Integrated Database of Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan
Date published: 18 October 2015
Last modified: 11 March 2022
HDIC Viewer by Liu Guanwei
Yupian 玉篇, original edition 原本. Gu Yewang of the Liang dynasty 梁・顧野王, 543.
In preparation.
Yuanben Yupian fragments of vol.8, 9, 18, 19, 22, 24 and 27.
原本玉篇残巻. -
In preparation.
Yuanben Yupian quoted fragments in other books
Daguang Yihui Yupian 大広益会玉篇, Song print 宋本. Chen Pengnian of the Song dynasty 宋・陳彭年, 1013.
- SYP.tsv
Date: 20 October 2015
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽, Chair 代表
Li Yuan 李 媛, Person in Charge 担当者
Shirasu Hiroyuki 白須 裕之, Cooperator 校正協力者 (Songben Yupian Vol.1)
Longkan Shoujing 龍龕手鏡, Koryo print 高麗本. monk Xingjun of the Liao Dynasty 遼・行均, 997.
In preparation. -
A list of Gaoliben Longkan Shoujing radicals: Zhonghua Book Company edition (中華書局版), Keijo Imperial University edition (京城帝国大学版) and National Diet Library Digital Collections.
Date: 9 May 2016
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽
Tenrei banshō meigi 篆隷萬象名義, Kōsanji copy 高山寺本. monk Kūkai of the Heian period 空海, c. 827-835.
Date: 29 April 2016
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽, Chair 代表
Li Yuan 李 媛, Person in Charge 担当者 -
KTB.tsv -- Full text version
Date: 1 September 2016
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽, Chair 代表
Li Yuan 李 媛, Person in Charge 担当者 -
Kosanjibon Tenrei Bansho Meigi (KTB): Subun sosho edition (崇文叢書版) and National Diet Library Digital Collections.
Date: 4 September 2016
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽
Shinsen jikyō 新撰字鏡, Tenji copy 天治本. Buddhist monk Shōju 昌住, c. 898-901.
TSJ_entries.tsv -- Full list of headwords
Date: 28 June 2018
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽, Chair 代表
Li Yuan 李 媛, Person charge of text data proofreading データ入力・点検の担当
Liu Guanwei 劉 冠偉, Person in charge of image database design and implementation 画像データベース設計・実装の担当 -
TSJ_definitions.tsv -- Headwords and definitions
Date: 28 June 2018
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽, Chair 代表
Li Yuan 李 媛, Person charge of text data proofreading データ入力・点検の担当
Liu Guanwei 劉 冠偉, Person in charge of image database design and implementation 画像データベース設計・実装の担当 -
TSJ_ndl.tsv Tenjibon Shinsen-Jikyo (TSJ): Rikugokan edition, Rinsen shoten edition and National Diet Library Digital Collections.
Date: 31 January 2022
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽
Ruiju myogishō 類聚名義抄, Zushoryō copy 図書寮本, original edition 原撰本. anonymous Buddhist monk, about 1100.
- ZRM.txt
In preparation.
Ruiju myogishō 類聚名義抄, Kanchi’in copy 観智院本, reorganized edition 改編本. anonymous Buddhist monk, the latter half of the 12th century.
KRM.tsv -- Full text version
Date: 11 March 2022
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽 -
Kanchiinbon Ruiju Myogisho (KRM): Kazama Shobo edition, Tenri Zempon Sosho edition and National Diet Library Digital Collections.
Date: 20 October 2015
Ikeda Shoju 池田 証壽
The Editorial Committee of HDIC Database Project
Ikeda Shoju (Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University) 池田 証壽 (北海道大学名誉教授), Chair 委員長
HDIC project, IKEDA Shoju (Chair, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University)
Research group of Linguistics, Hokkaido University Faculty of Humanities and Human Siences
North 10, West 7, Kita-ku Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810 Japan
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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