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This is an example dataset to test plumbCNV. Run the file 'run_example.R', if everything is installed and up to date it should run through successfully. Feel free to send me bug reports if somethings fails if you have the latest version of R, bioconductor and you have installed the latest versions of my packages: NCmisc, reader, bigpca, and humarray [tar.gz files for development versions of each package can be found in this repository].

Here is the output when I run it on my system:



Loading required package: NCmisc Loading required package: bigmemory Loading required package: bigmemory.sri Loading required package: BH

bigmemory >= 4.0 is a major revision since 3.1.2; please see packages biganalytics and and bigtabulate and for more information.

Loading required package: biganalytics Loading required package: BiocGenerics Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: ‘BiocGenerics’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:parallel’:

clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:


The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

anyDuplicated, append,, as.vector, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, intersect,
is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, Position, rank, rbind, Reduce,,
rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique,

Loading required package: IRanges Loading required package: GenomicRanges Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb humarray version 1.0.0

Loading required package: snpStats Loading required package: survival Loading required package: Matrix

Attaching package: ‘Matrix’

The following object is masked from ‘package:IRanges’:


Attaching package: ‘annotSnpStats’

The following object is masked from ‘package:snpStats’:


Loading required package: BiocInstaller Bioconductor version 2.14 (BiocInstaller 1.14.3), ?biocLite for help A newer version of Bioconductor is available for this version of R, ?BiocUpgrade for help Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: compiler silently loading bioconductor packages: IRanges, BiocGenerics, Biobase, GenomicRanges, genoset ... done NB: pipeline scheduled to pause after SNP-QC trying URL '*checkout*/scripts/' Content type 'text/x-sh;charset=UTF-8' length unknown opened URL .......... .......... ...... downloaded 26 KB

copied file into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/SCRIPTS/ from Rforge/plumbcnv/ sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory copied file file.spec.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/LRRDATA from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 3 [1] 3 copied file plate.lookup.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 101 [1] 101 copied file pheno.lookup.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 101 [1] 101 copied file sex.lookup.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 101 [1] 101 copied file into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 15338 [1] 15338 copied file snpNames.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/preRunAnnotFiles [1] 15338 [1] 15338 copied file subIdsALL.txt into: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/LRRDATA/SAMPLEFILES from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION [1] 100 [1] 100 silently loading bioconductor packages: IRanges, BiocGenerics, Biobase, GenomicRanges, genoset, snpStats, irlba ... done

Plink installation detected

Found hidden markov parameter file hh550.hmm. Modify parameters therein; B1_uf, B2_uf, B3_uf, from 0.01 to 0.03,if using Affymetrix arrays

PennCNV installation detected

Validating required files for plumbCNV assuming:

  • Mode 1: run the pipeline starting from a raw genome studio file, using file.spec.txt 
  • Snp mode 1: run SNP-QC using snpStats package [NB: must have genotype data]

Found 'file.spec.txt', so will attempt to use information from this file to adjust import settings plumbCNV file check successful




Running bash data import script /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/SCRIPTS/ -lSMG -N 22 -T 'LRR' -F '/chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/' -O '/chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/' -m '/chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz'

Options in use are:

MaxSnp: 2000000 Datatype: LRR Max number of cores: 22 Filename with Chr,Pos,Snp support information: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz Generate Plink .Map file using support filename above?: yes SNP location support file is in genome studio format?: yes Location of main CNV directory (output then to /...DATA/RAWDATA/): /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease Directory containing raw data files: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles Get SNP/Sample IDs?: yes Make Plink LGEN file?: no Make fake Plink family file?: no Write file lengths to file?: yes Combine all into 1 file?: no If combining, delete separate files?: no Skip main extraction?: no Remove non-autosomes prior to sample QC in Plink?: no Do QC in Plink?: no

Plink settings seem ok Extracting LRR data from genome studio file 2 datafiles expected extracting snp list... extracting ID list... ls: cannot access $outdir/ANNOTATION/.ids: No such file or directory 0 found sample ids in file subIdsALL.txt found 100 subject IDs found 15338 snp IDs Assuming genome studio format, which means a file header, then a line containing the text [Data] followed by row of headers, then the actual long format data extracting LRR from column 13 of /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz extracting LRR from column 13 of /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz getting lengths of vector format data files, writing to file.lengths.txt complete Extracting SNP info from genome studio type file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz applying any custom column settings -abcd if they exist parsing gzip file. [assuming sample-id in 1, chr in col 3, pos in col 4, snp-label in col 2] if any of these column numbers are wrong please modify mSampCol, mchrCol, mposCol, mSnpCol in this script extracting from zip file (.gz) file created successfully, preview: chr snp-id pos 1 chr1_171422483 171422483 11 chr11_76048775 76048775 11 chr11_76048907 76048907 11 chr11_76049066 76049066 11 chr11_76049353 76049353

