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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[3.2.17] Volunteer Request/Competition Portal Main Navigation yyyy-mm-dd


  • Support to update Competition user navigation stack upon submission of a volunteer request from competition portal main page






[3.2.16] Team Series Application 2020-10-14


  • Team Support to Series Registration Series Overview Page
    • Supporting Data Flows
    • Supporting Components
    • Overrides and Hooks to Series Overview page component
    • Mock API updates
  • Series Application Select Team Page
    • Supporting models, data flows, templates, components, mock API
  • Team Support to Series Registration Application Page
    • Supporting Data Flows
    • Supporting Components
    • Overrides and Hooks to page components and state modules
    • Mock API


  • Added button override slot to SelectTeamList component





[3.2.15] 2020-10-13



  • Logic surrounding Practice Ice Schedule conditional display and session selectability





[3.2.14] Competition Portal Compliance Header 2020-08-31


  • StatusSummary component
    • Added support for section headings
    • Added --inline stylistic variant
  • PageEntityComplianceHeader component
    • Extracted from and extended PageEntityHeader
      • Added support for secondary compliance messaging (valid through date)
      • Added support for individual role-based compliance item display


  • Revised page components and data flows to enable addition of Compliance Header to Competition Portal pages:
    • "My Skaters"
    • "My Coaches"
    • "My Schedule"
    • "Coach Schedule"
    • "Coach Competition Schedule"


  • "Get Competition Skaters" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint
  • "Get Competition Event Coaches" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint
  • "Get Skater Competition Schedule" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint
  • "Get Competition Information" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint
  • "Get Competition Schedule" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint
  • "Get Competition Coached Skater Schedule" INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ API endpoint




[3.2.13] Shift Selection 2020-08-31


  • Style Elements
    • Icons
      • icon-status-primary-error-ada
      • icon-status-primary-success-ada
      • icon-pending-thin
    • text--underline atomic text class
    • filter-button element
  • Pages
    • Competition Portal "My Volunteer Schedule" page and supporting infrastructure
    • Competition Portal "Shift Selection" page and supporting infrastructure
  • Components
    • FilterTakeover abstract component
    • AccordionMultiselect component
    • AppNotice "Danger" variant with red iconography
  • Helpers
    • String escapeRegex and displayFromKey helpers


  • App Notice and Confirmation Overlay components iconography usage
  • Extend ConfirmActionOverlay functionality to support promise-based confirm handlers





[] Admin Competition Contacts Update 2020-08-28


  • Admin Portal Competition Contacts page functionality
    • Functionality to prevent removal of the last instance of specified contact roles


  • Admin Portal Competition Contacts page verbiage
    • Page title from "Administrators" to "Contacts"
    • Instances of "Competition Contacts" to LOC Contacts





[] Team Practice Ice Update 2020-08-28



  • Display Practice Ice "Event Schedule" view by default in team context





[3.2.12] (Volunteer Application Waivers) 2020-08-26


  • Waivers waiver list component
  • "Waivers & Release" screen to volunteer opportunity application


  • Removed inline template call from volunteer opportunities page for volunteer request component
  • Volunteer Request API submission to contain waivers information



  • Volunteer Opportunities Request template partial (src/views/pages/partials/volunteer-opportunities/M.3_volunteer-opportunities-request.php)



[] Team Portal Revisions 2020-08-22



  • extend CompetitionRegistrationRegistrationCta component to support displaying a notice in place of the action button
  • revise view competition page component to support link to change view in team and self contexts
  • Update competition portal roster page to use API-provided page introduction text




  • DataNavigationLink component styles to prevent content/chevron overlap in small screen contexts
  • Removed design artifact and normalized Team Registration Header with other header instances


[] 2020-08-21



  • Remove check-in comments fetch blocker when checking in or undoing check-in for an entity
  • Display email overlay component form with Subject field open by default
  • Competition Information (Admin) page data structures surrounding "Registration" section dates to facilitate adding associated costs/discounts
    • Remove standalone CompetitionManagementCompetitionInformationRegistrationData.late_registration_fee property
    • Revise CompetitionManagementCompetitionInformationRegistrationData.dates to use new CompetitionManagementNamedDateTimeWithOptionalCostData schema




  • Competition Information (Admin) page data accordions to optimize display when Chrome focus rings are active
  • Fixed visibility of Check-In page loading display when page loads in standalone mode


