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R Code Used in the Examples - tsa4

  tsa4   This is the site for the 4th edition. The site for the 5th edition is here: Time Series Analysis and Its Applications, 5th Edition

✨ See the NEWS for further details about the state of the package and the changelog.

✨ An intro to astsa capabilities can be found at FUN WITH ASTSA

✨ Here is A Road Map if you want a broad view of what is available.

⛔ ⛔ WARNING: If loaded, the package dplyr may (and most likely will) corrupt the base scripts filter and lag that we use often. In this case, to avoid problems when analyzing time series, you have a few options:

# (1) either detach the problem package

# (2) or fix it yourself if you want dplyr 
# this is a great idea from
library(dplyr, exclude = c("filter", "lag"))  # remove the culprits on load
Lag <- dplyr::lag            # and do what the dplyr ... 
Filter <- dplyr::filter      # ... maintainers refuse to do
# then use `Lag` and `Filter` for dplyr's scripts
# `lag` and `filter` will remain uncorrupted as originally intended

# (3) or just take back the commands
filter = stats::filter
lag = stats::lag

# in this case, you can still use these for dplyr
Lag <- dplyr::lag     
Filter <- dplyr::filter 

😖 If you are wondering how it is possible to corrupt a base package, you are not alone.

Note when you are in a code block below, you can copy the contents of the block by moving your mouse to the upper right corner and clicking on the copy icon ( 📋 ).

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Example 1.1

tsplot(jj, col=4, type="o", ylab="Quarterly Earnings per Share")

Example 1.2

tsplot(globtemp, col=4, type="o", ylab="Global Temperature Deviations")

# or with the updated values
tsplot(gtemp_land, col=4, type="o", ylab="Global Temperature Deviations")

Example 1.3


Example 1.4

library(xts)         # install it if you don't have it
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]        
plot(djiar, col=4, main="DJIA Returns") 

Example 1.5

par(mfrow = c(2,1))  # set up the graphics
tsplot(soi, col=4, ylab="", main="Southern Oscillation Index")
tsplot(rec, col=4, ylab="", main="Recruitment") 

Example 1.6

tsplot(fmri1[,2:5], col=1:4, ylab="BOLD", main="Cortex", spaghetti=TRUE)
tsplot(fmri1[,6:9], col=1:4, ylab="BOLD", main="Thalamus & Cerebellum", spaghetti=TRUE)

# each separately (not in text)
tsplot(fmri1[,2:9], col=1:8, lwd=2, ncol=2, ylim=c(-.6,.6))

# and another view (not in text)
x     = ts(fmri1[,4:9], start=0, freq=32)         
names = c("Cortex","Thalamus","Cerebellum")
u     = ts(rep(c(rep(.6,16), rep(-.6,16)), 4), start=0, freq=32) # stimulus signal
for (i in 1:3){ 
  j = 2*i - 1
  tsplot(x[,j:(j+1)], ylab="BOLD", xlab="", main=names[i], col=5:6, ylim=c(-.6,.6), 
         lwd=2, xaxt="n", spaghetti=TRUE)
  axis(seq(0,256,64), side=1, at=0:4)
  lines(u, type="s", col=gray(.3)) 
mtext("seconds", side=1, line=1.75, cex=.9)

Example 1.7

tsplot(EQ5,  col=4, main="Earthquake")
tsplot(EXP6, col=4, main="Explosion")

# or try (not in text)
tsplot(cbind(EQ5,EXP6), col=4)

Example 1.9

w = rnorm(500,0,1)                  # 500 N(0,1) variates
v = filter(w, sides=2, rep(1/3,3))  # moving average
tsplot(w, col=4, main="white noise")
tsplot(v, col=4, ylim=c(-3,3), main="moving average")

Example 1.10

w = rnorm(550,0,1)  # 50 extra to avoid startup problems
x = filter(w, filter=c(1,-.9), method="recursive")[-(1:50)]
tsplot(x, col=4, main="autoregression")

Example 1.11

set.seed(154) # so you can reproduce the results
w = rnorm(200); x = cumsum(w) # two commands in one line
wd = w +.2;    xd = cumsum(wd)
tsplot(xd, ylim=c(-5,55), main="random walk", ylab='')
lines(x, col=4) 
abline(h=0, col=4, lty=2)
abline(a=0, b=.2, lty=2)

Example 1.12

cs = 2*cos(2*pi*(1:500)/50 + .6*pi)
w = rnorm(500,0,1)
tsplot(cs, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)))
tsplot(cs + w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,1)))
tsplot(cs + 5*w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,25)))

Example 1.24

x = rnorm(100)
y = lag(x, -5) + rnorm(100)
ccf2(y, x, ylab='CCovF', type='covariance')
text( 9, 1.1, 'x leads')
text(-8, 1.1, 'y leads')

Example 1.25

(r = round( acf1(soi, 6, plot=FALSE), 2)) # sample acf values
tsplot(lag(soi,-1), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-1)')
 legend("topleft", legend=r[1], bg="white", adj=.45, cex = 0.85)
tsplot(lag(soi,-6), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-6)')
 legend("topleft", legend=r[6], bg="white", adj=.25, cex = 0.8)

Example 1.26

x1 = sample(c(-1,1), 11, replace=TRUE)  # simulated sequence of coin tosses
x2 = sample(c(-1,1), 101, replace=TRUE)
y1 = 5 + filter(x1, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.7))[-1]
y2 = 5 + filter(x2, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.7))[-1]
tsplot(y1, type='s')   # plot 1st series
 points(y1, pch=19)
c(mean(y1), mean(y2))  # the sample means
acf(y1, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE) 
acf(y2, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE) 

# here's the version from the other text -
# same idea but the y values are 2-4-6-8
# like the children's cheer

x1 = sample(c(-2,2), 11, replace=TRUE)   # simulated coin tosses
x2 = sample(c(-2,2), 101, replace=TRUE)
y1 = 5 + filter(x1, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
y2 = 5 + filter(x2, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
tsplot(y1, type="s", col=4, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")  # y2 not shown
 axis(1, 1:10); axis(2, seq(2,8,2), las=1)
 points(y1, pch=21, cex=1.1, bg=6)
acf(y1, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE) 
acf(y2, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE) 

Example 1.27

acf1(speech, 250)

Example 1.28

acf1(soi, main="Southern Oscillation Index")
acf1(rec, main="Recruitment")
ccf2(soi, rec, main="SOI vs Recruitment")

Example 1.29

num = 120 
t   = 1:num
X   = ts(2*cos(2*pi*t/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12)
Y   = ts(2*cos(2*pi*(t+5)/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12)
Yw  = resid( lm(Y~ cos(2*pi*t/12) + sin(2*pi*t/12), na.action=NULL) )
par(mfrow=c(3,2) )
acf1(X, 48, ylab='ACF(X)')
acf1(Y, 48, ylab='ACF(Y)')
ccf2(X, Y, 24)
ccf2(X, Yw, 24, ylim=c(-.6,.6))

#  here's another example that's simpler
#  the series are trend stationary with 
#  just a hint of trend - but same result

num = 250  
t   = 1:num
X   = .01*t + rnorm(num,0,2)
Y   = .01*t + rnorm(num)
tsplot(cbind(X,Y), spag=TRUE, col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.7), lwd=2, ylab='data')  
ccf2(X, Y,  ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)
Yw = detrend(Y)  # whiten Y by removing trend
ccf2(X, Yw, ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)

Example 1.30

persp(1:64, 1:36, soiltemp, phi=30, theta=30, scale=FALSE, expand=4, 
       ticktype="detailed", xlab="rows", ylab="cols", zlab="temperature")          
tsplot(rowMeans(soiltemp), xlab="row", ylab="Average Temperature")

Example 1.31

fs = abs(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp)))^2/(64*36) # see Ch 4 for info on FFT
cs = Re(fft(fs, inverse=TRUE)/sqrt(64*36))  # ACovF
rs = cs/cs[1,1]                             # ACF

rs2 = cbind(rs[1:41,21:2], rs[1:41,1:21])   #  these lines are just to center
rs3 = rbind(rs2[41:2,], rs2)                #  the 0 lag  

par(mar = c(1,2.5,0,0)+.1)
persp(-40:40, -20:20, rs3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=30, scale="FALSE",  
       ticktype="detailed", xlab="row lags", ylab="column lags", zlab="ACF")


Chapter 2

Example 2.1

# astsa now has a trend script, so Figure 2.1 can be done in one line
trend(chicken, lwd=2)    # includes a 95% CI

# in the text
summary(fit <- lm(chicken~time(chicken))) # regress price on time
tsplot(chicken, ylab="cents per pound", col=4, lwd=2)
abline(fit)      # add the fitted regression line to the plot            

Example 2.2

##-- separate
tsplot(cmort, main="Cardiovascular Mortality", col=6, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(tempr, main="Temperature", col=4, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(part, main="Particulates", col=2, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")

##-- together
tsplot(cbind(cmort, tempr, part), spag=TRUE, ylab="", col=c(6,4,2))
legend("topright", legend=c("Mortality", "Temperature", "Pollution"), lty=1, lwd=2, col=c(6,4,2), bg="white")

##-- scatterplot matrix  
panel.cor <- function(x, y, ...){
usr <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- round(cor(x, y), 2)
text(0.5, 0.5, r, cex = 1.75)
pairs(cbind(Mortality=cmort, Temperature=tempr, Particulates=part), col=4, lower.panel=panel.cor)

#  Regression
temp  = tempr-mean(tempr)  # center temperature    
temp2 = temp^2             # square it  
trend = time(cmort)        # time

fit = lm(cmort~ trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL)
summary(fit)       # regression results
summary(aov(fit))  # ANOVA table   (compare to next line)
summary(aov(lm(cmort~cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part)))) # Table 2.1

num = length(cmort)                                     # sample size
AIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi)                                # AIC 
BIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi)                                # BIC   
(AICc = log(sum(resid(fit)^2)/num) + (num+5)/(num-5-2)) # AICc

Examples 2.3

fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dframe=TRUE)   
summary(fit <- lm(rec~soiL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
## not shown in text but resids are not white

Examples 2.4 and 2.5

# astsa now has a detrend script, so Figure 2.4 can be done as
tsplot( detrend(chicken), main="detrended" )
tsplot( diff(chicken), main="first difference" )

# and Figure 2.5 as
par(mfrow=c(3,1))     # plot ACFs
acf1(chicken, 48, main="chicken")
acf1(detrend(chicken), 48, main="detrended")
acf1(diff(chicken), 48, main="first difference")

Example 2.6

tsplot(diff(globtemp), type="o")
 mean(diff(globtemp))     # drift estimate = .008
acf1(diff(gtemp), 48, main="")

Example 2.7

layout(matrix(1:4,2), widths=c(2.5,1))
tsplot(varve, main="", ylab="", col=4)
 mtext("varve", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
tsplot(log(varve), main="", ylab="", col=4)
 mtext("log(varve)", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
qqnorm(varve, main="", col=4)
 qqline(varve, col=2, lwd=2)
qqnorm(log(varve), main="", col=4)
 qqline(log(varve), col=2, lwd=2)

Example 2.8

lag1.plot(soi, 12, col=astsa.col(4, .3), cex=1.5, pch=20)
lag2.plot(soi, rec, 8, col=astsa.col(4, .3), cex=1.5, pch=20)

Example 2.9

dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish  = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dL6=lag(dummy,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(rec~ soiL6*dL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
tsplot(fish$soiL6, fish$rec, type='p', col=4, ylab='rec', xlab='soiL6')
lines(lowess(fish$soiL6, fish$rec), col=4, lwd=2)
points(fish$soiL6, fitted(fit), pch='+', col=6)
tsplot(resid(fit)) # not shown ...
acf1(resid(fit))   # ... but obviously not noise

Example 2.10

set.seed(1000)  # so you can reproduce these results
x  = 2*cos(2*pi*1:500/50 + .6*pi) + rnorm(500,0,5)
z1 = cos(2*pi*1:500/50)  
z2 = sin(2*pi*1:500/50)
summary(fit <- lm(x~0+z1+z2))  # zero to exclude the intercept
tsplot(x, col=4)
tsplot(x, col=astsa.col(4,.7), ylab=expression(hat(x)))
lines(fitted(fit), col=2, lwd=2)

Example 2.11

wgts = c(.5, rep(1,11), .5)/12
soif = filter(soi, sides=2, filter=wgts)
tsplot(soi, col=4)
lines(soif, lwd=2, col=6)
par(fig = c(.75, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE) # the insert
nwgts = c(rep(0,20), wgts, rep(0,20))
plot(nwgts, type="l", ylim = c(-.02,.1), xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)

Example 2.12

tsplot(soi, col=4)
lines(ksmooth(time(soi), soi, "normal", bandwidth=1), lwd=2, col=6)
par(fig = c(.75, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE) # the insert
curve(dnorm, -3, 3,  xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)

Example 2.13

# Figure 2.14 using the trend script
trend(soi, lowess=TRUE)
lines(lowess(soi, f=.05), lwd=2, col=6) # El Niño cycle

Example 2.14

lines(smooth.spline(time(soi), soi, spar=.5), lwd=2, col=4)
lines(smooth.spline(time(soi), soi, spar= 1), lty=2, lwd=2, col=2)

Example 2.15

tsplot(tempr, cmort, type="p", xlab="Temperature", ylab="Mortality", pch=20, col=4)
lines(lowess(tempr, cmort), col=6, lwd=2)


Chapter 3

The way AIC, AICc, and BIC are calculated in sarima changed a few versions ago. The values in the text will be different than the current values, but the results of any data analysis in the text are the same.