Running bash data import script for BAF data /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/SCRIPTS/ -N 22 -T 'BAF' -F '/chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/' -O '/chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/'

Options in use are:

MaxSnp: 2000000 Datatype: BAF Max number of cores: 22 Filename with Chr,Pos,Snp support information: ./support.txt Generate Plink .Map file using support filename above?: no SNP location support file is in genome studio format?: no Location of main CNV directory (output then to /...DATA/RAWDATA/): /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease Directory containing raw data files: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles Get SNP/Sample IDs?: no Make Plink LGEN file?: no Make fake Plink family file?: no Write file lengths to file?: no Combine all into 1 file?: no If combining, delete separate files?: no Skip main extraction?: no Remove non-autosomes prior to sample QC in Plink?: no Do QC in Plink?: no

Plink settings seem ok In BAF mode plink options are reset to 'no' In BAF mode usually assumes LRR has already been extracted and so snp and sample lists are present already Extracting BAF data from genome studio file 2 datafiles expected Assuming genome studio format, which means a file header, then a line containing the text [Data] followed by row of headers, then the actual long format data extracting BAF from column 12 of /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz extracting BAF from column 12 of /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz complete imports using bash scripts, complete! changed specified 'grps' in data.tracker to match file.spec.txt

Retrieving Plate/Well information from lookup table: taking id, plate from columns: id, plate file preview: V1 V2 V3 1 1 chr1_171422483 171422483 2 11 chr11_76048775 76048775 3 11 chr11_76048907 76048907 4 11 chr11_76049066 76049066

Warning: no matches to reference list found in sort file, assuming invalid no valid files found in sort annotation directory - creating new from 'ref.list' ~wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/snpsort.txt ~wrote excluded non-autosome snp list to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_EXCLUDE/ searching for raw datafiles in processed long format (e.g, converted from GenomeStudio) all 2 expected data files found in /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/LRRDATA/RAWDATA/ searching for raw datafiles in processed long format (e.g, converted from GenomeStudio) all 2 expected data files found in /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/BAFDATA/RAWDATA/




no pre-existing BAF big.matrix, or 'delete=T', importing now from text file getting all ID lists ignoring group [1 groups] reading snps from /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/snpNames.txt found 100 samples and 15338 markers reading a single cohort from 2 source files. found 100 column names and 15338 marker names

Creating big matrix object to store group data predicted disk use: 0 GB opening connection to long format datafile (1/2): lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz.BAF.dat

Loading text data into big matrix object: 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. opening connection to long format datafile (2/2): lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz.BAF.dat

Loading text data into big matrix object: 0 25% 50% 75% 100% ..................................................

created big.matrix description file: BAF.dsc created big.matrix backing file: BAF.bck

Running import for 1 cohort(s) getting ID list(s) for group 1 reading snps from /chiswick/data/ncooper/plumbCNV_Example/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/snpNames.txt found 100 samples and 15338 markers reading a single cohort from 2 source files. found 100 column names and 15338 marker names

Creating big matrix object to store group data predicted disk use: 0 GB opening connection to long format datafile (1/2): lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz.LRR.dat

Loading text data into big matrix object: 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. opening connection to long format datafile (2/2): lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz.LRR.dat

Loading text data into big matrix object: 0 25% 50% 75% 100% ..................................................

created big.matrix description file: LRR.dsc created big.matrix backing file: LRR.bck




file preview: V1 V2 V3 1 1 chr1_171422483 171422483 2 11 chr11_76048775 76048775 3 11 chr11_76048907 76048907 4 11 chr11_76049066 76049066

~wrote excluded non-autosome snp list to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_EXCLUDE/

Importing SNP data into R using snpStats package reading file lengths of raw datafiles from file.lengths.txt

Time estimates for importing SNP data: ~ mins to process Raw file name
[1,] 0.1 lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz.LRR.dat [2,] 0.1 lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz.LRR.dat [3,] 0.2 All files
fnz (character, 2) [head]: [1] "/chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab1dataset.txt.tar.gz" [2] "/chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/genomeStudioRawFiles/lab2dataset.txt.tar.gz"

Files contain: 60,40 samples, respectively

reading 2 long format SNP files using 2 cores in parallel... 593871 genotypes successfully read 19649 genotypes were not called 891359 genotypes successfully read 28921 genotypes were not called ~wrote snpMatLst to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/snpMatLst.RData reordering/selecting markers from SnpMatrices 1 to 2 ...done