[] 2020-08-05


  • Conditional admin-only "Edit Mode" link to competition schedule page and data
  • Support for secondary link for header of Page component
  • icon-link--edit variant






[] 2020-08-03



  • Series application to enable API-configurable amount of max levels




  • Competition Filter component filtering error when regex special characters are used in text filter


[3.2.11] Team Portal 2020-07-24


  • Component guide (sibling to style guide)
  • CompetitionPortal sass and js src directories
    • Import Competition Portal js bootstrap file into main.js bootstrap
  • Link configuration contracts and filters to populate link attributes
  • Support for display of compliance information within PageEntityHeader component
  • CompetitionPortalPageMixin page mixin
  • Cart Add Credits endpoint for Teams
  • Components
    • StatusSummary
    • CompetitionPortalPageHeading
    • DataNavigationLink
  • Pages
    • Team Portal / Competition Portal
      • "My Competitions - Teams" page
      • "My Teams" page
      • "Select Competition Entity" page (from Search Competitions flow)
      • "Competition Documents" page
      • "Competition Team Personnel" page
      • "Competition Roster" page
  • Style Elements
    • Anchor element hover state support within status text atomic classes
    • --large --unpadded-content-h --white-bg-content Accordion variants
    • `--large' Count Badge variant
    • --aligned warning text variant
    • --no-first-pad .panel-link-group element modified to remove padding from the first panel link in the group
    • Icons
      • icon-chevron-right-gray
      • icon-danger-alt
      • icon-chevron-blue-large-down
      • icon-chevron-blue-large-up
      • icon-pending
      • icon-scheduled
    • "New" badge/faux icon
    • text--standard atomic text class
    • ada-text atomic class
      • Adjusts contained status text elements to use new ADA coloring


  • Extended src/js/store/Modules/AppState.ts module to track active page back link configuration
  • src/views/layouts/partials/header.php
    • Added main menu link to "My Competitions - Teams"
  • Extracted src/js/Teams/_components/SelectTeamList.vue component from src/js/Teams/CompetitionRegistration/_pages/SelectTeamPage.vue
    • Added supporting contract SelectTeamListComponentTeam, which src/js/Teams/_models/ManagedTeam.ts now extends
  • Extracted transformManagedTeams method from src/js/Teams/TeamsApiTransformer.ts
  • Page component
    • Added "subtitle" support
  • "Fetch View Competition" API endpoint
    • URL
    • Response Schema
    • Addition of URL specifying intent to view information as a team
  • ViewCompetition page component
    • Removed "back_link" component property
    • Revised component markup to use Competition Portal Page mixin
    • Changed state action for loading page data
    • Added support for "For Teams" CTA.
    • Added support for conditional display of "For Skaters" and "For Volunteers" CTAs
  • Extended CompetitionDocuments component to allow external control of component data flows
  • Competition Contacts page component/functionality
    • Changed component file location and bootstrap registration location
    • Transferred HTML markup from standalone template file to Vue component
    • (Client-side) Revised API integration and data flow layers to occupy "CompetitionPortal" namespace
    • Modernized component code
    • Extended API endpoint to contain CompetitionPortalCore information in response
  • Competition Information page component/functionality
    • Changed component file location and bootstrap registration location
    • Transferred HTML markup from standalone template file to Vue component
    • Removed "Competition Documents" sub-component from page
    • Revised API integration and data flow layers
    • Modernized component code
    • Add new dedicated Page API endpoint and data flows within CompetitionPortal namespace
  • Promoted StatusEntityCard component from Admin Portal to Main
    • Added --centered class variant for centered card content
    • Add support for invalid state icon display
  • Music/PPC page component/structure/functionality
    • Reintegrated upstream revisions by USFS dev team
    • Revised/Modernized page component markup structure
    • Created new endpoint to power page
    • Added support for teams for all sub-editor API endpoint interactions
    • Changed fetch PPC form Options endpoint URL
    • Add support for PPC "Transition Description" form input and data
  • Practice Ice Schedule page component/functionality
    • Revised API integration and data flow layers
    • Modernized component code
    • Extended for use in Team context
  • Practice Ice Pre-Purchase page component/functionality
    • Revised API integration and data flow layers
    • Modernized component code
    • Extended for use in Team context
  • Competition Schedule page component/functionality
    • Revised API integration and data flow layers
    • Modernized component code
    • Extended for use in Team context
  • ViewCompetitionData contract user_navigation property type
  • CompetitionUserNavigation.vue to use new DataNavigationLink.vue component sub-links
  • CompetitionRegistrationRegistrationCta component to support external click event handling
  • ViewCompetitionData schema
    • Added links property
    • Made registration_cta_configuration and volunteer_cta_configuration properties optional
    • Added team_registration_cta_configuration property


