment variable.
- Don't delete everything else. Add onto it, separating the entries with a semicolon.
- Open your terminal (Start Menu > Run > cmd) or (Start Menu > Search > cmd)
- Use cd to change the directory you're working in: cd c:/python27/scripts
- Type python and hit enter.
- Type easy_install pip and hit enter.
- Type pip install requests and hit enter. If it was successful, you're done! Help a neighbor.
Mac-specific instructions
- Make sure you complete the first two steps above first.
- Run that program in Python.
- Type easy_install pip and hit enter. If you get permission errors, try sudo easy_install pip
- Type pip install requests and hit enter. If you get permission errors, try sudo pip install requests
- If it was successful, you're done! Help a neighbor.