Generating report (sample) CallRate Samples Percent 1 callrate < 0.5 0 0% 2 callrate < 0.75 0 0% 3 callrate < 0.9 0 0% 4 callrate < 0.95 0 0% 5 callrate >= 0.95 100 100% 6 callrate >= 0.97 42 42% 7 callrate >= 0.99 0 0% 8 callrate >= 0.999 0 0%

~wrote file with samples call rate QC summary to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/sampleqc.txt ~wrote file with samples to exclude because of low call rate: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/callrate.txt ~wrote file with samples to exclude because of heterozygosity outside (0.1,0.4): /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/hz.txt reordering/selecting samples from SnpMatrix files 1 to 2 ...done ~wrote 3239 suspected monomorphic snps to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/monomorphic.txt

Generating report (snp) CallRate SNPs Percent 1 callrate < 0.5 341 2.27% 2 callrate < 0.75 421 2.8% 3 callrate < 0.9 563 3.75% 4 callrate < 0.95 678 4.51% 5 callrate >= 0.95 14352 95.49% 6 callrate >= 0.97 14237 94.72% 7 callrate >= 0.99 13986 93.05% 8 callrate >= 0.999 13459 89.55%

~wrote file with snp call rate and HWE QC summary to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/snpqc.txt ~wrote file with call rate failing snps to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_EXCLUDE/callrate.txt ~wrote HWE exclusion list to annotion directory deleting: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/snpsort.txt replacing any files in directory /ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/ with new sorted snp list ~wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/snpsort.txt Loading required package: limma generating venn diagrams ~wrote Venn figure to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/venn_95.pdf generating density plots ~wrote density figure to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/callRateDistributions.pdf HWE data for 0 monomorphic SNPs was ignored wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/HWEDistribution.pdf wrote file /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/HZDistribution.pdf wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SNPQC/HWEvsCallrate.pdf ==> full info object written to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/ ==> full info object written to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/snpinfo.RData ~wrote, to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/ SNP-QC removed a total of 0 samples and 686 SNPs




initializing sample-QC exclusion files 100/100 samples successfully assigned groups

Running sample QC for 1 cohort(s)

Processing data import and sample QC for cohort 1 of 1

Loading big matrix from descriptor file /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/BIGMATRICES/LRR.RData :

Excluding samples/snps with SNP-QC failures, sorting SNPs by chr, pos: attached matrix with dims: 15338,100 excluding and ordering listed samples based on annotation directory files; SNP/SAMP calculating exclusions and order 100 % of big.matrix indices in sort.list using /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_SORT/subIdsALL.txt to sort samples 98 % of big.matrix indices in sort.list using /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/snpsort.txt to sort snps starting deep copy...done Big matrix with: 14344 rows, 100 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7722552 -0.3457 -0.3033 ... -0.3835 2 imm_1_7722929 -0.0482 -0.0999 ... -0.0683 3 imm_1_7723190 -0.0129 -0.0722 ... -0.0861 .. .... ... ... ... ... 14344 rs8139123 -0.2366 -0.4045 ... -0.216

Calculating sample-wise statistics for LRR calculating column means...took 0 seconds calculating column SDs...took 0 seconds calculating column DLRS (apply method) ...took 1 seconds

Adding GC wave to LRR stats, be aware this can be slow

Extracting GC% for each 1e+06 window of the human genome...took 0.1 minutes 100% match between annotation and big.matrix file doing median calculation 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. took 0 hours calculating Diskin constants... ~wrote boxplot: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/LRRDistributionsBoxPlot.pdf ~wrote table /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/

Cohort distribution statistics for LRR-stats: Mean DLRS GCWave Mean -0.0131 0.1662 -0.0416 SD 0.0138 0.0229 0.017 Min -0.0824 0.1331 -0.0768 Q1 -0.018 0.152 -0.0496 Median -0.0114 0.1609 -0.0421 Q3 -0.0067 0.1771 -0.033 Max 0.0099 0.279 0.0576 LB -0.0351 0.1143 -0.0745 UB 0.0103 0.2148 -0.0081 -2SD -0.0407 0.1203 -0.0755 +2SD 0.0144 0.2121 -0.0076 -3.5SD -0.0613 0.0859 -0.101 +3.5SD 0.0351 0.2465 0.0179 Low1% -0.0824 0.1331 -0.0768 Hi1% 0.0079 0.2478 0.0174

~appended 3 to sample list: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/Mean.txt ~appended 3 to sample list: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/DLRS.txt ~appended 1 to sample list: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/GCWave.txt ~wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/LRRMean+DLRS+GCWave.pdf

