- #232 Attempt at semantic versioning
- #229 Upgrade to DFLib 0.18
- #230 Upgrade Jackson to 2.14.3
- #231 Rename LinkEtlAdapter to LmAdapter
- #221 Extractor Schema v3 - new namespace and location
- #223 Deprecate remaining "with" prefixes in the LmRuntimeBuilder
- #224 Upgrade to Jackson 2.14.2
- #225 Upgrade slf4j to 2.0.7
- #226 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2 GA
- #219 Upgrade Cayenne to 4.2.RC2 and DFLib to 0.17
- #220 Improve design for URI connector
- #222 Allow multiple connector factories for a given connector type
- #197 Lambda-based callbacks
- #218 Logger: support for logging delete tasks target filter
- #177 MutableExtractorModel.getProperties() should respond unmodifiable hash map since 2.9
- #180 DeleteAllTask
- #212 Consistent logging of resource resolving
- #213 Extractor cache is broken
- #214 Debug extractor on each execution
- #216 Remove 2.x deprecated API
- #153 Date conversion from string
- #195 execution stats may mismatch real changes caused by custom stage listener code
- #199 Require Java 11
- #200 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.2
- #201 Upgrade Jackson to 2.13.4
- #202 LM batch logging
- #204 Upgrade jackson-databind to
- #205 Upgrade to DFLib 0.15
- #206 Deprecate SyncToken
- #207 Tasks and Segments should not have generic types
- #208 LmExecution logging
- #209 DeleteTask to load source keys outside the first segment
- #210 Out-of-the-box handling of mixed-case DB column names
- #211 Allow updating auto-increment columns
- #194 @AfterFksResolved callback is not invoked
- #192 @AfterSourceRowsExtracted annotation
- #190 Bootique dependency leaks via BOM impor
- #191 Upgrade to DFLib 0.12
- #185 Target entities with flattened attributes
- #186 Upgrade to DFLib 0.10
- #187 Binary compatibility with Cayenne 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2
- #183 "Will not perform lossy conversion from LocalTime" exception when lm'ing time
- #181 CreateTask can't sync fks
- #182 Extract FK resolving into a separate stage for create and create-or-update tasks
- #179 Upgrade to DFLib 0.8
- #178 Unreliable FK detection resulting in "Object is not a DataObject" exception
- #150 Support for XML namespaces in XPath-based extractor
- Multi-value extractor properties (implemented as part of #150)
- #175 Upgrade Cayenne to 4.0.2
- #159 Execution.java toString is reporting incorrect start time
- #170 "Connector.shutdown" default noop implementation
- #171 Can't match by binary DbAttribute
- #172 Reorganize LmTask for easier custom implementation
- #173 Pass parameters down from extractor to StreamConnector
- #174 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.1
- #160 Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.5
- #162 Remove API deprecated <= v.2.4
- #163 Replace source Row object with just Object[]
- #164 Switch segments data structures to DataFrame
- #165 Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.8
- #167 Update Jackson to 2.10.0.pr1
- #168 Cayenne 4.1 binary compatibility
- #137 CreateTask for data migrations
- #145 Batch-fault and/or cache target to-one relationships (performance)
- #146 Cayenne 4.0.RC1 is out... upgrading
- #149 Both new and updated targets must be merged during the "merge" stage
- #155 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0 final
- #143 The use of String.replace(..) in PathNormalizer causes massive Pattern creation
- #101 Create a URLExtractorModelLoader
- #132 @AfterTargetsMapped listeners are not invoked in CreateOrUpdate tasks
- #134 ValueConverter for enums
- #135 Refactoring JdbcNormalizer to ValueConverter
- #138 Split IExtractorModelLoader into ResourceResolver and ExtractorModelParser
- #139 Deprecate implicit .xml extension
- #140 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.B2
- #122 Respect original types of JSON source row attributes
- #123 String normalizer
- #128 Support java.math big numeric types in Integer and Long normalizers
- #129 (2.x) Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.B1
