This project has code written in matlab, python and q/KDB+ code. Code mirrors each other
My contribution was to convert matlab file over to q/KDB+, for Kalman gain portion.
Code refers to equations from: Book: Ernest P Chan "Algorithmic Trading - Strategies and their Rational" (2013)
Matlab file implements examples of computing beta between two ETFs, using kalman gain.
speed: python is slowest. Then matlab. Fastest is q/kdb+.
to time in kdb+/q/KDB
q)\t \l beta.kalman.q
- Note: xAT is Transform of xA
- Note: This script was run in kdb+ 64x, cmd line: q q.k -s 1 -p 5010
+ R Estimated measurement error covariance.
+ Q Estimated process error covariance, measurement variance prediction
+ K Kalman Gain
+ P State Variance
+ e measurement prediction error ( This is 'M' in other literatures. )
+ yhat measurement prediction
========================Init Data ================================
===measurement/model equations===**********=====system/process equations============
| Vw:Vw*(delta%(1-delta)) | Ve:0.001; | xA:EWA cls px | yC:EWC cls px | beta[;0]:0f;
------------Start of LOOP through each Data Point of EWA/EWC Pair for its beta --------
===measurement/model equations===**********=====system/process equations============
=======transform of data=====*************======Variance/Covariance Adj======
| R:P+Vw | beta[;t]:beta[;t-1] (if not initial loop) | yhat,:sum xA[t;]*beta[;t] | Q,:(sumMV[R;xA[t;]]) + Ve Q=xA.R.xAT + Ve | e,:yC[t]-yhat[t] | K:mmu[R;vvmu[xA[t;];(1%Q[t])]] K=R.xAT.1/Q _______________<_Adj Var__________________________| | | beta[;t]:beta[;t]+K*\:e[t] | P:R-vvmu[mmu[xA[t;];R];K] P=R-K.xA.R
-----------------------------------End of LOOP----------------------------------