; PyComplex is now non-generics (like CPython'sPy_complex
- Lib/pathlib: argument order of Path.{sym,hard}link_to was reversed
- os.utime not compile on x86_64 macos
- expm1, log1p was inaccurate for arg near 0
- dist's signature was wrong ( used to be
func [F: SomeFloat](x, y: F): F
) degrees
was typed asdegress
- log1p, expm1 not accurate for arg near 0;
- math.{floor,ceil,trunc} now return int over float
- str for complex(N, nan) was "(Nnanj)" (shall be "nanj") and str(complex) returns something in form of
Complex(re: A, im: B)
- Lib/math's functions raises exception as Python does when math error occurs
- Lib/math:
- dist's signature wrongly used that of hypot
was typed as degress
- pow for complex type
supports objc (not test yet)
supports compiletime (nimvm)
for JS:
- math
- gamma, lgamma, erf, erfc are supported
- ldexp is more accurate
- math
- cbrt
- sumprod, dist, hypot
- nextafter, ulp
- ... (all APIs in CPython's math)
for Path