Example 3.2

# in the expressions below, ~ is a space and == is equal
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar= .9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(AR(1)~~~phi==+.9))) 
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=-.9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(AR(1)~~~phi==-.9))) 

Example 3.5

tsplot(sarima.sim(ma= .9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(MA(1)~~~theta==+.9)))    
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma=-.9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(MA(1)~~~theta==-.9)))    

Example 3.7

set.seed(8675309)         # Jenny, I got your number
x = rnorm(150, mean=5)    # Jenerate iid N(5,1)s
arima(x, order=c(1,0,1))  # Jenstimation

Example 3.8

ARMAtoMA(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10)   # first 10 psi-weights
ARMAtoAR(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10)   # first 10 pi-weights

Example 3.9

# this is how Figure 3.3 was generated
seg1   =  seq( 0, 2,  by=0.1)
seg2   =  seq(-2, 2,  by=0.1)
name1  =  expression(phi[1])
name2  =  expression(phi[2])
tsplot(seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2), ylab=name2, xlab=name1,
        main='Causal Region of an AR(2)')
 lines(-seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2)) 
 abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
 lines(seg2, -(seg2^2 /4), ylim=c(-1,1))
 lines( x=c(-2,2), y=c(-1,-1), ylim=c(-1,1))
 text(0, .35, 'real roots')
 text(0, -.5, 'complex roots')

Example 3.11

z = c(1,-1.5,.75)    # coefficients of the polynomial
(a = polyroot(z)[1]) # = 1+0.57735i,  print one root which is 1 + i 1/sqrt(3)
arg = Arg(a)/(2*pi)  # arg in cycles/pt  
1/arg                # = 12,  the period

set.seed(8675309)    # Jenny, it's me again
ar2 = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75), n=144, S=12)
tsplot(ar2, xlab="Year")

ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50)[-1]
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="lag")
abline(h=0, col=8)

# alternately - not in text
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50)
tsplot(0:50, ACF, type="h", xlab="lag")
abline(h=0, col=8)

# psi-weights - not in text
psi = ts(ARMAtoMA(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50), start=0, freq=12)
tsplot(psi, type='o', cex=1.1, ylab=expression(psi-weights), xaxt='n', xlab='Index')
axis(1, at=0:4, labels=c('0','12','24','36','48'))

# you can play the same game with the ACF - not in text
ACF = ts(ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50), start=0, frequency=12)
tsplot(ACF, type='h', xaxt='n', xlab='LAG')
abline(h=0, col=8)
axis(1, at=0:4, labels=c('0','12','24','36','48'))

Example 3.12

psi = ARMAtoMA(ar=.9, ma=.5, 50)       #  for a list        
tsplot(psi, type='h', ylab=expression(psi-weights), xlab='Index')    # for a graph

Example 3.16

ar2.acf  = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24)[-1]
ar2.pacf = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24, pacf=TRUE)
tsplot(ar2.acf,  type="h", xlab="lag", lwd=3, nxm=5, col=c(rep(4,11), 6))
tsplot(ar2.pacf, type="h", xlab="lag", lwd=3, nxm=5, col=4)

Example 3.18

acf2(rec, 48)     # will produce values and a graphic 
(regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE))  # regression
regr$  # standard errors                             

Example 3.25

regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)
fore = predict(regr, n.ahead=24)
tsplot(cbind(rec, fore$pred), spag=TRUE, col=1:2, xlim=c(1980,1990), ylab="Recruitment")
lines(fore$pred, type="p", col=2)
lines(fore$pred+fore$se, lty="dashed", col=4)
lines(fore$pred-fore$se, lty="dashed", col=4)

Example 3.26

x     = sarima.sim(ar=.9, ma=.5, n=100)
xr    = rev(x) # xr is the reversed data
pxr   = predict(arima(xr, order=c(1,0,1)), 10) # predict the reversed data
pxrp  = rev(pxr$pred) # reorder the predictors (for plotting)
pxrse = rev(pxr$se) # reorder the SEs
nx    = ts(c(pxrp, x), start=-9) # attach the backcasts to the data
tsplot(nx, ylab=expression(X[~t]), main='Backcasting', ylim=c(-7,4))
 U  = nx[1:10] + pxrse
 L  = nx[1:10] - pxrse
 xx = c(-9:0, 0:-9) 
 yy = c(L, rev(U))
polygon(xx, yy, border = 8, col = gray(0.6, alpha = 0.2))
lines(-9:0, nx[1:10], col=2, type='o')

Example 3.28

rec.yw = ar.yw(rec, order=2)
rec.yw$x.mean    # = 62.26278 (mean estimate)
rec.yw$ar        # = 1.3315874, -.4445447  (parameter estimates)
sqrt(diag(rec.yw$asy.var.coef))  # = .04222637, .04222637  (standard errors)
rec.yw$var.pred  # = 94.79912 (error variance estimate) = predict(rec.yw, n.ahead=24)
 U =$pred +$se
 L =$pred -$se
tsplot(cbind(rec,$pred), spag=TRUE, xlim=c(1980,1990),  ylab="Recruitment") 
lines($pred, col=2, type="o")
lines(U, col=4, lty=2)
lines(L, col=4, lty=2)

Example 3.29

ma1 = sarima.sim(ma=.9, n=50)
acf1(ma1, 1, plot=FALSE)  # [1] .536 (lag 1 sample ACF)

Example 3.31

rec.mle = ar.mle(rec, order=2)

Example 3.33

x = diff(log(varve))       # data
r = acf1(x, 1, plot=FALSE) # acf(1)
c(0) -> z -> Sc -> Sz -> Szw -> para # initialize .. 
c(x[1]) -> w                         # .. all variables
num = length(x)            # 633

## Gauss-Newton Estimation
para[1] = (1-sqrt(1-4*(r^2)))/(2*r)  # MME to start (not very good)
niter   = 12             
for (j in 1:niter){  
 for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t]   - para[j]*w[t-1]
                   z[t] = w[t-1] - para[j]*z[t-1]
 Sc[j]  = sum(w^2)
 Sz[j]  = sum(z^2)
 Szw[j] = sum(z*w)
para[j+1] = para[j] + Szw[j]/Sz[j]
## Results
cbind(iteration=1:niter-1, thetahat=para[1:niter], Sc, Sz)

## Plot conditional SS and results
c(0) -> cSS
th = -seq(.3, .94, .01)
for (p in 1:length(th)){   
 for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - th[p]*w[t-1] 
cSS[p] = sum(w^2)
tsplot(th, cSS, ylab=expression(S[c](theta)), xlab=expression(theta))
abline(v=para[1:12], lty=2, col=4) # add previous results to plot
points(para[1:12], Sc[1:12], pch=16, col=4)

Example 3.36

# generate data
e   = rexp(150, rate=.5) 
u   = runif(150,-1,1) 
de  = e*sign(u)
dex = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50) 
tsplot(dex, ylab=expression(X[~t]))

# Bootstrap
set.seed(666)                 # not that 666
fit     = ar.yw(dex, order=1) # assumes the data were retained
m       = fit$x.mean          # estimate of mean
phi     = fit$ar              # estimate of phi
nboot   = 250                 # number of bootstrap replicates
resids  = fit$resid[-1]       # the 99 innovations  = dex                 # initialize x* = c()             # initialize phi* 

for (i in 1:nboot) { = sample(resids, replace=TRUE)     = sarima.sim(n=99, ar=phi,, burnin=0) + m[i] = ar.yw(, order=1)$ar

# small sample distn
phi.yw = rep(NA, 1000)
for (i in 1:1000){
 e = rexp(150, rate=.5); u = runif(150,-1,1); de = e*sign(u)
 x = 50 + arima.sim(n=100,list(ar=.95), innov=de, n.start=50)
 phi.yw[i] = ar.yw(x, order=1)$ar 

# Picture
hist(, 15, main="", prob=TRUE, xlim=c(.65,1.05), ylim=c(0,14), 
      col=astsa.col(4,.3), xlab=expression(hat(phi)))
lines(density(phi.yw, bw=.02), lwd=2)  
curve(dnorm(x, mean=.96, sd=.03), .75,1.1, lty=2, lwd=2, add=TRUE)
legend(.65, 14, bty='n', lty=c(1,0,2), lwd=c(2,0,2), col=1, pch=c(NA,22,NA),,astsa.col(4,.3),NA), pt.cex=2.5, 
      legend=c('true distribution', 'bootstrap distribution', 'normal approximation'))

Example 3.38

x = sarima.sim(ma = -0.8, d=1, n = 100)
(x.ima = HoltWinters(x, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE))  # &alpha; is 1-&lambda; here

Example 3.39, 3.40, and 3.43

tsplot(gnp, col=4)
acf2(gnp, 50)               # compare to acf2(1:250, 50)       
gnpgr = diff(log(gnp))      # growth rate
tsplot(gnpgr, col=4)
acf2(gnpgr, 24)  
sarima(gnpgr, 1, 0, 0)      # AR(1)
sarima(gnpgr, 0, 0, 2)      # MA(2) 
ARMAtoMA(ar=.35, ma=0, 10)  # prints psi-weights

Example 3.41

sarima(log(varve), 0,1,1, no.constant=TRUE, gg=TRUE, col=4)   # ARIMA(0,1,1)
sarima(log(varve), 1,1,1, no.constant=TRUE, gg=TRUE, col=4)   # ARIMA(1,1,1)

Example 3.44

trend  = time(cmort) 
temp   = tempr - mean(tempr)
temp2  = temp^2
summary(fit <- lm(cmort~trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(fit), 52) # implies AR2
sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=cbind(trend,temp,temp2,part) )

Example 3.45

# Note: this could benefit from a seasonal model fit, but it hasn't
#  been talked about yet - you could come back to this after the next section
dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dL6=lag(dummy,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(rec ~soiL6*dL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(fit))     # indicates AR(2)
intract = fish$soiL6*fish$dL6  # interaction term
sarima(fish$rec, 2,0,0, xreg = cbind(fish$soiL6, fish$dL6, intract))

Example 3.46

SAR = sarima.sim(sar=.9, S=12, n=37) + 50
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), nc=2), heights=c(1.5,1))
tsplot(SAR, type="c", xlab="Year")
 abline(v=1:3, col=4, lty=2)
 points(SAR, pch=Months, cex=1.35, font=4, col=1:6)

phi  = c(rep(0,11),.9)
ACF  = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100)[-1] # [-1] removes 0 lag
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100, pacf=TRUE)
 LAG = 1:100/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
 abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
 abline(h=0, col=8)

Example 3.47

phi  = c(rep(0,11),.8)
ACF  = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50)[-1]
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50, pacf=TRUE)
 LAG = 1:50/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.4,.8), col=4, lwd=2)
 abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.4,.8), col=4, lwd=2)
 abline(h=0, col=8)

Example 3.49

x     = AirPassengers
lx    = log(x) 
dlx   = diff(lx) 
ddlx  = diff(dlx, 12)
tsplot(cbind(x, lx, dlx, ddlx), main="")

# below of interest for showing seasonal persistence (not shown here):

sarima(lx, 1,1,1, 0,1,1, 12)   # model 1
sarima(lx, 0,1,1, 0,1,1, 12)   # model 2 (the winner)
sarima(lx, 1,1,0, 0,1,1, 12)   # model 3
sarima.for(lx, 12, 0,1,1, 0,1,1,12)  # forecasts


Chapter 4

Example 4.1

x1 = 2*cos(2*pi*1:100*6/100)  + 3*sin(2*pi*1:100*6/100)
x2 = 4*cos(2*pi*1:100*10/100) + 5*sin(2*pi*1:100*10/100)
x3 = 6*cos(2*pi*1:100*40/100) + 7*sin(2*pi*1:100*40/100)
x = x1 + x2 + x3 

tsplot(x1, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==6/100~~~A^2==13))
tsplot(x2, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==10/100~~~A^2==41))
tsplot(x3, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==40/100~~~A^2==85))
tsplot(x, ylim=c(-16,16), main="sum")

Example 4.2

# x from Example 4.1 is used here
P = abs(2*fft(x)/100)^2
Fr = 0:99/100                    
tsplot(Fr, P, type="o", xlab="frequency", ylab="periodogram")
abline(v=.5, lty=2)

Example 4.3

# modulation
t = 1:200
tsplot(x <- 2*cos(2*pi*.2*t)*cos(2*pi*.01*t))     
lines(cos(2*pi*.19*t)+cos(2*pi*.21*t), col=2)     # the same
Px = Mod(fft(x))^2 
tsplot(0:199/200, Px, type='o')                   # the periodogram

