Renderer for (primarily) 2d pixel graphics games built on Pixi.js.
I'm building this as a component of a spaceship battle game, which is at:
Requires the 2dGameUtils library, which must be located in the same directory that this project is checked out into.
So, to get both, run the following from the directory where you want your copies of the repositories to live.
git clone
git clone
The Renderer singleton must be initialised before use, and before assets are loaded.
// Initialise Pixl
Renderer.init(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// Load assets from the RendererAssets, call start when done
Renderer.loadAssets(RendererAssets, start);
function start() {
const nStarDefs = 12;
const renderObjects = [];
// Layers of stars that will scroll with parallax as the ViewPort is moved
for (let layer = 25, layerNum = 0; layerNum < 3; layer *= 2, layerNum++) {
const sceneryLayer = Renderer.createSceneryLayer(layer);
for (let i = 0; i < 500 * layer; i++) {
Math.random() * Renderer.bounds.x,
Math.random() * Renderer.bounds.y,
const playerLayer = Renderer.createLayer(100);
const player = RenderObject.createFromConfig('uship', playerLayer);
Renderer.viewPort.lookAtRect(new Rect(750,550,1050,750));
To render things with Pixl, assets are supplied via templates, then instantiated with RenderObject.createFromConfig
The assets definition is an object made up of a specific collection of properties that define the texture atlas, the templates for RenderObjects, and some optional visual configurations for RenderObjects.
RenderObjects are a complex entity, that is made up of a tree of containers, sprites, and animated sprites. Nodes of a RenderObject may be named so they can be referenced in visual configurations.
Visual configurations control the visual state of the RenderObject, including what nodes of the RenderObject are visible, what animations are running, etc.
An example configuration:
export const RendererAssets = {
atlas: ['atlas.json'],
templates: {
'ushipBasic': {
base: {
type: 'sprite',
sprite: 'USpaceShip--'
'uship': {
base: {
//name: 'main' // Name is optional, used to refer to nodes explicitly
type: 'sprite', // Can be container|sprite|animatedSprite
sprite: 'USpaceShip--', // Only for type:sprite
//animations: [], // Only for type:animatedSprite
//pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}, // Mid point is the default
//rotation: 90, // 0 is the default
//visible: true /// true|false, true is default
children: [
name: 'engine', // Give a name because we'll want to hide this
type: 'animatedSprite',
position: {x: -18, y: 0}, // Relative to pivot of parent
frames: ['USpaceShipEngine--0', 'USpaceShipEngine--1', 'USpaceShipEngine--2'],
//animationSpeed: 100 // ms per frame - default is 100
name: 'engineStart',
type: 'animatedSprite',
position: {x: -18, y: 0},
frames: ['USpaceShipEngine--0', 'USpaceShipEngine--1', 'USpaceShipEngine--2'],
visible: false,
configs: {
engineStart: [
{name: 'engine', visible: false, animation: {control: 'stop'}} ,
{name: 'engineStart', visible: true, animation: {control: 'start', repeats: 1, onEnd: 'engineOn'}},
engineOn: [
{name: 'engineStart', visible: false, animation: {control: 'stop'}},
{name: 'engine', visible: true, animation: {control: 'start', repeats: Infinity}}
engineOff: [
{name: 'engineStart', visible: false, animation: {control: 'stop'}},
{name: 'engine', visible: false, animation: {control: 'stop'}}
- Optimise SceneryLayer so sprites make use of a sprite pool and offscreen sprites are removed
- Support container nodes on RenderObject
- Implement particle system
- Lots more I'm sure...