  • Pre-existing "View Competition" schemas and functionality
    • FetchViewCompetitionAPIResponse interface
    • API Service fetchViewCompetitionCompetition method
    • State Module fetchViewCompetitionCompetition action
  • Elements of existing Competition Documents functionality
    • competition_documents property of CompetitionInformation-related structures
      • CompetitionInformationData
      • CompetitionInformation model
      • competition_documents property of "Fetch Competition Information" API response
    • competition document getters and actions in CompetitionsState
  • CompetitionService and CompetitionsState methods and properties related to Competition Contacts


  • "Competition Documents" accordion from "Competition Information" page
    • Removed element from template
    • Removed component registration in parent
  • CompetitionUserNavigationLink component and related data structures



[] Admin Portal Compliance Data Update - 2020-07-23


  • "Fetch Entity Check-In" API endpoint and supporting functionality




  • is_compliant property from entities returned by "Check-In Fetch Entities" API endpoint



[] Admin Portal Update - Roster Rules 2020-07-21



  • Moved team_roster_rules property from "Competition Management Fetch Active Competition" API endpoint to "Entity Check-In Fetch Roster" endpoint



  • team_roster_rules property from CompetitionManagementCompetition model



[3.2.10] Team Registration 2020-06-11


  • Reactive page component for EMS Home
  • 'team_manager' UserRole
  • competition-registration-teams.js build script
  • PageEntityHeader component
  • Team Registration
    • Select Team Page
    • Competition List Page
    • Registration SPA
  • Page component "Back" link click handler function option
  • Abstract API service getValueFromCookie method
  • Generic saving/confirmation overlay component (SavingConfirmationOverlay)
  • 'patch' verb support to AbstractAPIService submitWithTransformedResponse method
  • Extensible PricingTable component (namespaced within TeamRegistration)
  • Event Selection Event Card paid status indicator
  • --invalid (red) custom checkbox variant
  • .labeled-action-button element
  • .warning-notice multi-line warning text element
    • associated icon


  • BrowserSync proxy URL
  • Default pagination per-page to 50
  • Tangential Structures to support EMS Home reactivity
    • Changed markup in src/views/pages/N.0_EMS_Home.php
    • .panel-link__error styling
    • Added user endpoint completion detection for User State
  • SPD Competition Registration Event Selection Component (src/js/components/CompetitionRegistration/EventSelection.vue)
    • Extract majority of functionality into mixin (src/js/mixins/EventSelectionMixin.ts)




  • Issue in which cleared dates in Competition Filter triggered filtering incorrectly


[] 2020-06-04


  • Discrete PI error messaging when selecting full session






[] 2020-06-02


  • Support for competitions with closed registration windows in Competition Registration CTA component






[] 2020-06-02



  • Populate "Back" link on Competition Schedule via API data rather than component property





[] Nullable Search Competitions Registration Deadlines - yyyy-mm-dd



  • Made SearchCompetition Competition registration_deadline property optional





[3.2.9] Series Registration Standings - 2020-04-10


  • "Series Registration" Standings page, elements and components
  • Elements
    • Labeled Toggle Element
    • Small toggle variant
  • Support
    • Base filtering service







[3.2.8] Series Registration - 2020-03-26

  • "Series Registration" pages, elements and components
    • General
      • Series Registration compiled script
      • Elements
        • series-summary
        • cost-display
    • "Series Information" (Series Registration Index) page
    • "Series Application" page
  • Components
    • Self-contained "Skate Tests" component that includes history display and edit overlay
    • Self-contained "Member Search Takeover" component that includes member search within a site-takeover
    • Root level "Confirm Action" overlay component - allows interrupting a user action with a confirmation overlay on the app root level
    • Root level "Notice" overlay component
    • Animated Saving Icon
  • Elements
    • Warning and Danger icons
    • Warning and danger text display elements
  • Support
    • Member search validation function factory
    • Helper function (enforcePromiseResolutionDuration) to enforce promise resolution minimum duration
    • Base level member search API service
    • Status Text
      • Dedicated Global contracts
      • Global class filter
  • Mock API
    • Member Search
      • ability to search by gender
      • generic member search endpoint
    • Cart
      • Series registration cart