Plotting extreme samples for combinations of: Mean vs GC vs DLRS 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. ~wrote 3 files: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/EXAMPLES; Mean+DLRSSampleID0012LRR.pdf Mean+DLRS+GCWaveSampleID0008LRR.pdf NoneSampleID0070LRR.pdf

~wrote file(s): LRRDLRSvsMean.pdf LRRGCWavevsMean.pdf LRRGCWavevsDLRS.pdf

Detecting chromosomal abberations processing chr: 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..21..22..done

Table of Exclusion processing per chromosome... chr: 1 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 2 too high: 0 too low: 1 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 3 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 4 too high: 0 too low: 1 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 5 too high: 0 too low: 1 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 6 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 7 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 8 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 9 too high: 0 too low: 1 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 10 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 11 too high: 1 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 12 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 13 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 14 too high: 2 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 15 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 16 too high: 1 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 17 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 18 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 19 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 20 too high: 1 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 21 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 chr: 22 too high: 0 too low: 0 excluded top/bottom 1 %: 2 no chromosomal abberations were detected

Performing plate QC callrate.txt 0/0 in this cohort DLRS.txt 3/3 in this cohort GCWave.txt 1/1 in this cohort Mean.txt 3/3 in this cohort

Table of Plate failure counts: ID CallRate Mean DLRS ChrAb GCWave TOTAL SIZE PC+CR 1 PLT0001 0 3 3 0 1 3 12 0.25 2 PLT0002 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 3 PLT0003 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 4 PLT0004 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 5 PLT0005 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 6 PLT0006 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 7 PLT0007 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 8 PLT0008 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 9 PLT0009 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0.00 10 PLT0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.00 written to /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/PLATES/

Testing for plates where more than 40% of samples fail QC (including callrate) ~appended bad plate excluded subject list: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_EXCLUDE/BadPlates.txt ~table of LRR-statistics by Plate, written to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/PLATES/ ~wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/PLATES/plateBoxPlotsMDGLRR.pdf

Excluding samples/snps with SNP-QC failures, sorting SNPs by chr, pos: attached matrix with dims: 14344,100 excluding and ordering listed samples based on annotation directory files; SNP/SAMP calculating exclusions and order 100 % of big.matrix indices in sort.list using /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SAMPLE_SORT/subIdsALL.txt to sort samples 100 % of big.matrix indices in sort.list using /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/SNP_SORT/snpsort.txt to sort snps 0 samples to remove (across all groups), found in BadPlates.txt 0 samples to remove (across all groups), found in callrate.txt 3 samples to remove (across all groups), found in DLRS.txt 0 samples to remove (across all groups), found in GCWave.txt 0 samples to remove (across all groups), found in hz.txt 0 samples to remove (across all groups), found in Mean.txt 678 Snps to remove, found in callrate.txt 8 Snps to remove, found in HWE.txt 308 Snps to remove, found in nonAutosomes.txt

Reordering SNPs and Samples...

INDEXES SUMMARY 14344 row indexes range is from 1 to 14344 -->, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 97 col indexes range is from 1 to 100 -->, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

raw big.matrix summary before ordering and exclusion based on SNP-QC:

Big matrix with: 14344 rows, 100 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7722552 -0.3457 -0.3033 ... -0.3835 2 imm_1_7722929 -0.0482 -0.0999 ... -0.0683 3 imm_1_7723190 -0.0129 -0.0722 ... -0.0861 .. .... ... ... ... ... 14344 rs8139123 -0.2366 -0.4045 ... -0.216

starting deep copy...done

Adding names added colnames added rownames due to use of deep copy option, recommend only to use descr saved as rbinary description file created big.matrix description file: SampQC_CombinedSortdescrFile created big.matrix backing file: SampQC_CombinedSortbckfile created big.matrix binary description file: SampQC_CombinedSortdescrFile.RData ~wrote file of sample IDs passing all QC to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/PassQCSamples.txt

counts Mean DLRS ChrAb GCWave Mean 3 3 0 1 DLRS 3 3 0 1 ChrAb 0 0 0 0 GCWave 1 1 0 1 No Others 0 0 0 0

percent of failers Mean DLRS ChrAb GCWave Mean 1 1 0 0.333 DLRS 1 1 0 0.333 ChrAb 0 0 0 0 GCWave 0.333 0.333 0 0.333 No Others 0 0 0 0

percent of callrate passing sample Mean DLRS ChrAb GCWave Mean 0.03 0.03 0 0.01 DLRS 0.03 0.03 0 0.01 ChrAb 0 0 0 0 GCWave 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 No Others 0 0 0 0