# star mag analysis
n    = length(star)
tsplot(star, ylab="star magnitude", xlab="day")
Per   = Mod(fft(star-mean(star)))^2/n
Freq  = (1:n -1)/n
tsplot(Freq[1:50], Per[1:50], type='h', lwd=3, ylab="Periodogram", xlab="Frequency")
text(.05,  7000, "24 day cycle") 
text(.027, 9000, "29 day cycle")
#- a list to help find the peaks
round( cbind(1/Freq[1:30], Per[1:30]), 3)

Examples 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

# default is to not plot on log scale 
# add log='y' otherwise  
arma.spec(main="White Noise", col=4)
arma.spec(ma=.5, main="Moving Average", col=4)
arma.spec(ar=c(1,-.9), main="Autoregression", col=4)

Example 4.10

x      = c(1,2,3,2,1)        
c1     = cos(2*pi*1:5*1/5)
s1     = sin(2*pi*1:5*1/5) 
c2     = cos(2*pi*1:5*2/5)
s2     = sin(2*pi*1:5*2/5)
omega1 = cbind(c1, s1)
omega2 = cbind(c2, s2)
anova(lm(x~ omega1+omega2) )  # ANOVA Table
Mod(fft(x))^2/5               # the periodogram (as a check)

Example 4.13

soi.per = mvspec(soi)             
 abline(v=1/4, lty="dotted")
rec.per = mvspec(rec) 
 abline(v=1/4, lty="dotted")

  #       frequency  period spectrum
  #  [9,]     0.225  4.4444   0.0309
  # [10,]     0.250  4.0000   0.0537
  # [11,]     0.275  3.6364   0.0754
  # [12,]     0.300  3.3333   0.0567
  # [39,]     0.975  1.0256   0.0167
  # [40,]     1.000  1.0000   0.9722
  # [41,]     1.025  0.9756   0.0054

# conf intervals -  returned value:
U = qchisq(.025,2)    # 0.05063  
L = qchisq(.975,2)    # 7.37775
2*soi.per$spec[10]/L  # 0.01456
2*soi.per$spec[10]/U  # 2.12220
2*soi.per$spec[40]/L  # 0.26355
2*soi.per$spec[40]/U  # 38.40108

# Repeat lines above using rec in place of soi

Example 4.14

soi.ave = mvspec(soi, kernel('daniell',4))
abline(v = c(.25,1,2,3), lty=2)
soi.ave$bandwidth      # = 0.225
df  = soi.ave$df       # df = 16.9875  
U   = qchisq(.025, df) # U = 7.555916
L   = qchisq(.975, df) # L = 30.17425
soi.ave$spec[10]       # 0.0495202
soi.ave$spec[40]       # 0.1190800
# intervals
df*soi.ave$spec[10]/L  # 0.0278789
df*soi.ave$spec[10]/U  # 0.1113333
df*soi.ave$spec[40]/L  # 0.0670396
df*soi.ave$spec[40]/U  # 0.2677201

# Repeat above commands with soi replaced by rec, for example:
rec.ave = mvspec(rec, k)
abline(v=c(.25,1,2,3), lty=2)
# and so on.

Example 4.15

t = seq(0, 1, by=1/200) 
amps = c(1, .5, .4, .3, .2, .1)
x = matrix(0, 201, 6)
for (j in 1:6) x[,j] = amps[j]*sin(2*pi*t*2*j)
x = ts(cbind(x, rowSums(x)), start=0, deltat=1/200)               
tsplot(x, lty=c(1:6, 1), lwd=c(rep(1,6), 2), ylab="Sinusoids", col=1:6, spaghetti=TRUE)
names = c("Fundamental","2nd Harmonic","3rd Harmonic","4th Harmonic","5th Harmonic", 
          "6th Harmonic","Formed Signal")
legend("topright", names, lty=c(1:6, 1), lwd=c(rep(1,6), 2), col=1:6)
rm(t)                    #Redemption

# another view of the idea, sawtooth signal periodic but not sinusoidal  #
y = ts(rev(1:100 %% 20), freq=20)         # sawtooth signal
tsplot(1:100, y, ylab="sawtooth signal", col=4)
mvspec(y, main="", ylab="periodogram", col=5, xlim=c(0,7))  

Example 4.16

kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3))          # for a list
plot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3)))    # for a graph

k        = kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3))
soi.smo  = mvspec(soi, kernel=k, taper=.1)
abline(v = c(.25,1), lty=2)
## Repeat above lines with rec replacing soi 
soi.smo$df           # df = 17.42618
soi.smo$bandwidth    # B  = 0.2308103

# An easier way to obtain soi.smo:
soi.smo = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, nxm=4)

# hightlight El Nino cycle
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)     

Example 4.17

s0 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), plot=FALSE)             # no taper
s50 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.5, plot=FALSE)  # full taper
tsplot(s50$freq, s50$spec, log="y", type="l", ylab="spectrum", xlab="frequency") 
lines(s0$freq, s0$spec, lty=2) 
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.9)
legend(5,.04, legend=c('full taper', 'no taper'), lty=1:2)

text(1.42, 0.04, 'leakage', cex=.8)
arrows(1.4, .035, .75, .009, length=0.05,angle=30)   
arrows(1.4, .035, 1.21, .0075, length=0.05,angle=30)
par(fig = c(.65, 1, .65, 1),  new = TRUE, cex=.5,  mgp=c(0,-.1,0), tcl=-.2)
taper <- function(x) { .5*(1+cos(2*pi*x))  }
 x <- seq(from = -.5, to = .5, by = 0.001)
plot(x, taper(x), type = "l",  lty = 1,  yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)

Example 4.18

# AR spectrum - AIC picks order=15
u <- spec.ic(soi,  detrend=TRUE, col=4, lwd=2, nxm=4)  
# plot AIC and BIC
tsplot(0:30, u[[1]][,2:3], type='o', col=2:3, xlab='ORDER', nxm=5, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)  

Example 4.21

sr = mvspec(cbind(soi,rec), kernel("daniell",9), plot.type="coh")
sr$df                     # df = 35.8625
f = qf(.999, 2, sr$df-2)  # f = 8.529792
C = f/(18+f)              # C = 0.3188779
abline(h = C)

Example 4.22

tsplot(soi, col=4)                         # plot data
tsplot(diff(soi), col=4)                   # plot first difference
k = kernel("modified.daniell", 6)          # filter weights
tsplot(soif <- kernapply(soi, k), col=4)   # plot 12 month filter
mvspec(soif, spans=9, lwd=2, col=5, nxm=4, taper=.1) # spectral analysis (not shown)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
##-- frequency responses --##
w = seq(0, .5, by=.01)
FRdiff = abs(1-exp(2i*pi*w))^2
tsplot(w, FRdiff, xlab='frequency')
u = cos(2*pi*w)+cos(4*pi*w)+cos(6*pi*w)+cos(8*pi*w)+cos(10*pi*w)
FRma = ((1 + cos(12*pi*w) + 2*u)/12)^2
tsplot(w, FRma, xlab='frequency')

Example 4.24

LagReg(soi, rec, L=15, M=32, threshold=6)
LagReg(rec, soi, L=15, M=32, inverse=TRUE, threshold=.01)
fish = ts.intersect(R=rec, RL1=lag(rec,-1), SL5=lag(soi,-5))
(u = lm(fish[,1]~fish[,2:3], na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(u))       # suggests ar1
sarima(fish[,1], 1, 0, 0, xreg=fish[,2:3], details=FALSE) 

Example 4.25

SigExtract(soi, L=9, M=64, max.freq=.05) 

Example 4.26

per = abs(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp))/sqrt(64*36))^2       
per2 = cbind(per[1:32,18:2], per[1:32,1:18])   # this and line below is just rearranging
per3 = rbind(per2[32:2,], per2)                # results to get 0 frequency in the middle

persp(-31:31/64, -17:17/36, per3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=.6, ticktype="detailed", xlab="cycles/row", 
       ylab="cycles/column", zlab="Periodogram Ordinate")


Chapter 5

Example 5.1

# NOTE: The example in the text uses the package 'fracdiff', 
#       which is a dinosaur and gave questionable results - 
#       this uses 'arfima' but it didn't make it into the text.
summary(varve.fd <- arfima(log(varve)))  # d.hat = 0.3728, se(d,hat) = 0.0273
# residual stuff
innov = resid(varve.fd)  

# plot pi wgts
p = rep(1,31)
for (k in 1:30){ p[k+1] = (k-coef(varve.fd)[1])*p[k]/(k+1) }
tsplot(p[-1], ylab=expression(pi[j](d)), xlab="Index (j)", type="h", lwd=4, col=2:7, nxm=5)

Example 5.2

series = log(varve)  # specify series to be analyzed
d0 = .1              # initial value of d
n.per = nextn(length(series))
m = (n.per)/2  - 1
per = abs(fft(series-mean(series))[-1])^2  # remove 0 freq
per = per/n.per      # R doesn't scale fft by sqrt(n)
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:m)/n.per))^2)

# Function to calculate -log.likelihood = function(d){  
 sig2 = (sum(g.d*per[1:m])/m) = m*log(sig2) - d*sum(log(g)) + m

# Estimation (?optim for details - output not shown)
(est = optim(d0,, gr=NULL, method="L-BFGS-B", 
     hessian=TRUE, lower=-.5, upper=.5, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))

# Results  [d.hat = .380, se(dhat) = .028]  
cat("d.hat =", est$par, "se(dhat) = ",1/sqrt(est$hessian),"\n")  
g.dhat = g^est$par
sig2 = sum(g.dhat*per[1:m])/m
cat("sig2hat =",sig2,"\n")  # sig2hat = .229 

# compart AR spectrum to long memory spectrum
u = spec.ic(log(varve), log='y', lty=2, xlim=c(0,.25), ylim=c(.2,20), col=4)        
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:500)/2000))^2)
fhat = sig2*g^{-est$par}             # long memory spectral estimate          
lines(1:500/2000, fhat, col=6)
ar.mle(log(varve))                   # to get AR(8) estimates 

# 'fracdiff' has a GPH method, but I don't trust the pacakge
# library(fracdiff)
# fdGPH(log(varve), bandw=.9)   # m = n^bandw- it's supposed to be small- this is way too big 

Example 5.3

adf.test(log(varve), k=0)  # DF test
adf.test(log(varve))       # ADF test
pp.test(log(varve))        # PP test

Example 5.4

gnpgr = diff(log(gnp))          # get the returns
u     = sarima(gnpgr, 1, 0, 0)  # fit an AR(1)
acf2(resid(u$fit), 20)          # get (p)acf of the squared residuals
summary(garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,0), gnpgr))

Example 5.5 and 5.6

library(xts)   # needed to handle djia
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
acf2(djiar)    # exhibits some autocorrelation (not shown)
acf2(djiar^2)  # oozes autocorrelation (not shown)
# GARCH fit
summary(djia.g <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))
plot(djia.g)    # to see all plot options
# APARCH fit
summary(djia.ap <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))

Example 5.7

tsplot(flu, type="c")
Months = c("J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D")
points(flu, pch=Months, cex=.8, font=2)
# Start analysis
dflu = diff(flu)
lag1.plot(dflu, corr=FALSE) # scatterplot with lowess fit
thrsh = .05 # threshold
Z = ts.intersect(dflu, lag(dflu,-1), lag(dflu,-2), lag(dflu,-3),
lag(dflu,-4) )
ind1 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, 1, NA) # indicator < thrsh
ind2 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, NA, 1) # indicator >= thrsh
X1 = Z[,1]*ind1
X2 = Z[,1]*ind2
summary(fit1 <- lm(X1~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 1
summary(fit2 <- lm(X2~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 2
D = cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z)), Z[,2:5]) # design matrix
p1 = D %*% coef(fit1) # get predictions
p2 = D %*% coef(fit2)
prd = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, p1, p2)
tsplot(dflu, ylim=c(-.5,.5), type='p', pch=3)
prde1 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit1)^2)/df.residual(fit1) )
prde2 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit2)^2)/df.residual(fit2) )
prde = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, prde1, prde2)
tx = time(dflu)[-(1:4)]
xx = c(tx, rev(tx))
yy = c(prd-2*prde, rev(prd+2*prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25) )
abline(h=.05, col=4, lty=6)

# Using tsDyn (not in text)
# vignette("tsDyn")   # for package details (it's quirky, so you'll need this)
dflu = diff(flu)
(u = setar(dflu, m=4, thDelay=0))  # fit model and view results (thDelay=0 is lag 1 delay)
BIC(u); AIC(u)                     # if you want to try other models ... m=3 works well too
plot(u)                            # graphics -  ?plot.setar for information

Example 5.8 and 5.9

soi.d   = resid(lm(soi~time(soi), na.action=NULL)) # detrended SOI
fit     = arima(soi.d, order=c(1,0,0))
ar1     = as.numeric(coef(fit)[1]) # = 0.5875  = resid(fit)
rec.fil = filter(rec, filter=c(1, -ar1), sides=1)
ccf2(, rec.fil) 

fish  = ts.intersect(rec, RL1=lag(rec,-1), SL5=lag(soi.d,-5))
(u    = lm(fish[,1]~fish[,2:3], na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(u)) # suggests ar1
(arx  = sarima(fish[,1], 1, 0, 0, xreg=fish[,2:3])) # final model
pred  = rec + resid(arx$fit) # 1-step-ahead predictions
tsplot(pred, col=astsa.col(8,.3), lwd=7, ylab='rec & prediction')