  • General
    • Added EMS Home to primary navigation main menu
  • Elements
    • Popup
      • add --md variant
    • Site Takeover
      • Add title element
      • Add --accent variant
  • Components
    • Page
      • add pre-header slot
      • add header-content slot
    • AnimatedCheckIcon
      • Moved to app level components directory from Admin Portal components directory
  • Support
    • Abstract API Service
      • added patch to available request methods for SubmitForAPISubmissionResponseParameters
    • Skate Test History State Module
      • Added ability to override save and remove test actions
    • Cart
      • Added cart_item_type_key enum option of series_registration_fee
      • Extended CartRemoveRegistrationItemAPIPayload to include the cart_item_type_key of the item being removed
  • Mock API
    • Skate Tests
      • moved skate test modification functionality from endpoint closure to skate test history model/manager
  • Added AutoSuggest component input debounce to improve performance in Edge/IE




  • Added missing preventDefault on member search ineligible warning notice click event


  • Updated NPM dependencies to resolve security issues

[3.2.7] - Schedule Access - 2020‑02‑03


  • Global Components
    • Carousel
    • CompetitionRegistrationRegistrationCta
    • CompetitionUserNavigation
    • ComponentLoader
    • AddressFormFields
    • ParentedCheckboxGroup
    • DateInputExtended
    • CompetitionFilter
    • Page
  • Search Competitions Page
    • Page component
    • Supporting State/Service methods
    • Supporting Contracts
    • Page template
  • View Competition Page
    • Page component
    • Supporting Contracts
    • Supporting Sub-Components
      • CompetitionVolunteerCta
    • Model
    • Supporting State/Service methods
  • Competition Schedule Page
    • Page component
    • Supporting Sub-Components
      • CompetitionScheduleFilters
      • CompetitionScheduleLegend
      • CompetitionScheduleRinkSchedule
    • Supporting Filtering Service CompetitionScheduleRinkScheduleFilterService
    • Supporting Contracts and Constants
    • Supporting State and API Service methods
  • Search Competitions page links
    • EMS Home template N.0_EMS_Home.php
    • Main navigation menu src/views/layouts/partials/header.php
  • Competition Heading Data Flows for Non-User Competitions
    • HasVariableCompetitionHeading mixin
    • State and Service methods
  • Mixins
    • HasConfirmationOverlay
  • Helpers
    • src/js/helpers/DateFilterer dateRangeWithinWindow method
    • src/js/helpers/StringHelpers.ts splice method
  • Style Elements/Modifiers
    • --with-pagination page variant
    • Page Heading Site Element (.page-heading)
    • .competition-tile-list abstract element styles
    • --range .form-row variant
  • Segregated Competition Field contracts
  • Mock API
    • CompetitionFieldFactory
    • FieldFactory
    • Routes/Factories and Managers to support new API functionality needs