Frequency count of number of separate QC indices failed per sample count % none 97 97 3 2 2 All 1 1

~wrote QC summary to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/QCsummaryTable.txt mean sample call rate is now: 0.9998749 Generating report (sample) CallRate Samples Percent 1 callrate < 0.5 0 0% 2 callrate < 0.75 0 0% 3 callrate < 0.9 0 0% 4 callrate < 0.95 0 0% 5 callrate >= 0.95 97 100% 6 callrate >= 0.97 97 100% 7 callrate >= 0.99 97 100% 8 callrate >= 0.999 97 100%

==> full info object written to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/




Loading required package: bigalgebra [1] TRUE First 3 records excerpt: grp plate well phenotype QCfail sex call.rate heterozygosity ID0001 1 PLT0001 R01C01 1 0 2 0.9998606 0.2421278 ID0002 1 PLT0001 R02C01 1 0 2 0.9998606 0.2275336 ID0003 1 PLT0001 R03C01 1 0 1 1.0000000 0.2207557 First 3 records excerpt: RangedData with 3 rows and 4 value columns across 25 spaces space ranges | gindx call.rate P.hwe | imm_1_7722552 1 [7722552, 7722552] | 7722552 1 0.6136694 imm_1_7722929 1 [7722929, 7722929] | 7722929 1 0.8748153 imm_1_7723190 1 [7723190, 7723190] | 7723190 1 0.6248590 QCfail imm_1_7722552 0 imm_1_7722929 0 imm_1_7723190 0

Selecting SNP subset for PCA based on a 35% random selection of SNPS choosing spaced 35 % subset of SNPs selecting only autosomes contains data for chromsomes: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 filtered 10 locations in MHC region filtered 1 SNP locations in telomeric,centromeric and immunoglobin regions total number of SNPs kept: 1037 [ 6.9 %] total of 4299 removed because they did not uniquely map to 1 location ~wrote list of SNPs to use in the PCA to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/ANNOTATION/pca.snp.subset.txt

Filtering samples/snps with SNP-QC failures: attached matrix with dims: 14344,97 calculating selections for snps selected 97 listed samples and 1037 Snps starting deep copy...done [1] "/chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/BIGMATRICES/PCAMatrixSortdescrFile.RData"

Running Principle Components Analysis (PCA), using LRR-data subset:

[1] 989 97

Big matrix; 'pcaMat', with: 989 rows, 97 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7768154 -0.0969 -0.1352 ... -0.0052 2 rs3737964 -0.1382 -0.165 ... 0.0687 3 rs6675934 -0.2057 -0.2601 ... 0.0393 .. .... ... ... ... ... 989 rs8139123 -0.2366 -0.4045 ... -0.216

centering data by row means... means for first 10 snps: imm_1_7768154 rs3737964 rs6675934 rs3121607 imm_1_13815022 0 0 0 0 0 rs12754997 rs4661493 rs7546786 rs12562864 vh_1_16072147 0 0 0 0 0 replaced missing data with mean (PCA cannot handle missing data) PCA by singular value decomposition...took 0 minutes [1] "thus ones" result (list, 20; c(989, 1); c(97, 20); 1; 1 ) $d: [1] 14.610883 10.030541 7.869561 5.787917 4.633890 4.373520 $u: [,1] [1,] 0.006311974 [2,] -0.020664785 [3,] -0.016732466 [4,] -0.028602699 [5,] -0.012573031 [6,] -0.004185314 [7,] -0.004568961 $v:


row# 1 2 ..... 20 1 0.1867 -0.2058 ... 0.1384 2 0.1823 -0.2109 ... 0.0858 3 0.168 -0.2102 ... -0.0032 4 0.1297 -0.1755 ... 0.2107 5 0.0479 -0.0745 ... -0.0864 6 -0.1178 0.0885 ... -0.136 .. ... ... ... ... 97 0.087 0.2119 ... 0.1024 $iter: [1] 17 $mprod: [1] 146 NULL

return.loadings: FALSE (logical, 1) nU: 0 (numeric, 1) ~wrote PC data to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PCA/PCsEVsFromPCA.RData generating scree plots for principal components analyses estimate of eigenvalue sum of 77 uncalculated eigenvalues: 76.62541 slope [a + bx] : -0.3484252 ~wrote file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PCA/ScreePlotPCA.pdf 78.5 % Est. LRR variance explained by first 12 components.