- #113 Upgrade Cayenne to 4.0.M4 to fix overlapping transactions
- #114 Targets mapped event before merging update
- #116 tokenManager is null in DefaultDeleteBuilder
- #117 JdbcNormalizer for java.time classes
- #120 Multiple connectors for a single extractor
- #121 upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.M5
- #112 API for external access to DI-managed entities
- #110 Relocate the schema to linkmove.io
- #71 DataSourceConnector: Out-of-the-box Java 8 support
- #104 Boolean JDBC normalizer fails to normalize a java.lang.Boolean
- #106 Listener for the after targets committed stage
- #107 Switch to Java 8
- #108 Change license from BSD to Apache 2.0
- #109 Switch version from 1.8 to 2.0
- #72 Conflict between source and target DataSources
- #78 Split link-move into a multi-module Maven project, with specialized extractors in submodules
- #83 Support untyped predicates in JSONPath queries
- #84 BigIntNormalizer must handle String values
- #86 XmlExtractor should treat attribute's source name as XPath expression
- #87 JsonExtractor should treat attribute's source name as JsonPath expression
- #88 JdbcNormalizer for SQL Integer
- #89 Implement parent access in JsonPath
- #90 Include deleted count into report
- #91 Similar decimal values cause db update
- #92 Use target's Java type to normalize sources
- #93 Boolean normalizer (sync integers to booleans without updates)
- #94 Do not create TargetToOnePropertyWriter for the master side of a to-one relationship
- #95 Switch to Commons CSV parser
- #97 Split CSV module out of LM core
- #99 Logging API cleanup
- #35 Long / Integer values in HashMap keys
- #55 DeleteTask - a new callback between getting source keys and matching them against targets
- #64 Allow mapping source columns to non-persistent target properties
- #73 Reloadable extractors do not reload
- #75 JSON extractor
- #79 Upgrade to Cayenne 4.0.M3
- #80 Start making releases to Maven central
- #81 Remove methods deprecated since 1.4 or earlier
- #56 Support for non printable delimiter characters in CSV extractor
- #59 Transient target path support
- #61 Delete task @AfterTargetsMapped listener is missing
- #1 XML extractor support
- #36 CSV extractors
- #41 Automatic mapping of row attributes
- #42 Multi-extractor configs
- #43 Deprecate/remove explicit relationship mapping from CreateOrUpdateBuilder
- #44 Straighten mapping by ID
- #46 Cayenne upgrade to 4.0.M3.debfa94
- #49 Matchers must handle expression invariants in Rows
- #50 XML Schema for extractor configs
- #51 Normalize 'sources' map keys
- #52 Descriptor versioning
- #53 FileExtractorModelLoader - a file-based IExtractorModelLoader
- #54 Rename LinkETL to LinkMove
- #23 Support for "delete" of targets missing in the source
- #25 Parameterized queries for Extractors
- #26 Refactoring ETL stack to expose processing chain in the object design
- #27 Upgrade to official Cayenne 4.0.M2
- #28 Refactor TaskBuilder to be able to split it into specialized builders
- #30 Execution refactoring: split stats in a separate class
- #31 Execution: support for a map of arbitrary 'attributes'
- #32 Task stage listeners
- #33 SourceKeysTask: a task for extraction of source keys
- #34 Stop supporting positional parameters in Extractor templates
- #24 Upgrade Cayenne dependency to 4.0.M2.1ab1caa
- #8 'MatchingTaskBuilder.matchBy' to take Property<?> instead of String
- #9 Matcher refactoring
- #10 KeyBuilder refactoring - renaming to KeyMapAdapter
- #11 Rename MatchingTaskBuilder.matchByPrimaryKey to matchById
- #13 EtlAdapter to package extensions to LinkETL
- #14 Rename "transform" package to "load"
- #15 Rename Matchers to Mappers
- #16 ClasspathExtractorConfigLoader incorrectly resolves resource URLs
- #17 Disallow ID updates for auto-generated IDs
- #18 JdbcExtractorFactory - trim SQL and other properties comping from XML
- #19 Task update count includes related objects
- #20 ETL fails to reset non-null properties to NULL on update
- #21 A default IConnectorFactory using target DataSource for source
- #22 NPE on syncing nullable FK
[open sourcing LinkETL]