  • Global Components
    • Accordion
      • Added close method
      • Extracted interface out of .vue file
    • StandardSession
      • Added property to configure carousel no-swipe binding
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Components
      • VolunteerOpportunitiesRequest * Added template to vue file * Extended completion functionality to extra response data * Added scroll resetting in context outside of site overlay
      • VolunteerRequestExperienceForm * Added template to vue file * Added support for JS-based criminal check and terms links
      • VolunteerRequestGeneralInformation * Added template to vue file * code formatting
      • VolunteerRequestGeneralInformationForm * Added template to vue file * code formatting
    • State
      • Added standalone mode with unique submission flow for submitting a request from View Competition page
      • Added configurability
      • Added links for criminal history and terms links
      • Extended submit request response handling
    • Data
      • Added links property to model
  • Existing "Competition Schedule" (Coach Competition Schedule)
    • Demo Site page url from /competition-schedule to /coach-competition-schedule
    • CompetitionList Component (Site Header Competition Sub-navigation menu)
      • Change link label from "Competition Schedule" to "Competition Schedule (Coach)"
      • Change component members and bindings to refer to "Coach Competition Schedule" instead of "Competition Schedule"
    • CompetitionDetail page component
      • Change component members and bindings to refer to "Coach Competition Schedule" instead of "Competition Schedule"
      • Change template (src/views/pages/C.1_competition_details.php) bindings to updated members. Add "(Coach)" label to link.
    • Competition model (src/js/models/Competition/Competition.ts)
      • Rename _competition_schedule_link property to _coach_competition_schedule_link and change URL.
    • Page Component
      • renamed from srs/js/CompetitionSchedule.vue to src/js/CoachCompetitionSchedule.vue
      • Changed component binding element from <competition-schedule> to <coach-competition-schedule>
    • Page Template
      • Changed component binding to reference new component binding
    • Symbolic link file to src/views/pages/coach-competition-schedule.php
  • Competition Contacts
    • CompetitionContacts page component
      • Upgraded to use HasDataDependencies mixin for loading process
      • Added HasVariableCompetitionHeading to support loading page heading for non-user competitions
    • Service/State (CompetitionService, CompetitionsState)
      • Changed Competition Contacts fetch method to use AbstractAPIService API instead of request-specific functionality.
      • Added FetchCompetitionContactsAPIResponse and FetchCompetitionContactsServiceResponse types
    • Modified template src/views/pages/E.2.1_Competition-contacts.php to support new competition heading and use new component loader
  • CompetitionTile component
    • Relocated and reformatted file (src/js/components/CompetitionRegistration/ to src/js/components/CompetitionTile/)
    • Registered component globally (removed local registration from src/js/pages/CompetitionRegistration/CompetitionRegistrationIndex.vue)
    • Changed prop type from RegistrationListCompetition to new component-specific CompetitionTileCompetition
    • Relocated and reorganized associated stylesheets
    • Extracted .competition-tile-list abstract element
  • Session type_key property from generic string to new SessionTypeKey dedicated type
    • src/js/models/Sessions/PracticeIce.ts
    • src/js/models/Sessions/Resurface.ts
    • src/js/models/Sessions/Session.ts
    • src/js/models/Sessions/SkatingEventSession.ts
    • src/js/models/Sessions/WarmUp.ts
    • src/js/models/SessionValidator.ts
    • src/js/models/Collections/SessionCollection.ts
  • Schedule Carousel Factories (src/js/pages/PracticeIce/RinkNameCarousel.ts, src/js/pages/PracticeIce/RinkSessionCarousel.ts)
    • Extended create function to accept override parameters
  • Competition Schedule Model - Added optional legend and links properties
    • src/js/models/Competition/CompetitionSchedule.ts
    • src/js/adaptors/CompetitionScheduleDataAdaptor.ts
      • Additional linting updates
  • Element Styles
    • .parented-checkbox-group
      • Moved file into global elements directory
      • Added --small variant
    • Increased .page__heading top padding to normalize page heading alignment site-wide
  • Symbolic file src/views/CompetitionProfile/Index.php to reference /O.2_view_competition.php instead of C.1_competition_details.php
  • Mock API
    • Update selected functionality to work within Schedule Access user flows
      • CompetitionRegistrationCompetition
      • CompetitionSchedule


  • Volunteer Opportunities Sub-component Templates - Deprecated in favor of Vue component templates
    • M.3.1.1_volunteer-request-general-information-form.php
    • M.3.1_volunteer-request-general-information.php
    • M.3.2_volunteer-opportunities-request-experience.php
    • M.3_volunteer-opportunities-request.php
  • Competition Registration Index
    • Unique Competition tile CTA functionality has been superseded by new CompetitionRegistrationRegistrationCta component
      • CompetitionRegistrationIndex Vue component * Deprecation notice added to methods superseded by new component
      • K.0_CompetitionRegistration.competition-list.php Template * Deprecation notice added to unique markup for CTA. * New component integration stub added (within inactive code).
  • CompetitionDetail Page (replaced by View Competition page)
    • template src/views/pages/C.1_competition_details.php
    • page component src/js/components/CompetitionDetail.vue
    • page style override src/sass/pages/_app-pages.scss:23
  • address-form-fields.php partial in favor of new Vue component partial
  • .page__heading Block element


  • CompetitionRegistrationIndex vue component CompetitionTile component local registration