Running Principle Components correction (PC-correction), using LRR-dataset:

Big matrix; 'origMat', with: 14344 rows, 97 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7722552 -0.3457 -0.3033 ... -0.3835 2 imm_1_7722929 -0.0482 -0.0999 ... -0.0683 3 imm_1_7723190 -0.0129 -0.0722 ... -0.0861 .. .... ... ... ... ... 14344 rs8139123 -0.2366 -0.4045 ... -0.216

creating new file backed big.matrix to store corrected data...done correcting by principle components, taking the regression-residual for each variable 0 25% 50% 75% 100% ..................................................

PC-corrected dataset produced:

Big matrix; 'pcCorMat', with: 14344 rows, 97 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7722552 0.0027 0.033 ... -0.0508 2 imm_1_7722929 0.0215 -0.0089 ... -0.0143 3 imm_1_7723190 0.037 -0.0217 ... -0.0566 .. .... ... ... ... ... 14344 rs8139123 0.0927 -0.1019 ... 0.0443

~wrote PC-corrected data description file to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/BIGMATRICES/describePCcorrect12.RData

Running analyses to compare pre/post PC distributions (can take a long time)

Calculating sample-wise statistics for LRR calculating column means...took 0 seconds calculating column SDs...took 0 seconds calculating column DLRS (apply method) ...took 0.9 seconds

Adding GC wave to LRR stats, be aware this can be slow 100% match between annotation and big.matrix file doing median calculation 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. took 0 hours calculating Diskin constants... ~wrote boxplot: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/PostPCDistributionsBoxPlot.pdf ~wrote table /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/SAMPLEQC/MEAN_DLRS_GC/

Cohort distribution statistics for LRR-stats: Mean DLRS GCWave Mean 0 0.0661 -3e-04 SD 0.003 0.0049 0.0093 Min -0.0075 0.0573 -0.0117 Q1 -0.0018 0.0625 -0.0091 Median 0 0.0655 -0.0075 Q3 0.0018 0.0693 0.0089 Max 0.0072 0.0815 0.0145 LB -0.0072 0.0524 -0.036 UB 0.0072 0.0794 0.0359 -2SD -0.006 0.0563 -0.019 +2SD 0.006 0.0759 0.0183 -3SD -0.0091 0.0514 -0.0283 +3SD 0.0091 0.0808 0.0276 Low1% -0.0075 0.0573 -0.0117 Hi1% 0.0065 0.0787 0.0122

~wrote plots to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PCA/ThreeStageComparisonplate.pdf




Preparing for the running of PennCNV.

Preparing input files for PENN-CNV from LRR and BAF using LRR big.matrix file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/BIGMATRICES/describePCcorrect12.RData using BAF big.matrix file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/BIGMATRICES/BAF.RData Big matrix with: 15338 rows, 100 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 chr1_171422483 1 0.9941 ... 1 2 chr11_76048775 0 0 ... 0.0022 3 chr11_76048907 1 1 ... 1 .. .... ... ... ... ... 15338 vh_X_48999118 0.0029 0 ... 0

Big matrix with: 14344 rows, 97 columns

  • data type: numeric


Row# rownames ID0001 ID0002 ..... ID0100 1 imm_1_7722552 0.0027 0.033 ... -0.0508 2 imm_1_7722929 0.0215 -0.0089 ... -0.0143 3 imm_1_7723190 0.037 -0.0217 ... -0.0566 .. .... ... ... ... ... 14344 rs8139123 0.0927 -0.1019 ... 0.0443

Will create 19 penn folders with sizes: N=5 (17); N=6 (2) 97 cols from LRR in BAF 14344 rows from LRR in BAF BAF missing 0 samples in LRR file BAF missing 0 snps in LRR file generating individual sample LRR/BAF files in Penn-CNV format: minutes remaining: 0..0..0..0.. ~wrote 19 PennCNV sample selection files to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PENNCNV/PENNRAWFILES/ number of samples written per PENN-CNV directory: N=5 (17); N=6 (2)

Generate GC percentage for SNPs using build hg18 and chromosomes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22

loading GC data for SNPs...took 0.1 minutes 0 zero GC values set to missing (NA) ~wrote SNP GC averages to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PENNCNV/marker.gcm

Regenerating BAF average data from BAF matrix 0 25% 50% 75% 100% .................................................. ~wrote file baf means for each SNP to file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PENNCNV/BAF.pfb

Running the PennCNV (hidden markov model for CNV calling) using the hmm file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/ImmunochipFamilies/ANNOTATION/hh0+.hmm

~wrote 19 PennCNV sample selection files to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/PENNCNV/PENNRAWFILES/

Submitting PennCNV calls to grid...