Example 5.10 and 5.11

x = cbind(cmort, tempr, part)
summary(VAR(x, p=1, type="both"))  # "both" fits constant + trend

VARselect(x, lag.max=10, type="both")
summary(fit <- VAR(x, p=2, type="both"))
acf(resid(fit), 52)
serial.test(fit,, type="PT.adjusted")

( = predict(fit, n.ahead = 24, ci = 0.95))  # 4 weeks ahead
fanchart(  # plot prediction + error

Example 5.12

model   = define.model(kvar=3, ar=c(1,2), ma=c(1))
arp     = model$ar.pattern 
map     = model$ma.pattern
cmort.d = resid(detr <- lm(cmort~ time(cmort), na.action=NULL))
xdata   = matrix(cbind(cmort.d, tempr, part), ncol=3)  # strip ts attributes
fit     = marima(xdata, ar.pattern=arp, ma.pattern=map, means=c(0,1,1), penalty=1)
# resid analysis (not displayed)
innov   = t(resid(fit))
acfm(innov)    # since astsa v1.13.2
# acf(innov, na.action = na.pass)  # or use this

# fitted values for cmort
pred    = ts(t(fitted(fit))[,1], start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort)) +
detr$coef[1] + detr$coef[2]*time(cmort)
plot(pred, ylab="Cardiovascular Mortality", lwd=2, col=4)
# print estimates and corresponding t^2-statistic
short.form(fit$ar.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ar.fvalues,   leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ma.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ma.fvalues,   leading=FALSE)
fit$resid.cov # estimate of noise cov matrix


Chapter 6

Warning The code here uses the updated scripts in astsa version 2.0. Details of the updates are in the help files of Kfilter, Ksmooth, and EM. Original code (prior to version 2.0) may be found here: Original Chapter 6 Info and Code

Example 6.1

tsplot(blood, type='o', col=c(6,4,2), lwd=2, pch=19, cex=1) 

Example 6.2

tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, pch=20, type="o", 
        col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.5), ylab="Temperature Deviations", main="Global Warming")
legend("topleft", legend=c("Land Surface", "Sea Surface"), lty=1, pch=20, col=c(4,2), bg="white")

Example 6.5

# generate data 
num = 50
w   = rnorm(num+1,0,1)
v   = rnorm(num,0,1)
mu  = cumsum(w)     # states:  mu[0], mu[1], . . ., mu[50] 
y   = mu[-1] + v    # obs:  y[1], . . ., y[50]

# filter and smooth (Ksmooth does both)
mu0 = 0;  sigma0 = 1;  phi = 1;  sQ = 1;  sR = 1   
ks = Ksmooth(y, A=1, mu0, sigma0, phi, sQ, sR)   

# pictures 

tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Prediction", ylim=c(-5,10)) 
  lines(ks$Xp, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xp+2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty=6, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xp-2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty=6, col=6)

tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Filter", ylim=c(-5,10)) 
  lines(ks$Xf, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xf+2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty=6, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xf-2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty=6, col=6)

tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Smoother", ylim=c(-5,10)) 
  lines(ks$Xs, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xs+2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty=6, col=6)
  lines(ks$Xs-2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty=6, col=6)

mu[1]; ks$X0n; sqrt(ks$P0n)   # initial value info

Example 6.6

# Generate Data
num = 100
N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(n=N, ar=.8)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))     

# Initial Estimates 
u = ts.intersect(y, lag(y,-1), lag(y,-2)) 
varu = var(u)
coru = cor(u) 
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2] 
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi 
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2) 
(init.par = c(phi, sqrt(q), sqrt(r))) 

# Function to evaluate the likelihood 
  phi = para[1]; sigw = para[2]; sigv = para[3] 
  Sigma0 = (sigw^2)/(1-phi^2); Sigma0[Sigma0<0]=0 
  kf = Kfilter(y,A=1,mu0=0,Sigma0,phi,sigw,sigv)

# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, gr=NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))      
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
cbind(estimate=c(phi=est$par[1],sigw=est$par[2],sigv=est$par[3]), SE)

Example 6.7

##- slight change from text, the data scaled -##
##- you can remove the scales to get to the original analysis -##

##- ALSO note that regression parameters not used are set to NULL (the default) instead of 0 now. 

# Setup 
y = cbind(globtemp/sd(globtemp), globtempl/sd(globtempl))
num = nrow(y)
input = rep(1,num)
A = matrix(c(1,1), nrow=2)
mu0 = -.35; Sigma0 = 1;  Phi = 1

# Function to Calculate Likelihood 
 sQ = para[1]      # sigma_w
  sR1 = para[2]    # 11 element of  sR
  sR2 = para[3]    # 22 element of sR
  sR21 = para[4]   # 21 element of sR
 sR = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2)  # put the matrix together
 drift = para[5]
 kf = Kfilter(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input)  # NOTE Gamma is set to NULL now (instead of 0)

# Estimation
init.par = c(.1,.1,.1,0,.05)  # initial values of parameters
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1))) 
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian))) 

# Summary of estimation  
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u)=c("sigw","sR11", "sR22", "sR21", "drift"); u  

# Smooth (first set parameters to their final estimates)
sQ    = est$par[1]  
 sR1  = est$par[2]   
 sR2  = est$par[3]   
 sR21 = est$par[4]  
sR    = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2)
(R    = sR%*%t(sR))   #  to view the estimated R matrix
drift = est$par[5]  
ks    = Ksmooth(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input)  # NOTE Gamma is set to NULL now (instead of 0)

# Plot 
tsplot(y, spag=TRUE, margins=.5, type='o', pch=2:3, col=4:3, lty=6, ylab='Temperature Deviations')
xsm  = ts(as.vector(ks$Xs), start=1880)
rmse = ts(sqrt(as.vector(ks$Ps)), start=1880)
lines(xsm, lwd=2, col=6)
  xx = c(time(xsm), rev(time(xsm)))
  yy = c(xsm-2*rmse, rev(xsm+2*rmse))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25))

Example 6.8

library(nlme)   # loads package nlme (comes with R)

# Generate data (same as Example 6.6)
set.seed(999); num = 100; N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(ar=.8, n=N)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))     

# Initial Estimates 
u = ts.intersect(y,lag(y,-1),lag(y,-2)) 
varu = var(u); coru = cor(u) 
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]             
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi   
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2) 
mu0 = 0; Sigma0 = 2.8
( em = EM(y, 1, mu0, Sigma0, phi, q, r) )   

# Standard Errors  (this uses nlme)
phi = em$Phi; sq = sqrt(em$Q); sr = sqrt(em$R)
mu0 = em$mu0; Sigma0 = em$Sigma0
para = c(phi, sq, sr)
 # evaluate likelihood at estimates 
  kf = Kfilter(y, A=1, mu0, Sigma0, para[1], para[2], para[3])
emhess = fdHess(para, function(para) Linn(para))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(emhess$Hessian)))  

# Display summary of estimation 
estimate = c(para, em$mu0, em$Sigma0); SE = c(SE,NA,NA)
u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("phi","sigw","sigv","mu0","Sigma0")

Example 6.9

y    = blood
num  = nrow(y)       
A    = array(0, dim=c(3,3,num))   
for(k in 1:num) if (![k,1])) A[,,k]= diag(1,3) 

# Initial values 
mu0    = matrix(0,3,1) 
Sigma0 = diag(c(.1,.1,1) ,3)
Phi    = diag(1,3)
Q      = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)
R     = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)  
( em = EM(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, Q, R) ) 

# Graph smoother
sQ = em$Q %^% .5
sR = sqrt(em$R)
ks  = Ksmooth(y, A, em$mu0, em$Sigma0, em$Phi, sQ , sR)
y1s = ks$Xs[1,,] 
y2s = ks$Xs[2,,] 
y3s = ks$Xs[3,,]
p1  = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,]) 
p2  = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,]) 
p3  = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[3,3,])

tsplot(WBC, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(1,5), col=6, lwd=2, cex=1)
  xx = c(time(WBC), rev(time(WBC)))  # same for all
  yy = c(y1s-p1, rev(y1s+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))  

tsplot(PLT, type='p', ylim=c(3,6), pch=19, col=4, lwd=2, cex=1)
  yy = c(y2s-p2, rev(y2s+p2))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))  

tsplot(HCT, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(20,40), col=2, lwd=2, cex=1)
  yy = c(y3s-p3, rev(y3s+p3))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))  

Example 6.10

num = length(jj)
A   = cbind(1,1,0,0) 

# Function to Calculate Likelihood 
Linn = function(para){
 Phi = diag(0,4) 
 Phi[1,1] = para[1] 
 Phi[2,]=c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
 sQ1 = para[2]; sQ2 = para[3]     # sqrt q11 and sqrt q22
 sQ  = diag(0,4); sQ[1,1]=sQ1; sQ[2,2]=sQ2
 sR = para[4]                     # sqrt r11
 kf = Kfilter(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)

# Initial Parameters 
mu0      = c(.7,0,0,0) 
Sigma0   = diag(.04, 4)  
init.par = c(1.03, .1, .1, .5)   # Phi[1,1], the 2 Qs and R

# Estimation
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1))
SE  = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u   = cbind(estimate=est$par,SE)
rownames(u)=c("Phi11","sigw1","sigw2","sigv"); u 

# Smooth
Phi      = diag(0,4) 
Phi[1,1] = est$par[1]; Phi[2,]  = c(0,-1,-1,-1) 
Phi[3,]  = c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]  = c(0,0,1,0)
sQ       = diag(0,4)
sQ[1,1]  = est$par[2]
sQ[2,2]  = est$par[3]   
sR       = est$par[4]   
ks       = Ksmooth(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)   

# Plots
Tsm   = ts(ks$Xs[1,,], start=1960, freq=4)
Ssm   = ts(ks$Xs[2,,], start=1960, freq=4)
p1    = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,]); p2 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
tsplot(Tsm, main='Trend Component', ylab='Trend')
  xx  = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
  yy  = c(Tsm-p1, rev(Tsm+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
tsplot(jj, main='Data & Trend+Season', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(-.5,17))
  xx  = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)) )
  yy  = c((Tsm+Ssm)-(p1+p2), rev((Tsm+Ssm)+(p1+p2)) )
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))

# Forecast
n.ahead = 12
y       = ts(append(jj, rep(0,n.ahead)), start=1960, freq=4)
rmspe   = rep(0,n.ahead) 
x00     = ks$Xf[,,num]
P00     = ks$Pf[,,num]
Q       = sQ%*%t(sQ) 
R       = sR%*%t(sR)
for (m in 1:n.ahead){
       xp = Phi%*%x00
       Pp = Phi%*%P00%*%t(Phi)+Q
      sig = A%*%Pp%*%t(A)+R
        K = Pp%*%t(A)%*%(1/sig)
      x00 = xp 
      P00 = Pp-K%*%A%*%Pp
 y[num+m] = A%*%xp
 rmspe[m] = sqrt(sig) 
tsplot(y, type='o', main='', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(5,30), xlim = c(1975,1984))
upp  = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]+2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
low  = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]-2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
 xx  = c(time(low), rev(time(upp)))
 yy  = c(low, rev(upp))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
abline(v=1981, lty=3)

Example 6.12

# Preliminary analysis
fit1   = sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=time(cmort))
acf(cbind(dmort <- resid(fit1$fit), tempr, part))
lag2.plot(tempr, dmort, 8)
lag2.plot(part, dmort, 8)

# quick and dirty fit (detrend then fit ARMAX)
trend   = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))  
dcmort  = resid(fit2 <- lm(cmort~trend, na.action=NULL))  # detrended mort
u       = ts.intersect(dM=dcmort, dM1=lag(dcmort,-1), dM2=lag(dcmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4))
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:6])  # ARMAX fit with residual analysis 

##  All estimates at once                      ##
trend   = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort)) # center time
const   = time(cmort)/time(cmort)         # appropriate time series of 1s
ded     = ts.intersect(M=cmort, T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4), trend, const)
y       = ded[,1]
input   = ded[,2:6]
num     = length(y)
A       = matrix(c(1,0), 1, 2)  

# Function to Calculate Likelihood
 phi1   = para[1]; phi2 = para[2]; sR = para[3];  b1 = para[4]
 b2     = para[5];   b3 = para[6]; b4 = para[7]; alf = para[8]
 mu0    = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
 Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
 Phi    = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
 S      = 1
 Ups    = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
 Gam    = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5) 
 sQ     = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
# S      = sR^2
 kf     = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups=Ups, Gam=Gam, input=input, S=S, version=2)

# Estimation - prelim analysis gives good starting values
init.par = c(phi1=.3, phi2=.3, sR=4, b1=-.1, b2=.1, b3=.04, b4=-1.3, alf=mean(cmort)) 
L = c( 0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  0, -2, 70)   # lower bound on parameters
U = c(.5, .5, 10,  0, .5, .5,  0, 90)   # upper bound - used in optim
est      = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=L, upper=U, 
                 hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, factr=10^8))
SE       = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3) # results