  • Coach Competition Schedule Template
    • H.1_competition-schedule.php - Added carousel navigation added to Practice Ice in release 3.2.3
  • Incorrect type reference in INTEGRATION_GUIDES/

[3.2.6] - Competition Documents - 2019-12-06


  • Competition Documents feature:
    • Component presentation, interaction, state, service and data layers
    • Mock API
    • Documentation
  • delay_response Demo simulation argument
  • IdIndexedSubmissionStatus App-level interface (extracted from EditableComplianceSummaryState)
  • Inline documentation to CompetitionInformationData interface
  • Status Checkbox markup, styles and icons
  • Skater Portal page "Back Heading" presentation layer


  • Performed code style updates to existing files to adhere to new standards:
    • src/js/adaptors/CompetitionInformationDataAdaptor.ts
    • src/js/components/CompetitionInformation.vue
    • src/js/models/Competition/CompetitionInformation.ts
    • src/js/services/CompetitionService.ts
    • src/js/store/Modules/CompetitionsState.ts
  • Extended Competition Information page to support Competition Documents and tangential updates
    • Add competition documents accordion and content
    • Add updated page heading to include back link
    • Added HasDataDependencies mixin to optimize loading process
    • Added documentation to component members where absent
    • Refactored data calls to use prioritized data structures (removed associated @refactor flag)
    • Refactored markup and styles of template:
      • Remove unnecessary markup for accordion contents
      • Normalize accordion content styles
      • Use utility classes added prior to original page completion
  • Extracted variables from src/sass/AdminPortal/_elements/_admin-portal-page-heading.scss


  • Style definitions rendered obsolete by updates

[3.2.5] - Admin Portal - 2019-11-20


  • Admin Portal pages and associated functionality
  • EMS Landing Page
  • Directions, announcement and directions properties to CompetitionData schema
    • See updated INTEGRATION_GUIDES/ for new optional properties:
      • website_url
      • directions
      • announcement_url
  • Email Form component and state module
  • Site Takeover Component (alternative to Site Overlay)
  • Site Takeover Directive
  • Markup templates to component files
    • MemberCategoryAssignment
    • MemberSearch
    • MemberSearchForm
    • MemberSearchResults
    • MemberSearchResultsHeader
    • MemberSearchResultsPagination
  • Member Search form Pre/Post slots, and additional form validation configurations
  • Optional Configurations to Site Overlay Component
    • Transitions
    • Return to scroll position on close
    • Whether to lock body scroll
    • Whether to show header
  • New Helpers
    • File Size
    • String Manipulation
  • App Root Functions related to document scroll position
  • Has Paginated Items Mixin
  • Abstract API Service
  • New App Icons
  • Ghost Action Button variant
  • Data-trigger Accordion variant
  • Status and External Panel Link variants


  • Elevated abstract components from Competition Registration script file to main script bootstrap
  • CompetitionHeading component
    • Markup/Styles rewrite
    • Add directions, announcement and competition website links
  • Navigation "Main Menu" navigation items
  • Refined lint rules
  • SkaterCoachedEventCollection typing extensions


  • Button links on Members Only Home page

[3.2.4] Volunteer Opportunities - 2019-08-19


  • Volunteer Opportunities feature
  • Linting tooling (Eslint)
  • Pre-commit hook to enforce code style
  • Search mixins to contain shared functionality across search related components
    • SearchMixin
    • SearchResultsMixin
  • Optional template to abstract Pagination component
  • Standalone SearchResultsHeader abstract component
  • Ability to pass component props to existing components:
    • SiteOverlay (content HTML class)
    • Tab (tab body HTML class)
    • Tabs (tab triggers HTML class)
  • preDataLoad method to HasDataDependencies mixin to enable actions prior to data retrieval
  • confirmed Form Validation rule
  • Stricter typing surrounding Pagination
  • Emergency Contact information and Profile update functionality to UserState
  • Fixed-width flex grid column variant


