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Bwarmart Ecomm Website

Bwarmart Ecomm Website is a robust full-stack Ecommerce platform developed using the MERN Stack, seamlessly integrating MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS for a comprehensive online shopping experience.

The backend is powered by Node and Express, providing efficient APIs to handle the core functionalities of the platform. MongoDB is employed as the database, ensuring secure and scalable data storage.

React takes the lead in crafting a dynamic and responsive user interface. The frontend architecture incorporates various complementary tools and accessories to enhance the overall user experience.

Backend APIs

Following APIs have been created to handle various frontend requests:

  • User API: This API handles user authentication.

  • Product API: It is responsible for creating new products and managing customer orders (requires admin privileges).

  • Order API: This API deals with order details.

  • Payment API: It facilitates making payments using Stripe.

API Endpoints

GET Method

  • /api/v1/me : Get user details (requires log in).

  • /api/v1/logout : Logout user.

  • /api/v1/admin/user/:id : Get an user details (requires admin privileges).

  • /api/v1/products : Get All products.

  • /api/v1/admin/products : Get Admin Panel for products (admin).

  • /api/v1/product/:id : Get a product details.

  • /api/v1/reviews : Get product reviews.

  • /api/v1/order/:id : Get order details of a product (requires log in).

  • /api/v1/orders/me : Get All orders (logged in).

  • /api/v1/admin/orders : Get orders details for all users (admin).

  • /api/v1/stripeapikey: Get stripekey for payment (logged in)

POST Method

  • /api/v1/register : Create new account

  • /api/v1/login : Login to an existing account

  • /api/v1/password/forgot : For handling forgot password request.

  • /api/v1/admin/product/new: Create new product (admin).

  • /api/v1/order/new : Place new order (logged in).

  • /api/v1/payment/process : Handle payment request (logged in).

PUT Method

  • /api/v1/password/reset/:token : Reset password.

  • /api/v1/password/update : Update password (logged in).

  • /api/v1/me/update : Modify user details (logged in).

  • /api/v1/admin/user/:id : Update user details (admin)

  • /api/v1/admin/product/:id : Modify product information (admin).

  • /api/v1/review : Create a review (logged in).

  • /api/v1/admin/order/:id : Update order details (admin)


  • /api/v1/admin/user/:id : Delete an existing user (admin)

  • /api/v1/admin/product/:id : Delete an product (admin)

  • /api/v1/reviews : Delete review/reviews (logged in)

  • /api/v1/admin/order/:id : Delete order (admin)

Essential Variables

Created an config.env file at path: /backend/config/config.env.

Provided essential variable details given below.


Card Details

When testing interactively, use a card number, such as 4242 4242 4242 4242. Enter the card number in the Dashboard or in any payment form.

  • Use a valid future date, such as 12/24.
  • Use any three-digit CVC.


  • The website includes a Home page that displays various products.

  • A simple and interactive frontend has been developed to cater to both user and admin functionalities.

  • Users can easily login/register on the website. After logging in, users are able to place orders, make payments, and provide product reviews.

  • Admin user have additional privileges, such as creating, updating, and deleting products, as well as managing orders.

  • Multiple pages have been created, including Sign up, Add to cart, Payment gateway, Add products, Admin, and User, etc.