# Residual Analysis (not shown)
phi1   = est$par[1]; phi2 = est$par[2]
sR     = est$par[3]; b1   = est$par[4]
b2     = est$par[5]; b3   = est$par[6]
b4     = est$par[7]; alf  = est$par[8]
mu0    = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi    = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
S      = 1
Ups    = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam    = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5) 
sQ     = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
kf     = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups=Ups, Gam=Gam, input=input, S=S, version=2)
res    = ts(drop(kf$innov), start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort))
sarima(res, 0,0,0, no.constant=TRUE)  # gives a full residual analysis

# Similar fit with but with trend in the X of ARMAX
trend  = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))
u      = ts.intersect(M=cmort, M1=lag(cmort,-1), M2=lag(cmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), 
           P=part, P4=lag(part -4), trend)
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:7])

Example 6.13

# NOTE:  If this takes a long time on your machine, 
#        increase `tol` and/or decrease `nboot`
tol   = .0001    # determines convergence of optimizer     
nboot = 500      # number of bootstrap replicates     

y     = window(qinfl, c(1953,1), c(1965,2))  # inflation   
z     = window(qintr, c(1953,1), c(1965,2))  # interest   
num   = length(y) 
A     = array(z, dim=c(1,1,num))
input = matrix(1,num,1)  

# Function to Calculate Likelihood   
Linn  = function(para,{  # pass data also
   phi = para[1];  alpha = para[2]
   b   = para[3];  Ups   = (1-phi)*b
   sQ  = para[4];  sR    = para[5]  
   kf  = Kfilter(,A,mu0,Sigma0,phi,sQ ,sR ,Ups ,Gam=alpha,input)

# Parameter Estimation   
mu0      = 1
Sigma0   = .01  
init.par = c(phi=.84, alpha=-.77, b=.85, sQ=.12, sR=1.1)  # initial values   

est = optim(init.par,  Linn, NULL,, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, 
             control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))  
SE  = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))   

phi   = est$par[1];  alpha = est$par[2]
b     = est$par[3];  Ups   = (1-phi)*b         
sQ    = est$par[4];  sR    = est$par[5] 
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3)  

# Run the filter at the estimates 
kf  = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam=alpha, input) 

# Pull out necessary values from the filter and initialize  
xp      = kf$Xp
Pp      = kf$Pp
innov   = kf$innov 
sig     = kf$sig 
e       = innov/sqrt(sig)  = e                      # initialize values  = y = xp  
k       = 4:50                   # hold first 3 observations fixed = matrix(0, nboot, 5)  # to store estimates
init.par  =  c(.84, -.77, .85, .12, 1.1)    

pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nboot, initial = 0, style=3)  # progress bar

for (i in 1:nboot){
 setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)               [k] = sample(e[k], replace=TRUE)   
 for (j in k){ 
   K  = (phi*Pp[j-1]*z[j-1])/sig[j-1][j] = phi*[j-1] + Ups +   K*sqrt(sig[j-1])*[j-1]
  }[k] = z[k]*[k] + alpha + sqrt(sig[k])*[k]  = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL,, method='BFGS', control=list(reltol=tol))[i,] = cbind($par[1],$par[2],$par[3], 
                       abs($par[4]), abs($par[5]))   

# Some summary statistics  
rmse = rep(NA,5)                 # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:5){rmse[i]=sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/nboot)
              cat(i, rmse[i],"\n") 
# Plot phi and sigw  (scatter.hist in astsa v1.13)
phi  =[,1] 
sigw = abs([,4]) 
scatter.hist(sigw, phi, ylab=expression(phi), xlab=expression(sigma[~w]), 
             hist.col=astsa.col(5,.4), pt.col=5, pt.size=1.5)

Example 6.14

num   = 50
w     = rnorm(num,0,.1)
x     = cumsum(cumsum(w))
y     = x + rnorm(num,0,1)
## State Space ##
Phi   = matrix(c(2,1,-1,0),2)
A     = matrix(c(1,0),1)
mu0   = matrix(0,2); Sigma0 = diag(1,2)
Linn  = function(para){
  sigw = para[1] 
  sigv = para[2]
  sQ   = diag(c(sigw,0))
  kf   = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sigv)

## Estimation ##
init.par = c(.1, 1)
(est  = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE    = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("sigw","sigv"); u

# Smooth
sigw  = est$par[1]
sQ    = diag(c(sigw,0))
sigv  = est$par[2]
ks    = Ksmooth(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sigv)
xsmoo = ts(ks$Xs[1,1,])
psmoo = ts(ks$Ps[1,1,])
upp   = xsmoo + 2*sqrt(psmoo)
low   = xsmoo - 2*sqrt(psmoo)

tsplot(x, ylab="", ylim=c(-1,8), col=1)
lines(y, type='o', col=8)
lines(xsmoo, col=4, lty=2, lwd=3)
lines(upp, col=4, lty=2); lines(low, col=4, lty=2)
lines(smooth.spline(y), lty=1, col=2)
legend("topleft", c("Observations","State"), pch=c(1,-1), lty=1, lwd=c(1,2), col=c(8,1))
legend("bottomright", c("Smoother", "GCV Spline"), lty=c(2,1), lwd=c(3,1), col=c(4,2))

Example 6.16

model <- depmix(EQcount ~1, nstates=2, data=data.frame(EQcount), family=poisson('identity'), respstart=c(15,25))
summary(fm <- fit(model))   # estimation results  
standardError(fm)           # with standard errors

##-- A little nicer display of the parameters --##
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm))[3:8]  
( mtrans = matrix(para.mle[1:4], byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) )
( lams   = para.mle[5:6] )  
( pi1    = mtrans[2,1]/(2 - mtrans[1,1] - mtrans[2,2]) )  
( pi2    = 1 - pi1 )

#-- Graphics --##
# data and states
tsplot(EQcount, main="", ylab='EQcount', type='h', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(0,50))
text(EQcount, col=6*posterior(fm)[,1]-2, labels=posterior(fm)[,1])
# prob of state 2
tsplot(ts(posterior(fm)[,3], start=1900), ylab = expression(hat(pi)[~2]*'(t|n)'));  abline(h=.5, lty=2)
# histogram
hist(EQcount, breaks=30, prob=TRUE, main="")
xvals = seq(1,45)
u1 = pi1*dpois(xvals, lams[1])  
u2 = pi2*dpois(xvals, lams[2])
lines(xvals, u1, col=4)   
lines(xvals, u2, col=2)

Example 6.17

y = ts(sp500w, start=2003, freq=52)  # make data depmix friendly
mod3 <- depmix(y~1, nstates=3, data=data.frame(y))
summary(fm3 <- fit(mod3))   # estimation results  

##-- a little nicer display --## 
 para.mle    = as.vector(getpars(fm3)[-(1:3)])
 permu       = matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0), 3,3)   # for the label switch 
 (mtrans.mle = permu%*%round(t(matrix(para.mle[1:9],3,3)),3)%*%permu)
 (norms.mle  = round(matrix(para.mle[10:15],2,3),3)%*%permu)

##-- Graphics --##  
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), 2), heights=c(1,.75))

tsplot(y, main="", ylab='S&P500 Weekly Returns', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(-.11,.11))
 culer = 4-posterior(fm3)[,1];  culer[culer==3]=4  # switch labels 1 and 3
 text(y, col=culer, labels=4-posterior(fm3)[,1])

acf1(y^2, 25) 

hist(y, 25, prob=TRUE, main='', col=astsa.col(8,.2))
pi.hat = colSums(posterior(fm3)[-1,2:4])/length(y)
culer = c(1,2,4)
for (i in 1:3) { 
 mu = norms.mle[1,i]; sig = norms.mle[2,i]
 x = seq(-.2,.15, by=.001)
lines(x, pi.hat[4-i]*dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=sig), col=culer[i], lwd=2)  

Example 6.18

dflu  = diff(flu)
model = lm(dflu~ 1)
mod   = msmFit(model, k=2, p=2, sw=rep(TRUE,4)) # 2 regimes, AR(2)s
plotProb(mod, which=3)

Example 6.22

y   = flu  
num = length(y)
nstate = 4                      # state dimenstion
M1 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,0,1))  # obs matrix normal
M2 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,1,1))  # obs matrix flu epi
prob = matrix(0,num,1); yp = y  # to store pi2(t|t-1) & y(t|t-1)
xfilter = array(0, dim=c(nstate,1,num)) # to store x(t|t)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
  alpha1 = para[1]; alpha2 = para[2]; beta0 = para[3]
  sQ1 = para[4];  sQ2 = para[5];  like=0
  xf  = matrix(0, nstate, 1)  # x filter
  xp  = matrix(0, nstate, 1)  # x pred
  Pf  = diag(.1, nstate)      # filter cov
  Pp  = diag(.1, nstate)      # pred cov
  pi11 <- .75 -> pi22;  pi12 <- .25 -> pi21; pif1 <- .5 -> pif2
  phi = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
  phi[1,1] = alpha1; phi[1,2] = alpha2; phi[2,1]=1; phi[4,4]=1
  Ups = as.matrix(rbind(0,0,beta0,0))
  Q   = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
  Q[1,1] = sQ1^2; Q[3,3] = sQ2^2; R=0  # R=0 in final model
  # begin filtering #
    for(i in 1:num){
    xp   = phi%*%xf + Ups; Pp = phi%*%Pf%*%t(phi) + Q
    sig1 = as.numeric(M1%*%Pp%*%t(M1) + R)
    sig2 = as.numeric(M2%*%Pp%*%t(M2) + R)
    k1   = Pp%*%t(M1)/sig1; k2 = Pp%*%t(M2)/sig2
    e1   = y[i]-M1%*%xp; e2 = y[i]-M2%*%xp
    pip1 = pif1*pi11 + pif2*pi21; pip2 = pif1*pi12 + pif2*pi22
    den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*e1^2/sig1)
    den2 = (1/sqrt(sig2))*exp(-.5*e2^2/sig2)
    denm = pip1*den1 + pip2*den2
    pif1 = pip1*den1/denm; pif2 = pip2*den2/denm
    pif1 = as.numeric(pif1); pif2 = as.numeric(pif2)
    e1   = as.numeric(e1); e2=as.numeric(e2)
    xf   = xp + pif1*k1*e1 + pif2*k2*e2
    eye  = diag(1, nstate)
    Pf   = pif1*(eye-k1%*%M1)%*%Pp + pif2*(eye-k2%*%M2)%*%Pp
    like = like - log(pip1*den1 + pip2*den2)
    prob[i]<<-pip2; xfilter[,,i]<<-xf; innov.sig<<-c(sig1,sig2)
    yp[i]<<-ifelse(pip1 > pip2, M1%*%xp, M2%*%xp)  
# Estimation
alpha1 = 1.4; alpha2 = -.5; beta0 = .3; sQ1 = .1; sQ2 = .1
init.par = c(alpha1, alpha2, beta0, sQ1, sQ2)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='BFGS', hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE   = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u    = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c('alpha1','alpha2','beta0','sQ1','sQ2'); u

# Graphics
predepi = ifelse(prob<.5,0,1)
FLU = window(flu, start=1968.4)
Time = window(time(flu), start=1968.4)  
k = 6:num     
tsplot(FLU, col=8, ylab='flu')
 text(FLU, col= predepi[k]+1, labels=predepi[k]+1, cex=1.1) 
 legend('topright', '(a)', bty='n')

filters = ts(t(xfilter[c(1,3,4),,]), start=tsp(flu)[1], frequency=tsp(flu)[3])
tsplot(window(filters, start=1968.4),  spag=TRUE, col=2:4, ylab='filter')
 legend('topright', '(b)', bty='n')

tsplot(FLU, type='p', pch=19, ylab='flu', cex=1.2)
 prde1 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[1]); prde2 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[2])
 prde = ifelse(predepi[k]<.5, prde1, prde2)
   xx = c(Time, rev(Time))
   yy = c(yp[k]-prde, rev(yp[k]+prde))
 polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.3)) 
 legend('topright', '(c)', bty='n')

Example 6.23

y   = log(nyse^2) 
num = length(y)

# Initial Parameters
phi0=0; phi1=.95; sQ=.2; alpha=mean(y); sR0=1; mu1=-3; sR1=2
init.par = c(phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)

# Innovations Likelihood 
Linn = function(para){
  phi0=para[1]; phi1=para[2]; sQ=para[3]; alpha=para[4]
  sR0=para[5]; mu1=para[6]; sR1=para[7]
  sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)

# Estimation  
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)  
rownames(u)=c("phi0","phi1","sQ","alpha","sigv0","mu1","sigv1"); u

# Graphics   (need filters at the estimated parameters)
phi0=est$par[1]; phi1=est$par[2]; sQ=est$par[3]; alpha=est$par[4]
sR0=est$par[5]; mu1=est$par[6]; sR1=est$par[7]
sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1) 