  • Mock competition data allowing demo site to always enable Music and PPC component access
  • Dependency version updates
    • Minor version updates to multiple dependencies
    • Laravel Mix (2=>4)
    • Minor source updates to align with updated dependencies
      • Added Promise polyfill to Competition Registration scripts as needed given build update
      • Removed fallback static alt attribute in CompetitionHeading component template
      • Changed syntax in various components to adhere to new build dependency rules:
        • MemberSearchForm
        • MyCoachesSearchForm
        • RinkSchedule
        • PopUp
        • SupportDocuments
      • Changed vuex module registration timing in CompetitionRegistrationSkateTests component
    • Build configurations to align with updated dependencies
  • Location of EmergencyContactFormState file
  • Moved User-related contracts into dedicated file
    • Updated import path in dependent files
  • CoachSearch and MemberSearch component implementations to use new search mixins


  • Mock Club form options with "Deleted" in the name


  • Added missing closing tag to Create Account parent template


  • Dependency updates to resolve security vulnerabilities

[3.2.3] Practice Ice UI Updates - 2019-08-12


  • Practice Ice carousel display
  • Practice Ice related file code style


  • Available icons to style guide

[3.2.2] Event Requirements - 2019‑07‑19


  • Competition Registration Event Selection "Event Requirements" subcomponent

[3.2.1] Build Updates - 2019-07-09


  • Fork TS Checker Webpack Plugin to speed up build process.
  • New constants for quicker build configurations

[3.2.0] Support Documents - 2019-07-02


  • Support Documents Page and supporting functionality
  • Icon link class and modifier extensions
    • Relocated previously existing style definitions into new file
    • Adjusted page-specific styles to accommodate abstraction changes
  • DOM helpers class
  • Left/Right slide transitions
  • Document Icon
  • Documentation files
      • Outlines general integration notes
      • Documents API integration
  • Option to Create Account component to skip submission of blank emergency contact form data (resolved "todo")


  • src/views/layouts/partials/footer.php
    • "Contact Us" wording change to "Contact Member Services"
  • src/views/layouts/partials/header.php
    • Add link to Support Documents ("Help & Resources")
    • Change wording of EMS Support link from "Support
  • src/views/pages/J.1_create_account.php
    • Add create account instruction link and copy
  • Site header menu tab text alignment


  • Deprecated/Unused Type Definitions:
    • StagingCartCreditAddPayload
    • StagingCreditList
    • SkatingEventCategory
  • legacy-mocks and legacy-models directories and contents


  • Code style of contract files
    • All lines terminated with semicolon
    • Single line break between types/interfaces
    • Double line break between sections
  • Miscellaneous cleanup:
    • comment typos
    • Add missing semicolons

[3.1.1] 2019-06-28 Representation Selection Hotfix


  • RepresentationSelectionAPIPayload request with default payload when user checks confirmation checkbox on Competition Registration "My Profile" page when representation_selection_required flag is set.
    • Default payload selects the user's first LTS program if they have any. Otherwise, payload indicates the user's home club
    • Disables confirmation checkbox form input while request is pending
    • Includes support of error message display should the request fail.
  • Disabled visual state to custom checkbox element.
  • Display message for representation selection screen when a user has neither club nor LTS membership


  • Allow lts_programs property on UserProfile to be null
    • If a user has no LTS programs, do not show "Other Organization" in Representation Selection
    • Hide section of "My Profile" page when data is absent
  • Make membership_validity_formatted on user profile home_club property optional
    • Updated interface logic to hide UI elements when data is absent
  • Make summary.validity_date_formatted on user profile lts_programs property optional
    • Updated interface logic to hide UI elements when data is absent
  • Display of club information on Competition Registration "My Profile" page when data is null
    • Previously displayed "None" next to field label. Now field does not show if data is null


  • Extraneous inline style on Competition Registration "My Profile" page confirmation checkbox element


  • Issue in which a user could not proceed past "My Profile" page of Competition Registration when representation_selection_required flag is set to false.

[3.1.0] Competition Registration - 2019-06-03


  • Competition Registration components
  • Member search abstract component
  • Autosuggest component
  • Category Member Assignment component
  • Skate Test History


  • Script builds to use vendor extraction
  • Cart API
  • Billing Address API and interface


  • Skate Test Equivalency


  • Old billing address state management

Previous Releases

3.0.0 - Create Account - 2019‑04‑12 2.4.0 - Practice Ice Data Update - 2018‑09‑28 2.3.0 - Coach Schedule - 2018‑09‑19 2.2.0 - Skater Coach Nav - 2018‑07‑13 2.1.0 - EMS Support - 2018‑08‑21 2.0.0 - Music & PPC - 2018‑07‑27