expect processing via the cluster to take roughly 0.02hrs ... note that if restarting previous run, existing penn-cnv jobs should be deleted to avoid conflict submitting bash commands to grid... expect processing via the cluster to take roughly 0.02hrs ... submitted 19 jobs to all.q [qsub] . completed 19/19 qsub jobs qsub commands processing completed in 0.02 hours




silently loading bioconductor packages: IRanges, BiocGenerics, Biobase, GenomicRanges, genoset, BSgenome, Rsamtools, rtracklayer, biomaRt, gage, graph, multtest, GenomicFeatures, AnnotationDbi ... done Running CNV-QC on processed PennCNV files phenotypes found in annotation file: pheno 1 2 43 54 ~wrote fam file: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink.fam merging adjacent cnvs with <20% gaps between them (' combineseg').. removing CNVs with >50% overlap with immunoglobin, telomeric and centromeric regions ~wrote file cnvs_in_badRegions.txt.tmp with unwanted path text removed . done converting penn-cnv file to plink format ~wrote file plink.cnv with unwanted path text removed

Filtering samples with a large number of CNVs

distribution: mean=1.11, SD=0.33 ==> threshold=2 [mean + 3.5*sd]

CNV length stats
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 487 6727 28130 76330 45660 343500

$length >0 and <=1kb [1] 1

$length >1kb and <=10kb [1] 2

$length >10kb and <=50kb [1] 5

$length >50kb and <=100kb [1] 0

$length >100kb and <=500kb [1] 2

$length >500kb and <=5mb [1] 0

$length >5mb [1] 0

lenz (integer, 10) [head]: [1] 35132 47907 343451 2794 2060 21130

ord.list (matrix, 9*2)


row# ss tt 1 ID0014 1 2 ID0017 1 3 ID0042 1 . ... ... 9 ID0072 2

ss (character, 9) [head]: [1] "ID0014" "ID0017" "ID0042" "ID0048" "ID0073" "ID0076"

tt (numeric, 9) [head]: [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1

30 highest CNV samples
SampleIDs CNVs [1,] "ID0014" "1" [2,] "ID0017" "1" [3,] "ID0042" "1" [4,] "ID0048" "1" [5,] "ID0073" "1" [6,] "ID0076" "1" [7,] "ID0084" "1" [8,] "ID0098" "1" [9,] "ID0072" "2"

HISTO of CNVs per sample
1 ......................................................................................... 1.2
1.8 ........... NULL

list of 0 samples with too many CNVs from plink.cnv : character(0)

no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink.cnv no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink.fam no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/ done

Filtering samples with a large number of rareDUPs cutoff for duplicates: 4; p<0.01, X~poisson(0.75)

CNV length stats [DUPs] Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 2794 2794 2794 2794 2794 2794

$length >0 and <=1kb [1] 0

$length >1kb and <=10kb [1] 1

$length >10kb and <=50kb [1] 0

$length >50kb and <=100kb [1] 0

$length >100kb and <=500kb [1] 0

$length >500kb and <=5mb [1] 0

$length >5mb [1] 0

lenz: 2794 (integer, 1) ord.list (matrix, 1*2) [,1] [,2] [1,] "ID0084" "1"

ss: ID0084 (character, 1) tt: 1 (numeric, 1)

30 highest CNV samples [DUPs] SampleIDs CNVs [1,] "ID0084" "1"

HISTO of CNVs per sample [DUPs] using halved %'s as maximum freq is too big for terminal 0 .................................................. NULL

list of 0 samples with too many CNVs from rareDUP : character(0)

no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt.cnv no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt.fam no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/ done

Filtering samples with a large number of rareDELs cutoff for deletions: 4; p<0.01, X~poisson(0.6)

CNV length stats [DELs] Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 38900 38900 38900 38900 38900 38900

$length >0 and <=1kb [1] 0

$length >1kb and <=10kb [1] 0

$length >10kb and <=50kb [1] 1

$length >50kb and <=100kb [1] 0

$length >100kb and <=500kb [1] 0

$length >500kb and <=5mb [1] 0

$length >5mb [1] 0

lenz: 38899 (integer, 1) ord.list (matrix, 1*2) [,1] [,2] [1,] "ID0073" "1"

ss: ID0073 (character, 1) tt: 1 (numeric, 1)

30 highest CNV samples [DELs] SampleIDs CNVs [1,] "ID0073" "1"

HISTO of CNVs per sample [DELs] using halved %'s as maximum freq is too big for terminal 0 .................................................. NULL

list of 0 samples with too many CNVs from rareDEL : character(0)

no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt.cnv no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt.fam no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/ done

Filtering samples from plates with a large number of CNVs per sample

Plates with too many CNVs (oversensitive) [none exceeded boundary]