# densities plot (f is chi-sq, fm is fitted mixture)
x = seq(-15,6,by=.01) 
f = exp(-.5*(exp(x)-x))/(sqrt(2*pi))
f0 = exp(-.5*(x^2)/sR0^2)/(sR0*sqrt(2*pi))
f1 = exp(-.5*(x-mu1)^2/sR1^2)/(sR1*sqrt(2*pi))
fm = (f0+f1)/2
tsplot(x, f, xlab='x')
lines(x, fm, lty=2, lwd=2)
legend('topleft', legend=c('log chi-square', 'normal mixture'), lty=1:2)
Time = 701:1100
tsplot(Time, nyse[Time], type='l', col=4, lwd=2, ylab='', xlab='', ylim=c(-.18,.12))
lines(Time, sv$xp[Time]/10, lwd=2, col=6)

Example 6.24

n.boot = 500        # number of bootstrap replicates
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)  # convergence limit 

gnpgr = diff(log(gnp))
fit = arima(gnpgr, order=c(1,0,0))
y = as.matrix(log(resid(fit)^2))
num = length(y) 
tsplot(y, ylab="")

# Initial Parameters
phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(y); sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)

# Innovations Likelihood 
  phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
  sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
  sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)

# Estimation  
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)  
rownames(u)=c("phi1","sQ","alpha","sig0","mu1","sig1"); u

# Bootstrap = matrix(0, n.boot, 6)  # to store parameter estimates
Linn2 = function(para){   
  phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
  sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
  sv = SVfilter(num,, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)

for (jb in 1:n.boot){  cat("iteration:", jb, "\n")
 phi1 = est$par[1]; sQ = est$par[2]; alpha = est$par[3]    
 sR0 = est$par[4]; mu1 = est$par[5]; sR1 = est$par[6] 
 Q = sQ^2; R0 = sR0^2; R1 = sR1^2
 sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
 sig0 = sv$Pp+R0 
 sig1 = sv$Pp+R1 
 K0   = sv$Pp/sig0 
 K1   = sv$Pp/sig1
 inn0 = y-sv$xp-alpha; inn1 = y-sv$xp-mu1-alpha
 den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*inn1^2/sig1)
 den0 = (1/sqrt(sig0))*exp(-.5*inn0^2/sig0)
 fpi1 = den1/(den0+den1)
 # (start resampling at t=4)
 e0   = inn0/sqrt(sig0)
 e1   = inn1/sqrt(sig1)  
 indx = sample(4:num, replace=TRUE)
 sinn = cbind(c(e0[1:3], e0[indx]), c(e1[1:3], e1[indx]))
 eF   = matrix(c(phi1, 1, 0, 0), 2, 2)
 xi   = cbind(sv$xp,y)    # initialize
   for (i in 4:num){    # generate boot sample
   G   = matrix(c(0, alpha+fpi1[i]*mu1), 2, 1)
   h21 = (1-fpi1[i])*sqrt(sig0[i]); h11 = h21*K0[i]
   h22 = fpi1[i]*sqrt(sig1[i]); h12 = h22*K1[i]
   H   = matrix(c(h11,h21,h12,h22),2,2)
   xi[i,] = t(eF%*%as.matrix(xi[i-1,],2) + G + H%*%as.matrix(sinn[i,],2))
 # Estimates from boot data = xi[,2]
 phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(; sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
 init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)   #  same as for data = optim(init.par, Linn2, NULL, method="BFGS", control=list(reltol=tol))[jb,] = cbind($par[1], abs($par[2]),$par[3], abs($par[4]), 
              $par[5], abs($par[6])) 

# Some summary statistics and graphics  
rmse = rep(NA, 6)  # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:6){rmse[i] = sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/n.boot)
                cat(i, rmse[i],"\n") 
phi =[,1]
hist(phi, 15, prob=TRUE, main="", xlim=c(0,2), xlab="", col=astsa.col(4,.3))
abline(v=mean(phi), col=4)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=u[1,1], sd=u[2,1]), 0, 2, add=TRUE)

Example 6.26

# generate some data from the model - 2 parameters
sQ = 1; sR = 3; n  = 100
mu0 = 0; Sigma0=10; x0=rnorm(1,mu0,Sigma0)
w  = rnorm(n); v  = rnorm(n)
x = c(x0   + sQ*w[1])  # initialize states
y = c(x[1] + sR*v[1])  # initialize obs
for (t in 2:n){ 
  x[t] = x[t-1] + sQ*w[t]
  y[t] = x[t] + sR*v[t]

# set up the Gibbs sampler
burn   = 50;  n.iter = 1000
niter  = burn + n.iter
draws  = c()
# priors for R (a,b) and Q (c,d) IG distributions
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1  
# (1) initialize - sample sQ and sR  
sR = sqrt(1/rgamma(1,a,b)); sQ =  sqrt(1/rgamma(1,c,d))

# progress bar
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = niter, initial = 0, style=3)  

# run it
for (iter in 1:niter){
## (2)  sample the states  
 run   = ffbs(y,1,0,10,1,sQ,sR)  # ffbs(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,Ups,Gam,sQ,sR,input)
## (1)  sample the parameters    
  Xs   = as.matrix(run$Xs)
  R    = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((y-Xs)^2)/2)
 sR    = sqrt(R)
  Q    = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+sum(diff(Xs)^2)/2)
 sQ    = sqrt(Q)
## store everything 
 draws = rbind(draws,c(sQ,sR,Xs))

# pull out the results for easy plotting
draws  = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
 q025  = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
 q975  = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}
xs     = draws[,3:(n+2)]
lx     = apply(xs,2,q025)
mx     = apply(xs,2,mean)
ux     = apply(xs,2,q975)

# some graphics 
tsplot(cbind(x,y,mx), spag=TRUE,  ylab='', col=c(6,8,4), lwd=c(1,1,1.5), type='o', pch=c(NA,1,NA))
legend('topleft', legend=c("x(t)","y(t)","xs(t)"), lty=1, col=c(6,8,4), lwd=1.5, bty="n", pch=c(NA,1,NA))
 xx=c(1:100, 100:1)
 yy=c(lx, rev(ux))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))

Example 6.27

y = jj    # the data

### setup - model and initial parameters
n   = length(y)
A   = matrix(c(1,1,0,0), 1, 4)
Phi = diag(0,4)
  Phi[1,1] = 1.03 
  Phi[2,]  = c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
mu0 = rbind(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04, 4)
sR = 1                    # observation noise standard deviation
sQ = diag(c(.1,.1,0,0))   # state noise standard deviations on the diagonal

### initializing and hyperparameters
burn   = 50
n.iter = 1000
niter  = burn + n.iter
draws  = NULL
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1   # hypers (c and d for both Qs)

pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = niter, initial = 0, style=3)  # progress bar

### start Gibbs
for (iter in 1:niter){
# draw states 
  run  = ffbs(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR)   # initial values are given above
  xs   = run$Xs
# obs variance
  R    = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((as.vector(y)-as.vector(A%*%xs[,,]))^2))
 sR    = sqrt(R)
# beta where phi = 1+beta  
 Y     = diff(xs[1,,])
 D     = as.vector(lag(xs[1,,],-1))[-1]
 regu  = lm(Y~0+D)  # est beta = phi-1
 phies = as.vector(coef(summary(regu)))[1:2] + c(1,0) # phi estimate and SE
 dft   = df.residual(regu)
 Phi[1,1]  = phies[1] + rt(1,dft)*phies[2]  # use a t to sample phi
# state variances
  u   = xs[,,2:n] - Phi%*%xs[,,1:(n-1)]
  uu  = u%*%t(u)/(n-2)
  Q1  = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[1,1]/2)
  sQ1 = sqrt(Q1)
  Q2  = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[2,2]/2)
  sQ2 = sqrt(Q2) 
  sQ  = diag(c(sQ1, sQ2, 0,0))
# store results
 trend = xs[1,,]
 season= xs[2,,] 
 draws = rbind(draws,c(Phi[1,1],sQ1,sQ2,sR,trend,season))

##- display results -##

# set up
u     = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
parms = u[,1:4]
q025  = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
q975  = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}

##  plot parameters (display at end)
names= c(expression(phi), expression(sigma[w1]), expression(sigma[w2]), expression(sigma[v]))
par(mfrow=c(4,1), mar=c(2,1,2,1)+1)
for (i in 1:4){
hist(parms[,i], col=astsa.col(5,.4), main=names[i], xlab='', cex.main=2)
 u1 = apply(parms,2,q025); u2 = apply(parms,2,mean); u3 = apply(parms,2,q975);
abline(v=c(u1[i],u2[i],u3[i]), lwd=2, col=c(3,6,3))

###  plot states  (display at end)
# trend
tr    = ts(u[,5:(n+4)], start=1960, frequency=4)
ltr   = ts(apply(tr,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
mtr   = ts(apply(tr,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
utr   = ts(apply(tr,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)

tsplot(mtr, ylab='', col=4, main='trend')
 xx=c(time(mtr), rev(time(mtr)))
 yy=c(ltr, rev(utr))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1)) 

# trend + season
sea    = ts(u[,(n+5):(2*n)], start=1960, frequency=4)
lsea   = ts(apply(sea,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
msea   = ts(apply(sea,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
usea   = ts(apply(sea,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)
tsplot(msea+mtr, ylab='', col=4, main='trend + season')
 xx=c(time(msea), rev(time(msea)))
 yy=c(lsea+ltr, rev(usea+utr))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1)) 


Chapter 7

Code in Introduction

x = matrix(0, 128, 6)
for (i in 1:6) x[,i] = rowMeans(fmri[[i]])
colnames(x)=c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock", "Brush", "Heat", "Shock")
tsplot(x, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, main='')
mtext('Awake', outer=T, adj=.25)
mtext('Sedated', outer=T, adj=.75)
attach(eqexp)  # to use the names

P = 1:1024; S = P+1024
x = cbind(EQ5[P], EQ6[P], EX5[P], EX6[P], NZ[P], EQ5[S], EQ6[S], 
          EX5[S], EX6[S], NZ[S]) = c("EQ5","EQ6","EX5","EX6","NZ")
colnames(x) = c(,
tsplot(x, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, main='')
mtext('P waves', outer=T, adj=.25)
mtext('S waves', outer=T, adj=.75)

detach(eqexp)  # Redemption 

Example 7.1

tsplot(climhyd, ncol=2, col=2:7, lwd=2)    # figure 7.3
Y = climhyd         # Y to hold transformed series
Y[,6] = log(Y[,6])  # log inflow
Y[,5] = sqrt(Y[,5]) # sqrt precipitation 
L = 25              # setup 
M = 100 
alpha = .001
fdr = .001
nq = 2              # number of inputs  (Temp and Precip)

# Spectral Matrix 
Yspec = mvspec(Y, spans=L, kernel="daniell", taper=.1, plot=FALSE)
n = Yspec$n.used          # effective sample size
Fr = Yspec$freq           # fundamental freqs 
n.freq = length(Fr)       # number of frequencies
Yspec$bandwidth           # = 0.05 
# Coherencies (see section 4.7 also)
Fq = qf(1-alpha, 2, L-2); cn = Fq/(L-1+Fq) = c("(a)","(b)","(c)","(d)","(e)","(f)")
par(mfrow=c(2,3), cex.lab=1.2) 
# The coherencies are listed as 1,2,...,15=choose(6,2) 
for (i in 11:15){
 tsplot(Fr,Yspec$coh[,i], ylab="Sq Coherence", xlab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1),
      main=paste("Inflow with", names(climhyd[i-10]), sep=' '))
 abline(h = cn); text(.45,.98,[i-10], cex=1.2)  

 # Multiple Coherency 
coh.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full = c(1,5), = NULL, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "coh", 
                     main="Inflow with Temp & Precip")  
text(.45,.98,[6], cex=1.2) 

# Partial F (note F-stat is called eF in the code)
numer.df = 2*nq
denom.df = Yspec$df-2*nq
par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(3,3,2,1)+.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.4,0), cex.lab=1.2)  
out.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full = c(1,5), = 5, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "F.stat")
 eF = out.15$eF 
 pvals = pf(eF, numer.df, denom.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
 pID = FDR(pvals, fdr)
abline(h=c(eF[pID]), lty=2)
title(main = "Partial F Statistic")

# Regression Coefficients
S = seq(from = -M/2+1, to = M/2 - 1, length = M-1)

tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,1], type = "h", xlab = "", ylab =names(climhyd[1]), 
        ylim = c(-.025, .055), lwd=2)
title(main = "Impulse Response Functions")

tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,2], type = "h", xlab = "Index", ylab = names(climhyd[5]), 
        ylim = c(-.015, .055), lwd=2)

Example 7.2


tau    = rep(0,3) 
     u = ccf(sensor1, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[1] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)]    #  17
     u = ccf(sensor3, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[3] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)]    # -22

Y = ts.union(sensor1=lag(sensor1,tau[1]), lag(sensor2, tau[2]), lag(sensor3, tau[3]))
Y = ts.union(Y, rowMeans(Y))
colnames(Y) = c('sensor1', 'sensor2', 'sensor3', 'beam')
tsplot(Y, main="Infrasonic Signals and Beam")


Example 7.4


L = 9
fdr = .001 
N = 3
Y = cbind(beamd, beam=rowMeans(beamd))
n = nextn(nrow(Y))

Y.fft = mvfft(as.ts(Y))/sqrt(n)
Df = Y.fft[,1:3]   # fft of the data
Bf = Y.fft[,4]     # beam fft 

ssr = N*Re(Bf*Conj(Bf))               # raw signal spectrum
sse = Re(rowSums(Df*Conj(Df))) - ssr  # raw error spectrum

