- Rename project to metamodeling framework
- Allow results_file to try and find the results in the post_process/{metamodel['name']}/simulation_results.csv}
- Move downloading of simulations to Python. In custom script call from metamodeling.post_process import OpenStudioServerAPI
- Remove Ruby and add post processing python code. User will need to write their own post processing scripts.
- Remove the ANOVA plots in LinearModel due to missing statsmodel package.
- Remove the "results_directory" key in the metamodel definition file. This was no longer used.
- Add random to the validation_id option in the metamodel definition
- Remove some hard coded validation checks such as calculating the total HVAC energy
- Do not remove inspection results from the data folder when running build.
- Rename ETSModel to Metamodel. Metamodels point to a Metamodel (not ETSModel)
- Update SciKit Learn to 0.22.2, Update NumPy to 1.18.3, and other dependencies.
- Use pipelines for Random Forest and enable categorical variables
- Fix EPW Day of week calculation. Add Day of Week (%A) and Day of Week Int (%w).
- Add seaborn-qqplot to requirements
- Fix bug passing downsampling value to validation (users needs to ensure there is a downsample key in the metamodel.json file)
- Remove the renaming of ETS and district energy variables. These now must be renamed in the postprocessing of the simulation results.
- Updated to Seaborn 0.11, made sns calls use x, y
- Move to GitHub Actions for CI
- Adds an "inspect" method to the rom-runner (rom.py) CLI
- Remove example files
- Updates the dependency (setup) file to ensure correct installation of dependencies
- Use Python 3's super syntax
- Move example runs to a unittest
- Add Python coverage
- Move Ruby post processing script to 'post_process' folder
- Add results_file to the metamodel.json config file to point to the CSV that needs to be loaded
- Moved unit tests to root directory
- Moved post-processing script (which is in Ruby) from the data directory to the post_process directory
- Initial Release