Plates with too few CNVs (undersensitive) [none exceeded boundary]

list of 0 samples from plates with too many CNVs from plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt_DELrcnt.cnv : character(0)

samples from plates with too few noted but left in the dataset

no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt_DELrcnt.cnv no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt_DELrcnt.fam no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/ done

Filtering samples from plates with a large number of rare CNVs per sample [NB: tagged plates may be same as filtered above for all CNVs]

Plates with too many CNVs (oversensitive) [none exceeded boundary]

Plates with too few CNVs (undersensitive) [none exceeded boundary]

list of 0 samples from plates with too many CNVs from rareDEL,rareDUP : character(0)

samples from plates with too few noted but left in the dataset

no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt_DELrcnt_PLATEcnt.cnv no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/plink_CNVcnt_DUPrcnt_DELrcnt_PLATEcnt.fam no samples removed from: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/CNVQC/ done

CNV-QC complete ~wrote CNVs as Ranges object, saved to: /chiswick/data/ncooper/vTest/pipesDisease/RESULTS/112.RData

=== SNP SUMMARY === 15338 SNPs in starting dataset 686 SNPs failed SNP-QC 14344 SNPs passed QC

=== SAMPLE SUMMARY === 100 samples in starting dataset 3 samples failed due to other criteria 97 samples passed QC

=== COHORT SUMMARY === gr pf grp 1 pass 97 fail 3 3% failed in grp=1

=== PHENOTYPE SUMMARY === ph pf pheno 1 pheno 2 pass 43 54 fail 3 0

6.52% failed in phenotype=1 0% failed in phenotype=2 9 samples had at least one CNV

plumbCNV pipeline complete Resulting *.cnv files: allCNV, allDel, allDup, rareDEL, rareDUP contain, respectively: all CNVs, all deletions, all duplications, rare deletions, rare duplications. These files can be processed and analysed using plink. Subfolders of the working plumbCNV directory now contain: datasets, annotation, plots, tables, generated during intermediate steps. The list object returned by plumbCNV() contains: the same CNVs lists as above (in RangedData objects), overlap summaries, CNV-ratios by phenotype, CNV-regions with Fishers exact tests [or TDT test for family data]. These can be further explored using R packages such as: cnvGSA (association tests), genoset (using the saved RangedData objects, plumbCNV LRR/BAF plotting functions and bioconductor overlap functions, etc). Thankyou for using plumbCNV.

================ = CNVs called: =

cnvResult (list, c(10, 6); c(4, 6); c(6, 6); c(1, 6); c(1, 6) ) $allCNV: RangedData with 6 rows and 6 value columns across 8 spaces space ranges | id cn numSnps fid | 1 2 [ 45426554, 45428614] | ID0048 3 3 1 2 2 [185114776, 185153675] | ID0073 1 89 1 3 6 [ 18226077, 18247207] | ID0098 3 3 1 4 7 [110764580, 111017480] | ID0014 1 5 1 5 8 [ 15371515, 15390040] | ID0017 3 4 1 6 9 [138366205, 138368999] | ID0084 3 8 1 score phenotype 1 0 2 2 0 1 3 0 2 4 0 1 5 0 1 6 0 2 $allDel: RangedData with 4 rows and 6 value columns across 4 spaces space ranges | id cn numSnps fid | 1 2 [185114776, 185153675] | ID0073 1 89 1 2 7 [110764580, 111017480] | ID0014 1 5 1 3 16 [ 11368795, 11369282] | ID0076 1 3 1 4 19 [ 20024633, 20072540] | ID0072 1 3 1 score phenotype 1 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 $allDup: RangedData with 6 rows and 6 value columns across 6 spaces space ranges | id cn numSnps fid | 1 2 [ 45426554, 45428614] | ID0048 3 3 1 2 6 [ 18226077, 18247207] | ID0098 3 3 1 3 8 [ 15371515, 15390040] | ID0017 3 4 1 4 9 [138366205, 138368999] | ID0084 3 8 1 5 11 [ 11762369, 11797501] | ID0042 3 4 1 6 19 [ 22616359, 22959810] | ID0072 3 3 1 score phenotype 1 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 5 0 2 6 0 1 $rareDEL: RangedData with 1 row and 6 value columns across 1 space space ranges | id cn numSnps fid | 1 2 [185114776, 185153675] | ID0073 1 89 1 score phenotype 1 0 1 $rareDUP: RangedData with 1 row and 6 value columns across 1 space space ranges | id cn numSnps fid | 1 9 [138366205, 138368999] | ID0084 3 8 1 score phenotype 1 0 2 NULL

There were 16 warnings (use warnings() to see them)


Example dataset to test plumbCNV






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