# Smooth
SSE = filter(sse, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
SSR = filter(ssr, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)

Fr  = 0:(n-1)/n
nFr = 1:200   # freqs to plot

tsplot( Fr[nFr], SST[nFr], type="l", ylab="log Power", xlab="", main="Sum of Squares",log="y")
lines(Fr[nFr], SSE[nFr], type="l", lty=2)

eF = (N-1)*SSR/SSE; df1 = 2*L;  df2 = 2*L*(N-1)
pvals = pf(eF, df1, df2, lower=FALSE)  # p values for FDR
pID = FDR(pvals, fdr); Fq = qf(1-fdr, df1, df2)  

tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr], type="l", ylab="F-statistic", xlab="Frequency",  main="F Statistic")
abline(h=c(Fq, eF[pID]), lty=1:2)


Example 7.5


L  = 9
M  = 100 
M2 = M/2
N  = 3   
Y  = cbind(beamd, beam <- rowMeans(beamd))
n  = nextn(nrow(Y))
n.freq = n/2
Y[,1:3] = Y[,1:3]-Y[,4]  # center each series  

Y.fft = mvfft(as.ts(Y))/sqrt(n)
Ef    = Y.fft[,1:3]              # fft of the error
Bf    = Y.fft[,4]                # beam fft
ssr   = N*Re(Bf*Conj(Bf))        # Raw Signal Spectrum 
sse   = Re(rowSums(Ef*Conj(Ef))) # Raw Error Spectrum

# Smooth
SSE = filter(sse, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
SSR = filter(ssr, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)

# Estimate Signal and Noise Spectra
fv = SSE/(L*(N-1))          # Equation (7.77)
fb = (SSR-SSE/(N-1))/(L*N)  # Equation (7.78)
fb[fb<0] = 0 

H0 = N*fb/(fv+N*fb)     
H0[ceiling(.04*n):n] = 0    # zero out H0 beyond frequency .04

# Extend components to make it a valid transform
H0 = c(H0[1:n.freq], rev(H0[2:(n.freq+1)]))  
h0 = Re(fft(H0, inverse = TRUE))            # Impulse Response 
h0 = c(rev(h0[2:(M2+1)]), h0[1:(M2+1)])     # center it
h1 = spec.taper(h0, p = .5)                 # taper it
k1 = h1/sum(h1)                             # normalize it
f.beam = filter(Y$beam, filter=k1, sides=2) # filter it

# Graphics  
nFr = 1:50      # freqs to display
Fr = (nFr-1)/n  # frequencies 

layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4), nc=2))
tsplot(10*Fr, fb[nFr], type="l", ylab="Power", xlab="Frequency (Hz)")
 lines(10*Fr, fv[nFr], lty=2); text(.24, 5, "(a)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(10*Fr, H0[nFr], type="l", ylab="Frequency Response", xlab="Frequency(Hz)")
 text(.23, .84, "(b)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(-M2:M2, k1, type="l", ylab="Impulse Response", xlab="Index", lwd=1.5)
 text(45, .022, "(c)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(cbind(f.beam,beam), spag=TRUE, lty=1:2, ylab="beam")
 text(2040, 2, "(d)", cex=1.2)


Example 7.6

n          = 128               # length of series
n.freq     = 1 + n/2           # number of frequencies
Fr         = (0:(n.freq-1))/n  # the frequencies 
N          = c(5,4,5,3,5,4)    # number of series for each cell
n.subject  = sum(N)            # number of subjects (26)
n.trt      = 6                 # number of treatments
L          = 3                 # for smoothing
num.df     = 2*L*(n.trt-1)     # dfs for F test
den.df     = 2*L*(n.subject-n.trt)

# Design Matrix (Z): 
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,1,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1,0,1,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1,0,0,1,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1,0,0,0,1,0)) 
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1,0,0,0,0,1)) 
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)) 

Z  = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z 

SSEF <- rep(NA, n) -> SSER   

HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
HatR = Z[,1]%*%t(Z[,1])/ZZ[1,1]

par(mfrow=c(3,3)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1",
              "Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")

for(Loc in 1:9) {   
 i = n.trt*(Loc-1)   
 Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
 Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)	
 Y = t(Y)      # Y is now 26 x 128 FFTs

 # Calculation of Error Spectra 
 for (k in 1:n) {   
  SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
  SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
 SSEF[k] = SSY - SSReg
  SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatR%*%Y[,k])
 SSER[k] = SSY - SSReg  

# Smooth 
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)

eF =(den.df/num.df)*(sSSER-sSSEF)/sSSEF

tsplot(Fr, eF[1:n.freq], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,7),[Loc])
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2) 

Example 7.7

n      = 128
n.freq = 1 + n/2  
Fr     = (0:(n.freq-1))/n  
nFr    = 1:(n.freq/2) 
N      = c(5,4,5,3,5,4)  
n.para = 6          # number of parameters
n.subject = sum(N)  # total number of subjects

L = 3   
df.stm = 2*L*(3-1)              # stimulus (3 levels: Brush,Heat,Shock)
df.con = 2*L*(2-1)              # conscious (2 levels: Awake,Sedated) = 2*L*(3-1)*(2-1)        # interaction 
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.para) # df for full model 

# Design Matrix:          mu  a1  a2   b  g1  g2   
 Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,  1,  0,  1,  1,  0)) 
 Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1,  0,  1,  1,  0,  1)) 
 Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1, -1, -1,  1, -1, -1)) 
 Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1,  1,  0, -1, -1,  0)) 
 Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1,  0,  1, -1,  0, -1)) 
 Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1))
 Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)  
 ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z

rep(NA, n)-> SSEF -> SSE.stm -> SSE.con ->              
HatF    = Z%*%solve(ZZ,t(Z))     
Hat.stm = Z[,-(2:3)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(2:3),-(2:3)], t(Z[,-(2:3)]))  
Hat.con = Z[,-4]%*%solve(ZZ[-4,-4], t(Z[,-4])) = Z[,-(5:6)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(5:6),-(5:6)], t(Z[,-(5:6)]))                                                           

par(mfrow=c(5,3), oma=c(0,2,0,0)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate", "Thalamus 1",
              "Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) {   # only Loc 1 to 4 and 9 used                
  i = 6*(Loc-1)                                                                 
  Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])                     
  Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)  
  Y = t(Y)  
  for (k in 1:n) {    
    SSReg= Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
  SSE.stm[k] = SSY-SSReg
 # Smooth    
  sSSEF    = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
  sSSE.stm = filter(SSE.stm, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
  sSSE.con = filter(SSE.con, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE) = filter(, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)  
  eF.stm   = (den.df/df.stm)*(sSSE.stm-sSSEF)/sSSEF
  eF.con   = (den.df/df.con)*(sSSE.con-sSSEF)/sSSEF   = (den.df/*(

tsplot(Fr[nFr],eF.stm[nFr],xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
   abline(h=qf(.999, df.stm, den.df),lty=2)       
  if(Loc==1) mtext("Stimulus", side=3, line=.3, cex=.8)
  mtext([Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.8)
 tsplot(Fr[nFr],eF.con[nFr], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
  abline(h=qf(.999, df.con, den.df),lty=2)
  if(Loc==1)  mtext("Consciousness", side=3, line=.3, cex=.8)   
 tsplot(Fr[nFr],[nFr], xlab="Frequency",ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
  abline(h=qf(.999,, den.df),lty=2)
  if(Loc==1) mtext("Interaction", side=3, line= .3, cex=.8)   

Example 7.8

n      = 128
n.freq = 1 + n/2  
Fr     = (0:(n.freq-1))/n
nFr    = 1:(n.freq/2) 
N      = c(5,4,5,3,5,4)
L      = 3
n.subject = sum(N)
# Design Matrix            
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,0,0,0,0,0)) 
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(0,1,0,0,0,0)) 
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(0,0,1,0,0,0)) 
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(0,0,0,1,0,0)) 
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(0,0,0,0,1,0)) 
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(0,0,0,0,0,1))
Z  = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z 

A      = rbind(diag(1,3), diag(1,3))   # Contrasts:  6 x 3 
nq     = nrow(A)
num.df = 2*L*nq
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-nq)                   
HatF   = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))           # full model hat matrix   

rep(NA, n)-> SSEF -> SSER 
eF = matrix(0,n,3)

par(mfrow=c(5,3), oma=c(0,2,0,0)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1","Thalamus 2",
             "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2") = c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock")             

for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) {
 i = 6*(Loc-1)                                                                 
 Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]],fmri[[i+2]],fmri[[i+3]],fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]],fmri[[i+6]])                       
 Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n); Y = t(Y)  
 for (cond in 1:3){
  Q = t(A[,cond])%*%solve(ZZ, A[,cond])
  HR = A[,cond]%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))      
  for (k in 1:n){   
    SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
    SSReg= Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
   SSEF[k]= (SSY-SSReg)*Q 
    SSReg= HR%*%Y[,k]
   SSER[k] = Re(SSReg*Conj(SSReg))  

# Smooth      
 sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
 sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)       
 eF[,cond]= (den.df/num.df)*(sSSER/sSSEF)   }                                    
 tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,1], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
  abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)       
  if(Loc==1) mtext("Brush", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)
  mtext([Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.9)
 tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,2], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
  abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
  if(Loc==1)  mtext("Heat", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)   
 tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,3], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
  abline(h = qf(.999, num.df, den.df) ,lty=2)
  if(Loc==1) mtext("Shock", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)  

Example 7.9

P = 1:1024 
S = P+1024
N = 8
n = 1024
p.dim = 2
m = 10
L = 2*m+1

eq.P   = as.ts(eqexp[P,1:8])
eq.S   = as.ts(eqexp[S,1:8]) 
eq.m   = cbind(rowMeans(eq.P), rowMeans(eq.S))
ex.P   = as.ts(eqexp[P,9:16])
ex.S   = as.ts(eqexp[S,9:16]) 
ex.m   = cbind(rowMeans(ex.P), rowMeans(ex.S)) 
m.diff = mvfft(eq.m - ex.m)/sqrt(n)

eq.Pf = mvfft(eq.P-eq.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
eq.Sf = mvfft(eq.S-eq.m[,2])/sqrt(n)
ex.Pf = mvfft(ex.P-ex.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
ex.Sf = mvfft(ex.S-ex.m[,2])/sqrt(n) 

fv11 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf)) + rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(2*(N-1))
fv12 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf)) + rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv22 = rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf)) + rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv21 = Conj(fv12)

# Equal Means  
T2 = rep(NA, 512)
for (k  in 1:512){
 fvk = matrix(c(fv11[k], fv21[k], fv12[k], fv22[k]), 2, 2)
 dk = as.matrix(m.diff[k,])
 T2[k] = Re((N/2)*Conj(t(dk))%*%solve(fvk,dk))  }
eF = T2*(2*p.dim*(N-1))/(2*N-p.dim-1)


freq = 40*(0:511)/n  # in Hz (cycles per second)  
tsplot(freq, eF, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", main="Equal Means")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*p.dim, 2*(2*N-p.dim-1)))

# Equal P   
kd    = kernel("daniell",m);  
u     = Re(rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf))/(N-1))
feq.P = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u     = Re(rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(N-1))
fex.P =	kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)

tsplot(freq, feq.P[1:512]/fex.P[1:512], xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", 
      main="Equal P-Spectra")
abline(h = qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1),  2*L*(N-1))) 

# Equal S   
u     = Re(rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1))
feq.S = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u     = Re(rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(N-1))
fex.S =	kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)

tsplot(freq, feq.S[1:512]/fex.S[1:512], xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", 
      main="Equal S-Spectra")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1),  2*L*(N-1))) 

# Equal Spectra  
u      = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1)
feq.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u      = rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf)/(N-1))
fex.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv11   = kernapply(fv11, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv22   = kernapply(fv22, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv12  = kernapply(fv12, kd, circular=TRUE)

Mi = L*(N-1) 
M  = 2*Mi
TS = rep(NA,512)

for (k  in 1:512){
 det.feq.k = Re(feq.P[k]*feq.S[k] - feq.PS[k]*Conj(feq.PS[k]))
 det.fex.k = Re(fex.P[k]*fex.S[k] - fex.PS[k]*Conj(fex.PS[k]))
 det.fv.k  = Re(fv11[k]*fv22[k] - fv12[k]*Conj(fv12[k]))
 log.n1 = log(M)*(M*p.dim)
 log.d1 = log(Mi)*(2*Mi*p.dim)
 log.n2 = log(Mi)*2 +log(det.feq.k)*Mi + log(det.fex.k)*Mi  
 log.d2 = (log(M)+log(det.fv.k))*M
 r = 1 - ((p.dim+1)*(p.dim-1)/6*p.dim*(2-1))*(2/Mi - 1/M)
 TS[k] = -2*r*(log.n1+log.n2-log.d1-log.d2)   

tsplot(freq, TS, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Chi-Sq Statistic", main="Equal Spectral Matrices")
abline(h = qchisq(.9999, p.dim^2))   # about 23.5, so not on the plot

Example 7.10

P     = 1:1024
S     = P+1024
mag.P = log10(apply(eqexp[P,],2,max) - apply(eqexp[P,],2,min))
mag.S = log10(apply(eqexp[S,],2,max) - apply(eqexp[S,],2,min))
eq.P  = mag.P[1:8]
eq.S  = mag.S[1:8]
ex.P  = mag.P[9:16]
ex.S =  mag.S[9:16]
NZ.P  = mag.P[17]
NZ.S  = mag.S[17] 

# Compute linear discriminant function 
cov.eq     = var(cbind(eq.P, eq.S))
cov.ex     = var(cbind(ex.P, ex.S))
cov.pooled = (cov.ex + cov.eq)/2

means.eq   =  colMeans(cbind(eq.P,eq.S)); 
means.ex   =  colMeans(cbind(ex.P,ex.S))
slopes.eq  = solve(cov.pooled, means.eq)
inter.eq   = -sum(slopes.eq*means.eq)/2
slopes.ex  = solve(cov.pooled, means.ex)
inter.ex   = -sum(slopes.ex*means.ex)/2
d.slopes   = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
d.inter    = inter.eq - inter.ex

# Classify new observation = cbind(NZ.P, NZ.S)

d = sum(d.slopes* + d.inter
post.eq = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))

# Print (disc function, posteriors) and plot results  
cat(d.slopes[1], "mag.P +" , d.slopes[2], "mag.S +" , d.inter,"\n")  
cat("P(EQ|data) =", post.eq,  "  P(EX|data) =", 1-post.eq, "\n" )    

tsplot(eq.P, eq.S, type='p', xlim=c(0,1.5), ylim=c(.75,1.25), 
        xlab="log mag(P)", ylab ="log mag(S)", pch = 8, cex=1.1, lwd=2, 
        main="Classification Based on Magnitude Features", col=4)
 points(ex.P, ex.S, pch = 6, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=6)
 points(, pch = 3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3)
 abline(a = -d.inter/d.slopes[2], b = -d.slopes[1]/d.slopes[2])
 text(eq.P-.07,eq.S+.005, label=names(eqexp[1:8]), cex=.8)
 text(ex.P+.07,ex.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[9:16]), cex=.8)
 text(NZ.P+.05,NZ.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[17]), cex=.8)
 legend("topright",c("EQ","EX","NZ"),pch=c(8,6,3),pt.lwd=2,cex=1.1, col=c(4,6,3))

# Cross-validation = rbind(cbind(eq.P,eq.S), cbind(ex.P,ex.S))
post.eq <- rep(NA, 8) -> post.ex 

for(j in 1:16) {
 if (j <= 8) {samp.eq =[-c(j, 9:16),];  samp.ex =[9:16,]}
 if (j > 8)  {samp.eq =[1:8,];    samp.ex =[-c(j, 1:8),]}
 df.eq      = nrow(samp.eq)-1;  df.ex = nrow(samp.ex)-1
 mean.eq    = colMeans(samp.eq);  mean.ex = colMeans(samp.ex)
 cov.eq     = var(samp.eq);  cov.ex = var(samp.ex)
 cov.pooled = (df.eq*cov.eq + df.ex*cov.ex)/(df.eq + df.ex)
 slopes.eq  = solve(cov.pooled, mean.eq)
 inter.eq   = -sum(slopes.eq*mean.eq)/2
 slopes.ex  = solve(cov.pooled, mean.ex)
 inter.ex   = -sum(slopes.ex*mean.ex)/2
 d.slopes   = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
 d.inter    = inter.eq - inter.ex
 d = sum(d.slopes*[j,]) + d.inter
 if (j <= 8) post.eq[j] = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))
 if (j > 8) post.ex[j-8] = 1/(1+exp(d))  

Posterior = cbind(1:8, post.eq, 1:8, post.ex)
colnames(Posterior) = c("EQ","P(EQ|data)","EX","P(EX|data)")
# results from cross-validation 
round(Posterior, 3)   

Example 7.11

P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
p.dim = 2
n =1024

eq = as.ts(eqexp[,1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[,9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[,17])
f.eq <- array(dim=c(8,2,2,512)) -> f.ex 
f.NZ = array(dim=c(2,2,512))

# determinant for 2x2 complex matrix 
det.c = function(mat){return(Re(mat[1,1]*mat[2,2]-mat[1,2]*mat[2,1]))}
L = c(15,13,5)  # for smoothing 
for (i in 1:8){     # compute spectral matrices
 f.eq[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i],eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
 f.ex[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i],ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
u = mvspec(cbind(nz[P],nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5) 
f.NZ = u$fxx	 
bndwidth = u$bandwidth*40  # about .75 Hz
fhat.eq = apply(f.eq, 2:4, mean)  # average spectra
fhat.ex = apply(f.ex, 2:4, mean)

# plot the average spectra
Fr = 40*(1:512)/n
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.eq[1,1,]), main="", xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.eq[2,2,]), main="", xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.ex[1,1,]), xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.ex[2,2,]), xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
mtext("Average P-spectra", side=3, line=-1.5, adj=.2, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Earthquakes", side=2, line=-1, adj=.8,  outer=TRUE)
mtext("Average S-spectra", side=3, line=-1.5, adj=.82, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Explosions", side=2, line=-1, adj=.2, outer=TRUE)
par(fig = c(.75, .995, .75, .98), new = TRUE)
ker = kernel("modified.daniell", L)$coef; ker = c(rev(ker),ker[-1])

# choose alpha
Balpha = rep(0,19) 
for (i in 1:19){  alf=i/20
for (k in 1:256) {  	
Balpha[i]= Balpha[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*fhat.ex[,,k] + (1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/ det.c(fhat.eq[,,k]))- 
                           alf*log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])))} }
alf = which.max(Balpha)/20   # = .4  

# calculate information criteria          
rep(0,17) -> KLDiff -> BDiff -> KLeq -> KLex -> Beq -> Bex
for (i in 1:17){
 if (i <= 8) f0 = f.eq[i,,,]
 if (i > 8 & i <= 16) f0 = f.ex[i-8,,,]
 if (i == 17) f0 = f.NZ
 for (k in 1:256) {    # only use freqs out to .25
  tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.eq[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
  KLeq[i] = KLeq[i] + tr + log(det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
  Beq[i] =  Beq[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - 
  tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.ex[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
  KLex[i] = KLex[i] + tr +  log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
  Bex[i] = Bex[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) - 
KLDiff[i] = (KLeq[i] - KLex[i])/n 
BDiff[i] =  (Beq[i] - Bex[i])/(2*n) 

x.b = max(KLDiff)+.1; x.a = min(KLDiff)-.1
y.b = max(BDiff)+.01; y.a = min(BDiff)-.01                                 
tsplot(KLDiff[9:16], BDiff[9:16], type="p", xlim=c(x.a,x.b), ylim=c(y.a,y.b), cex=1.1, lwd=2, 
      xlab="Kullback-Leibler Difference",ylab="Chernoff Difference", col=6,
      main="Classification Based on Chernoff and K-L Distances", pch=6)
points(KLDiff[1:8], BDiff[1:8], pch=8, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=4)
points(KLDiff[17], BDiff[17],  pch=3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3)
legend("topleft", legend=c("EQ", "EX", "NZ"), pch=c(8,6,3), pt.lwd=2, col=c(4,6,3))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
text(KLDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]-.075, BDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)
text(KLDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)]+.075, BDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)

Example 7.12

P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
p.dim = 2
n =1024

eq = as.ts(eqexp[,1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[,9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[,17])

f = array(dim=c(17,2,2,512))  
L = c(15,15)   # for smoothing 
for (i in 1:8){     # compute spectral matrices
 f[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i],eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
 f[i+8,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i],ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx 
f[17,,,] = mvspec(cbind(nz[P],nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx	

# calculate symmetric information criteria 
JD = matrix(0,17,17) 
for (i in 1:16){
 for (j in (i+1):17){	
  for (k in 1:256) {    # only use freqs out to .25
    tr1 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[i,,,k],f[j,,,k]))))
    tr2 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[j,,,k], f[i,,,k]))))
    JD[i,j] = JD[i,j] + (tr1 + tr2 - 2*p.dim)
JD = (JD + t(JD))/n
colnames(JD) = c(colnames(eq), colnames(ex), "NZ") 
rownames(JD) = colnames(JD)
cluster.2 = pam(JD, k = 2, diss = TRUE)  

summary(cluster.2)  # print results
par(mar=c(2,2,1,.5)+2, cex=3/4, cex.lab=4/3, cex.main=4/3)
clusplot(JD, cluster.2$cluster, col.clus=gray(.5), labels=3, lines=0, 
         col.p = c(rep(4,8), rep(6,8), 3),  
         main="Clustering Results for Explosions and Earthquakes")
text(-3.5,-1.5, "Group I", cex=1.1, font=2) 
text(1.5,5,"Group II", cex=1.1, font=2)

Example 7.13

n = 128
Per = abs(mvfft(fmri1[,-1]))^2/n

par(mfrow=c(2,4), mar=c(3,2,2,1),  mgp = c(1.6,.6,0), oma=c(0,1,0,0))
for (i in 1:8){
 plot(0:20, Per[1:21,i], type="n", xaxt='n', ylim=c(0,8), main=colnames(fmri1)[i+1], xlab="Cycles", ylab="")
 axis(1, seq(0,20,by=4))
 Grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE)
 abline(v=seq(0,60,by=4), col='lightgray', lty=1)
 lines(0:20, Per[1:21,i]) }
mtext("Periodogram", side=2, line=-.3, outer=TRUE, adj=c(.2,.8))

fxx = mvspec(fmri1[,-1], kernel("daniell", c(1,1)), taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
l.val = rep(NA,64)
for (k in 1:64) {
 u = eigen(fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)
 l.val[k] = u$values[1]
par(mar=c(2.25,2,.5,.5)+.5,  mgp = c(1.6,.6,0))  
plot(l.val, type="n", xaxt='n',xlab="Cycles (Frequency x 128)", ylab="First Principal Component")
axis(1, seq(4,60,by=8))
Grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE)
abline(v=seq(4,60,by=8), col='lightgray', lty=1)

# at freq k=4
u = eigen(fxx[,,4], symmetric=TRUE)
lam = u$values 
evec = u$vectors
lam[1]/sum(lam) # % of variance explained
sig.e1 = matrix(0,8,8)
for (l in 2:5){  # last 3 evs are 0
 sig.e1 = sig.e1 + lam[l]*evec[,l]%*%Conj(t(evec[,l]))/(lam[1]-lam[l])^2
sig.e1 = Re(sig.e1)*lam[1]*sum(kernel("daniell", c(1,1))$coef^2)
p.val = round(pchisq(2*abs(evec[,1])^2/diag(sig.e1), 2, lower.tail=FALSE), 3)
cbind(colnames(fmri1)[-1], abs(evec[,1]), p.val) # print table values

Example 7.14

bhat = sqrt(lam[1])*evec[,1]
Dhat = Re(diag(fxx[,,4] - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat))))
res = Mod(fxx[,,4] - Dhat - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat)))

Example 7.15

gr = diff(log(ts(econ5, start=1948, frequency=4))) # growth rate
tsplot(100*gr, col=2:6, lwd=2, ncol=2, main="Growth Rates (%)")

# scale each series to have variance 1
gr = ts(apply(gr,2,scale), freq=4)   # scaling strips ts attributes
gr.spec = mvspec(gr, spans=c(7,7), detrend=FALSE, taper=.25, col=2:6, lwd=2)
legend("topright", colnames(econ5), lty=1:5, lwd=2, col=2:6)
plot.spec.coherency(gr.spec, ci=NA,  main="Squared Coherencies")

# PCs
n.freq = length(gr.spec$freq)
lam = matrix(0,n.freq,5)
for (k in 1:n.freq) lam[k,] = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,1], ylab="", xlab="Frequency", main="First Eigenvalue")
 abline(v=.25, lty=2)
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,2], ylab="", xlab="Frequency", main="Second Eigenvalue")
 abline(v=.125, lty=2)

e.vec1 = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,10], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,1] 
e.vec2 =  eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,5], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,2]
round(Mod(e.vec1), 2);  round(Mod(e.vec2), 3) 

Example 7.17 (there is now a script for the spectral envelope)

xdata = dna2vector(bnrf1ebv)
u     = specenv(xdata, spans=c(7,7))  

# details near the peak (coefs are for A, C, G, and T)

Example 7.18

x = astsa::nyse    
# possible transformations include absolute value and squared value
xdata = cbind(x, abs(x), x^2)  
u = specenv(xdata, real=TRUE,  spans=c(3,3))
# peak at freq = .001 so let's
# plot the optimal transform 
beta = u[2, 3:5]  # scalings
b = beta/beta[2]  # makes abs(x) coef=1
gopt = function(x) { b[1]*x+b[2]*abs(x)+b[3]*x^2 }
 curve(gopt, -.2, .2, col=4, lwd=2, panel.first=Grid(nym=0))
gabs = function(x) { b[2]*abs(x) } # corresponding to |x|
 curve(gabs, -.2, .2, add=TRUE, col=6)
legend('bottomright', lty=1, col=c(4,6), legend=c('optimal', 'absolute value'), bg='white') 
